test_that("duplicate records are extracted", { input <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~COUNTRY, ~AAGE, "P01", "GER", 22, "P01", "JPN", 34, "P02", "CZE", 41, "P03", "AUS", 39, "P04", "BRA", 21, "P04", "BRA", 21 ) expected_ouput <- input[c(1:2, 5:6), ] expect_equal( expected_ouput, extract_duplicate_records(input, exprs(USUBJID)) ) }) test_that("dataset of duplicate records can be accessed using `get_duplicates_dataset()`", { input <- tibble::tribble( ~USUBJID, ~COUNTRY, ~AAGE, "P01", "GER", 22, "P01", "JPN", 34, "P02", "CZE", 41, "P03", "AUS", 39, "P04", "BRA", 21, "P04", "BRA", 21 ) expected_ouput <- input[c(1:2, 5:6), ] expect_error( signal_duplicate_records(input, exprs(USUBJID)), "Dataset contains duplicate records with respect to `USUBJID`", fixed = TRUE ) expect_true(all(expected_ouput == get_duplicates_dataset())) })