context("Consistency of the results of 'hicClust' across various input formats") test_that("'hicClust' gives identical results regardless of data input format", { testthat::skip_if_not_installed("HiTC") #Sys.setenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = 2) #case1: Input as HiTC::HTCexp object load(system.file("extdata", "hic_imr90_40_XX.rda", package = "adjclust")) fit1 <- hicClust(hic_imr90_40_XX) fit1_log <- hicClust(hic_imr90_40_XX, log = TRUE) expect_error(hicClust(hic_imr90_40_XX, h = "1"), "h should be numeric") #case2: Input as Matrix::dsCMatrix contact map mat <- HiTC::intdata(hic_imr90_40_XX) fit2 <- hicClust(mat) fit2_log <- hicClust(mat, log = TRUE) V1 <- mat@Dimnames[[1]][mat@i+1] #loci1names V2 <- rep(mat@Dimnames[[2]], diff(mat@p)) #loci2names V3 <- mat@x content <- data.frame(V1, V2, V3) fit_df <- hicClust(as.matrix(content)) tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".txt") write.table(content, tf, sep = "\t", col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE) fit3 <- hicClust(tf) fit3b <- hicClust(tf, sep = "\t") expect_identical(fit3[-5], fit3b[-5]) # '5' <=> 'call', which does differ fit3_log <- hicClust(tf, log = TRUE) expect_error(hicClust("non existing file name"), "Input of type 'character' should be a valid file.") df <- read.table(tf, header = FALSE, sep = "\t") fit4 <- hicClust(df) fit4_log <- hicClust(df, log = TRUE) # case 5: Input as matrix fit5 <- hicClust(as.matrix(mat)) fit5_log <- hicClust(as.matrix(mat), log = TRUE) # case 6: Input as Matrix fit6 <- hicClust(Matrix(mat)) fit6_log <- hicClust(Matrix(mat), log = TRUE) # case 7: Input as dgCMatrix smat <- as(as(as(mat, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix") fit7 <- hicClust(smat) fit7_log <- hicClust(smat, log = TRUE) # case 8: Input as dgeMatrix smat <- as(as(as(mat, "dMatrix"), "generalMatrix"), "unpackedMatrix") fit8 <- hicClust(smat) fit8_log <- hicClust(smat, log = TRUE) expect_equal(fit1$merge, fit2$merge) expect_equal(fit1$height, fit2$height) expect_equal(fit1$merge, fit3$merge) expect_equal(fit1$height, fit3$height) expect_equal(fit1$merge, fit4$merge) expect_equal(fit1$height, fit4$height) # test that hicClust methods returns expected 'calls' expect_identical(as.list(fit1$call)[[1]], as.symbol("hicClust")) expect_identical(as.list(fit2$call)[[1]], as.symbol("hicClust")) expect_identical(as.list(fit3$call)[[1]], as.symbol("hicClust")) expect_identical(as.list(fit4$call)[[1]], as.symbol("hicClust")) })