# compute_egfr ---- ## Test 1: EGFR CKD-EPI calculation ---- test_that("compute_egfr Test 1: EGFR CKD-EPI calculation", { # Expected values are taken from the National Kidney Foundation's # CKD-EPI Creatinine Equation (2021) calculator at # https://www.kidney.org/professionals/kdoqi/gfr_calculator expect_equal(round(compute_egfr( creat = 1.09, creatu = "mg/dL", age = 55, sex = "M", method = "CKD-EPI" ), 0L), 80) }) ## Test 2: EGFR CKD-EPI calculation ---- test_that("compute_egfr Test 2: EGFR CKD-EPI calculation", { # Expected values are taken from the National Kidney Foundation's # CKD-EPI Creatinine Equation (2021) calculator at # https://www.kidney.org/professionals/kdoqi/gfr_calculator expect_equal(round(compute_egfr( creat = 85, creatu = "umol/L", age = 65, sex = "F", method = "CKD-EPI" ), 0L), 66) }) ## Test 3: CRCL calculation ---- test_that("compute_egfr Test 3: CRCL calculation", { # Expected values are taken from the National Kidney Foundation's # CRCL Cockcroft and Gault (1973) calculator at # https://www.kidney.org/professionals/kdoqi/gfr_calculatorCoc expect_equal(round(compute_egfr( creat = 1.09, creatu = "mg/dL", age = 55, sex = "M", weight = 90, method = "CRCL" ), 0L), 97) }) ## Test 4: CRCL calculation ---- test_that("compute_egfr Test 4: CRCL calculation", { # Expected values are taken from the National Kidney Foundation's # CRCL Cockcroft and Gault (1973) calculator at # https://www.kidney.org/professionals/kdoqi/gfr_calculatorCoc expect_equal(round(compute_egfr( creat = 85, creatu = "umol/L", age = 65, sex = "F", weight = 60, method = "CRCL" ), 0L), 55) }) ## Test 5: EGFR MDRD calculation ---- test_that("compute_egfr Test 5: EGFR MDRD calculation", { # Expected values are taken from the MD Calc # MDRD GFR calculator at # https://www.mdcalc.com/calc/76/mdrd-gfr-equation expect_equal(round(compute_egfr( creat = 1.09, creatu = "mg/dL", age = 55, sex = "M", weight = 90, race = "WHITE", method = "MDRD" ), 1L), 70.2) }) ## Test 6: EGFR MDRD calculation ---- test_that("compute_egfr Test 6: EGFR MDRD calculation", { # Expected values are taken from the MD Calc # MDRD GFR calculator at # https://www.mdcalc.com/calc/76/mdrd-gfr-equation expect_equal(round(compute_egfr( creat = 85, creatu = "umol/L", age = 65, sex = "F", race = "BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN", method = "MDRD" ), 1L), 70.6) }) ## Test 7: CKD-EPI calculated on input data ---- test_that("compute_egfr Test 7: CKD-EPI calculated on input data", { input <- tibble::tribble( ~STUDYID, ~USUBJID, ~AGE, ~SEX, ~RACE, ~WTBL, ~CREATBL, ~CREATBLU, "P01", "P01-1001", 55, "M", "WHITE", 90.7, 96.3, "umol/L", "P01", "P01-1002", 52, "F", "BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN", 68, 70, "umol/L", "P01", "P01-1003", 67, "M", "BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN", 85, 77, "umol/L", "P01", "P01-1004", 76, "F", "ASIAN", 60, 65, "umol/L" ) expected_output <- tibble::tribble( ~STUDYID, ~USUBJID, ~AGE, ~SEX, ~RACE, ~WTBL, ~CREATBL, ~CREATBLU, ~EGFR, "P01", "P01-1001", 55, "M", "WHITE", 90.7, 96.3, "umol/L", 80.2293, "P01", "P01-1002", 52, "F", "BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN", 68, 70, "umol/L", 89.7175, "P01", "P01-1003", 67, "M", "BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN", 85, 77, "umol/L", 94.5453, "P01", "P01-1004", 76, "F", "ASIAN", 60, 65, "umol/L", 84.4646, ) egfr <- input %>% dplyr::mutate( EGFR = compute_egfr( creat = CREATBL, creatu = CREATBLU, age = AGE, weight = WTBL, sex = SEX, method = "CKD-EPI" ), EGFR = round(EGFR, 4L) ) expect_dfs_equal( egfr, expected_output, keys = c("USUBJID") ) }) ## Test 8: 'wt' argument deprecation warning ---- test_that("compute_egfr Test 8: 'wt' argument deprecation warning", { # expect deprecation warning expect_error( compute_egfr( creat = 1.09, creatu = "mg/dL", age = 55, sex = "M", wt = 90, method = "CRCL" ), class = "lifecycle_error_deprecated" ) })