## Test 1: Test that call_derivation generates expected summary ---- # ---- call_derivation Test 1: Test that call_derivation generates expected summary ---- test_that("call_derivation Test 1: Test that call_derivation generates expected summary", { input <- pharmaversesdtm::vs[sample(seq_len(nrow(pharmaversesdtm::vs)), 1000), ] expected_output <- input %>% derive_summary_records( dataset_add = input, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, VSTESTCD), set_values_to = exprs( VSSTRESN = mean(VSSTRESN, na.rm = TRUE), DTYPE = "AVERAGE" ), filter_add = dplyr::n() >= 2L ) %>% derive_summary_records( dataset_add = input, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, VSTESTCD), set_values_to = exprs( VSSTRESN = max(VSSTRESN, na.rm = TRUE), DTYPE = "MAXIMUM" ), filter_add = dplyr::n() >= 2L ) %>% derive_summary_records( dataset_add = input, by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, VSTESTCD), set_values_to = exprs( VSSTRESN = min(VSSTRESN, na.rm = TRUE), DTYPE = "MINIMUM" ), filter_add = dplyr::n() >= 2L ) actual_output <- call_derivation( dataset = input, dataset_add = input, derivation = derive_summary_records, variable_params = list( params( set_values_to = exprs( VSSTRESN = mean(VSSTRESN, na.rm = TRUE), DTYPE = "AVERAGE" ) ), params( set_values_to = exprs( VSSTRESN = max(VSSTRESN, na.rm = TRUE), DTYPE = "MAXIMUM" ) ), params( set_values_to = exprs( VSSTRESN = min(VSSTRESN, na.rm = TRUE), DTYPE = "MINIMUM" ) ) ), by_vars = exprs(USUBJID, VSTESTCD), filter_add = dplyr::n() >= 2L ) expect_dfs_equal( expected_output, actual_output, keys = c("USUBJID", "VSTESTCD", "VISIT", "DTYPE", "VSSEQ") ) }) ## Test 2: Test that call_derivation generates expected imputation ---- # ---- call_derivation Test 2: Test that call_derivation generates expected imputation ---- test_that("call_derivation Test 2: Test that call_derivation generates expected imputation", { input <- pharmaversesdtm::ae[sample(seq_len(nrow(pharmaversesdtm::ae)), 1000), ] %>% left_join(admiral_adsl, by = "USUBJID") expected_output <- input %>% derive_vars_dt( new_vars_prefix = "AST", dtc = AESTDTC, date_imputation = "first", min_dates = exprs(TRTSDT), max_dates = exprs(TRTEDT) ) %>% derive_vars_dt( new_vars_prefix = "AEN", dtc = AEENDTC, date_imputation = "last", min_dates = exprs(TRTSDT), max_dates = exprs(TRTEDT) ) actual_output <- call_derivation( dataset = input, derivation = derive_vars_dt, variable_params = list( params(dtc = AESTDTC, date_imputation = "first", new_vars_prefix = "AST"), params(dtc = AEENDTC, date_imputation = "last", new_vars_prefix = "AEN") ), min_dates = exprs(TRTSDT), max_dates = exprs(TRTEDT) ) expect_dfs_equal(expected_output, actual_output, keys = c("USUBJID", "AESEQ")) }) ## Test 3: Test that Error is thrown if ... has no arguments ---- # ---- call_derivation Test 3: Test that Error is thrown if ... has no arguments ---- test_that("call_derivation Test 3: Test that Error is thrown if ... has no arguments", { input <- pharmaversesdtm::ae[sample(seq_len(nrow(pharmaversesdtm::ae)), 1000), ] %>% left_join(admiral_adsl, by = "USUBJID") expect_error( call_derivation( dataset = input, derivation = derive_vars_dt, variable_params = list( params(dtc = AESTDTC, date_imputation = "first", new_vars_prefix = "AST"), params(dtc = AEENDTC, date_imputation = "last", new_vars_prefix = "AEN") ) ), "At least one argument must be set inside `...`" ) }) ## Test 4: Error is thrown if ... arguments are not properly named ---- # ---- call_derivation Test 4: Error is thrown if ... arguments are not properly named ---- test_that("call_derivation Test 4: Error is thrown if ... arguments are not properly named", { input <- pharmaversesdtm::ae[sample(seq_len(nrow(pharmaversesdtm::ae)), 1000), ] %>% left_join(admiral_adsl, by = "USUBJID") expect_error( call_derivation( dataset = input, derivation = derive_vars_dt, variable_params = list( params(dtc = AESTDTC, date_imputation = "first", new_vars_prefix = "AST"), params(dtc = AEENDTC, date_imputation = "last", new_vars_prefix = "AEN") ), XYZSDT, XYZEDT ) ) }) ## Test 5: Error is thrown params is empty ---- # ---- call_derivation Test 5: Error is thrown params is empty ---- test_that("call_derivation Test 5: Error is thrown params is empty", { input <- pharmaversesdtm::ae[sample(seq_len(nrow(pharmaversesdtm::ae)), 1000), ] %>% left_join(admiral_adsl, by = "USUBJID") expect_error( call_derivation( dataset = input, derivation = derive_vars_dt, variable_params = list( params(), params() ), min_dates = exprs(TRTSDT), max_dates = exprs(TRTEDT) ), "At least one argument must be provided" ) }) ## Test 6: Error is thrown if passed params are not properly named ---- # ---- call_derivation Test 6: Error is thrown if passed params are not properly named ---- test_that("call_derivation Test 6: Error is thrown if passed params are not properly named", { input <- pharmaversesdtm::ae[sample(seq_len(nrow(pharmaversesdtm::ae)), 1000), ] %>% left_join(admiral_adsl, by = "USUBJID") expect_error( call_derivation( dataset = input, derivation = derive_vars_dt, variable_params = list( params(XYZ), params(XYZ) ), min_dates = exprs(TRTSDT), max_dates = exprs(TRTEDT) ), "All arguments passed to `params()` must be named", fixed = TRUE ) }) ## Test 7: Error is thrown if `...` arguments are not properly named ---- # ---- call_derivation Test 7: Error is thrown if `...` arguments are not properly named ---- test_that("call_derivation Test 7: Error is thrown if `...` arguments are not properly named", { input <- pharmaversesdtm::ae[sample(seq_len(nrow(pharmaversesdtm::ae)), 1000), ] %>% left_join(admiral_adsl, by = "USUBJID") expect_error( call_derivation( dataset = input, derivation = derive_vars_dt, variable_params = list( params(dtc = AESTDTC, date_imputation = "first", new_vars_prefix = "AST"), params(dtc = AEENDTC, date_imputation = "last", new_vars_prefix = "AEN") ), XYZSDT, XYZEDT ) ) }) ## Test 8: Error is thrown if duplicate parameters ---- # ---- call_derivation Test 8: Error is thrown if duplicate parameters ---- test_that("call_derivation Test 8: Error is thrown if duplicate parameters", { expect_error( params(dtc = VSDTC, dtc = VSDTC, new_vars_prefix = "A"), "The following parameters have been specified more than once: `dtc`", fixed = TRUE ) })