## Test 1: compute_scale() works as expected ---- test_that("compute_scale Test 1: compute_scale works as expected", { input <- c(5, 1, 2, NA) expected_output <- mean((input - 1) * 25, na.rm = TRUE) expect_equal( compute_scale(input, c(1, 5), c(0, 100), min_n = 3 ), expected_output ) }) ## Test 2: scale is flipped if flip_direction == TRUE ---- test_that("compute_scale Test 2: scale is flipped if flip_direction == TRUE", { input <- c(1, 3, 3) expected_output <- 100 - (mean((input - 1) * 50, na.rm = TRUE)) expect_equal( compute_scale(input, c(1, 3), c(0, 100), flip_direction = TRUE, min_n = 3 ), expected_output ) }) ## Test 3: result is missing if min_n is not met ---- test_that("compute_scale Test 3: result is missing if min_n is not met", { input <- c(4) expected_output <- NA expect_equal( compute_scale(input, c(1, 5), c(0, 100), min_n = 2 ), expected_output ) }) ## Test 4: average is calculated without transformation if source and ---- ## target range aren't specified ---- test_that("compute_scale Test 4: average is calculated without transformation if source and target range aren't specified", { input <- c(1, 3, 5, 5, 1, 3, 3) expected_output <- mean(input, na.rm = TRUE) expect_equal( compute_scale(input, min_n = 4 ), expected_output ) }) ## Test 5: compute_scale() works as expected within derive_summary_records() ---- test_that("compute_scale Test 5: compute_scale() works as expected within derive_summary_records()", { input <- tibble::tribble( ~STUDYID, ~USUBJID, ~PARAMCD, ~AVISIT, ~AVISITN, ~AVAL, "ADMIRAL01", "01-701-1015", "ITEM1", "WEEK 10", 100, 5, "ADMIRAL01", "01-701-1015", "ITEM2", "WEEK 10", 100, 1, "ADMIRAL01", "01-701-1015", "ITEM3", "WEEK 10", 100, 2, "ADMIRAL01", "01-701-1015", "ITEM4", "WEEK 10", 100, NA, "ADMIRAL01", "01-701-1015", "ITEM1", "WEEK 20", 200, 1, "ADMIRAL01", "01-701-1015", "ITEM2", "WEEK 20", 200, 3, "ADMIRAL01", "01-701-1015", "ITEM3", "WEEK 20", 200, 5, "ADMIRAL01", "01-701-1015", "ITEM4", "WEEK 20", 200, 5, "ADMIRAL01", "01-701-1281", "ITEM1", "WEEK 10", 100, 4, ) expected_output <- bind_rows( input, input %>% filter(PARAMCD %in% c("ITEM1", "ITEM2", "ITEM3")) %>% group_by(STUDYID, USUBJID, AVISIT, AVISITN) %>% summarise(n = n(), AVAL = mean(AVAL, na.rm = TRUE)) %>% mutate( PARAMCD = "ITEMAVG", AVAL = ifelse(n >= 3, 100 - ((AVAL - 1) * 25), NA) ) %>% select(-n) ) expect_equal( derive_summary_records( input, dataset_add = input, by_vars = exprs(STUDYID, USUBJID, AVISIT, AVISITN), filter_add = (PARAMCD %in% c("ITEM1", "ITEM2", "ITEM3")), set_values_to = exprs( AVAL = compute_scale(AVAL, c(1, 5), c(0, 100), flip_direction = TRUE, min_n = 3), PARAMCD = "ITEMAVG" ) ), expected_output ) }) ## Test 6: error is thrown if source_range is supplied, but not ---- ## target_range, or vice-versa ---- test_that("compute_scale Test 6: error is thrown if source_range is supplied, but not target_range, or vice-versa", { input <- c(1, 3, 5, 5, 1, 3, 3) expect_error( compute_scale(input, source_range = c(1, 5), min_n = 2 ), paste0( "argument `target_range` is missing, with no default, but ", "`source_range` is not missing\nEither both or neither ", "argument should exist" ) ) expect_error( compute_scale(input, target_range = c(0, 100), min_n = 2 ), paste0( "argument `source_range` is missing, with no default, but ", "`target_range` is not missing\nEither both or neither ", "argument should exist" ) ) })