# convert_blanks_to_na ---- ## Test 1: blank strings are turned into `NA` ---- test_that("convert_blanks_to_na Test 1: blank strings are turned into `NA`", { expect_identical( convert_blanks_to_na(c("a", "", "b")), c("a", NA, "b") ) }) ## Test 2: attributes are preserved when converting blanks to `NA` ---- test_that("convert_blanks_to_na Test 2: attributes are preserved when converting blanks to `NA`", { input <- structure(letters, names = rev(letters), label = "Letters") input[c(1, 9, 23)] <- NA output <- convert_blanks_to_na(input) expect_identical(attr(output, "label"), "Letters") expect_identical(names(output), rev(letters)) }) ## Test 3: blank strings are turned into `NA` inside data frames ---- test_that("convert_blanks_to_na Test 3: blank strings are turned into `NA` inside data frames", { input <- tibble::tibble( a = structure(c("a", "b", "", "c"), label = "A"), b = structure(c(1, NA, 21, 9), label = "B"), c = structure(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), label = "C"), d = structure(c("", "", "s", "q"), label = "D") ) expected_output <- tibble::tibble( a = structure(c("a", "b", NA, "c"), label = "A"), b = structure(c(1, NA, 21, 9), label = "B"), c = structure(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), label = "C"), d = structure(c(NA, NA, "s", "q"), label = "D") ) expect_identical(convert_blanks_to_na(input), expected_output) }) ## Test 4: `convert_blanks_to_na.list` produces a lists ---- test_that("convert_blanks_to_na.list Test 4: `convert_blanks_to_na.list` produces a lists", { x <- c("", "", "") expected_output <- lapply(x, convert_blanks_to_na) actual_output <- convert_blanks_to_na.list(x) expect_equal(expected_output, actual_output) }) # Test 5: convert_na_to_blanks Test 5---- test_that("convert_na_to_blanks Test 5: `NA` strings are turned into blank ", { expect_identical( convert_na_to_blanks(c("a", NA, "b")), c("a", "", "b") ) }) ## Test 6: attributes are preserved when converting `NA` to blanks ---- test_that("convert_na_to_blanks Test 6: attributes are preserved when converting `NA` to blanks", { input <- structure(letters, names = rev(letters), label = "Letters") input[c(1, 9, 23)] <- NA_character_ output <- convert_na_to_blanks(input) expect_identical(attr(output, "label"), "Letters") expect_identical(names(output), rev(letters)) }) ## Test 7: `NA` are turned into blank strings inside data frames ---- test_that("convert_na_to_blanks Test 7: `NA` are turned into blank strings inside data frames", { input <- tibble::tibble( a = structure(c("a", "b", NA, "c"), label = "A"), b = structure(c(1, NA, 21, 9), label = "B"), c = structure(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), label = "C"), d = structure(c(NA, NA, "s", "q"), label = "D") ) expected_output <- tibble::tibble( a = structure(c("a", "b", "", "c"), label = "A"), b = structure(c(1, NA, 21, 9), label = "B"), c = structure(c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE), label = "C"), d = structure(c("", "", "s", "q"), label = "D") ) expect_equal(convert_na_to_blanks.data.frame(input), expected_output, ignore_attr = TRUE) }) # convert_na_to_blanks.list ---- ## Test 8: `convert_na_to_blanks.list` produces a lists ---- test_that("convert_na_to_blanks.list Test 8: `convert_na_to_blanks.list` produces a lists", { x <- c(NA_character_, NA_character_, NA_character_) expected_output <- lapply(x, convert_na_to_blanks) actual_output <- convert_na_to_blanks.list(x) expect_equal(expected_output, actual_output) }) # negate_vars ---- ## Test 9: negate_vars returns list of negated variables ---- test_that("negate_vars Test 9: negate_vars returns list of negated variables", { expect_identical(negate_vars(exprs(var1, var2)), rlang::exprs(-var1, -var2)) }) ## Test 10: negate_vars returns NULL if input is NULL ---- test_that("negate_vars Test 6: negate_vars returns NULL if input is NULL", { expect_identical(negate_vars(NULL), NULL) }) # get_one_to_many_dataset ---- ## Test 11: returns a data frame after a previous error ---- test_that("get_one_to_many_dataset Test 11: returns a data frame after a previous error", { try(assert_one_to_one(admiral_adsl, exprs(STUDYID), exprs(SITEID)), silent = TRUE) expect_true(is.data.frame(get_one_to_many_dataset())) }) # get_many_to_one_dataset ---- ## Test 12: returns a data frame after a previous error ---- test_that("get_many_to_one_dataset Test 12: returns a data frame after a previous error", { try(assert_one_to_one(admiral_adsl, exprs(SITEID), exprs(STUDYID)), silent = TRUE) expect_true(is.data.frame(get_many_to_one_dataset())) }) # print.source ---- ## Test 13: `source` objects are printed as intended ---- test_that("print.source Test 13: `source` objects are printed as intended", { ttae <- event_source( dataset_name = "ae", date = AESTDTC, set_values_to = exprs( EVENTDESC = "AE", SRCDOM = "AE", SRCVAR = "AESTDTC", SRCSEQ = AESEQ ) ) expected_print_output <- c( " object", "dataset_name: \"ae\"", "filter: NULL", "date: AESTDTC", "censor: 0L", "set_values_to:", " EVENTDESC: \"AE\"", " SRCDOM: \"AE\"", " SRCVAR: \"AESTDTC\"", " SRCSEQ: AESEQ" ) expect_identical(capture.output(print(ttae)), expected_print_output) }) ## Test 14: `source` objects containing `source` objects ---- test_that("print.source Test 14: `source` objects containing `source` objects", { slice <- derivation_slice( filter = AVISITN > 0, args = params(new_var = CHG) ) expected_print_output <- c( " object", "filter: AVISITN > 0", "args:", " object", " new_var: CHG" ) expect_identical(capture.output(print(slice)), expected_print_output) }) ## Test 15: `source` objects containing `data.frame` ---- test_that("print.source Test 15: `source` objects containing `data.frame`", { cqterms <- tibble::tribble( ~TERM_NAME, ~TERM_ID, "APPLICATION SITE ERYTHEMA", 10003041L, "APPLICATION SITE PRURITUS", 10003053L ) %>% mutate(TERM_LEVEL = "AEDECOD") cq <- query( prefix = "CQ01", name = "Application Site Issues", definition = cqterms ) expected_print_output <- c( " object", "prefix: \"CQ01\"", "name: \"Application Site Issues\"", "add_scope_num: FALSE", "definition:", "# A tibble: 2 x 3", " TERM_NAME TERM_ID TERM_LEVEL", " ", "1 APPLICATION SITE ERYTHEMA 10003041 AEDECOD ", "2 APPLICATION SITE PRURITUS 10003053 AEDECOD " ) # replace × with x due to differences between R versions and remove formatting expect_identical( str_replace_all(capture.output(print(cq)), "×", "x") %>% str_replace_all("\033\\[[\\d;]+m", ""), expected_print_output ) }) ## Test 16 print_named_list ---- test_that("print_named_list Test 16: named list", { expect_identical( capture.output(print_named_list(list(a = 1, b = 2))), c( "a: 1", "b: 2" ) ) }) ## Test 17: unnamed list ---- test_that("print_named_list Test 17: unnamed list", { expect_identical( capture.output(print_named_list(list(1, 2))), c( "1: 1", "2: 2" ) ) })