# acled_api unit testing # Basic functioning ---- test_that("number of columns is correct", { expect_equal(ncol(received_data),31) }) test_that("names of columns are correct", { expect_equal(names(received_data),columns) }) ## test if event_type filters work---- test_that("event_type filters work or not",{ expect_equal(unique(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-12-31", country = "Argentina", event_type = "Protests", prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE)$event_type), "Protests" ) }) ## Handling big calls ---- test_that("Split calls for big calls", { expect_equal(as.numeric(ceiling(sum(log_received_data$time)/300000)),max(log_received_data$calls)) }) test_that("country days are calculated as expected",{ argentina_country_days <- acledR::acled_countries %>% filter(country == "Argentina") %>% mutate(t_end = lubridate::ymd("2021-01-01"), unit_test = t_end - ymd(paste0(start_year, "-01-01"))) argentina_test_call <- acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), country = "Argentina", start_date="1998-01-01", end_date = "2021-01-01",prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = T, inter_numeric = TRUE) expect_equal(argentina_test_call$time, argentina_country_days$unit_test) }) local({ local_mocked_bindings(menu = function(choices,title=NULL) 1) test_that("Users continue call", { expect_equal(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-12-31",country = "Argentina", prompt = T, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), acled_api(Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-12-31",country = "Argentina", prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE)) }) }) # test on whether they can continue ## Regions are managed properly ---- test_that("Regions in numeric work",{ expect_true(all.equal(data.frame(region="Western Africa",rows=1:nrow(received_data_numeric_region))$region,received_data_numeric_region$region))}) ## Test what happens when someone requests a region and a country of another region ---- test_that("Testing that when requestion a region, and a country of another region, you get both",{ list_countries <- acledR::acled_countries %>% filter(region == "Central America") %>% unique(x=.$country) %>% append("Argentina") expect_setequal(unique(received_data_country_and_region$country), list_countries) }) test_that("When requesting a region with a numeric input, and a country of another region, you get both",{ list_countries <- acledR::acled_countries %>% filter(region == "Central America") %>% unique(x=.$country) %>% append("Argentina") expect_setequal(unique(received_data_country_and_region_num$country), list_countries) }) ## Timestamp works as required ---- test_that("timestamp (numeric) actually gets used as filter", { expect_gte(min(timestamp_numeric_check$timestamp), 1681622333) }) test_that("timestamp (string) actually gets used as filter", { expect_gte(min(timestamp_string_check$timestamp), 1681588800) }) ## A menu is prompted when the user provides a non-recognized timestamp, allowing users to either stop or continue---- local({ local_mocked_bindings(menu = function(choices,title=NULL) 2) test_that("A user can stop a call when the provided timestamp is not recognized",{ expect_error(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-12-31",country = "Argentina", timestamp = "muchachos", prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "User requested") }) }) local({ local_mocked_bindings(menu = function(choices,title=NULL) 1) test_that("A user can ignore the provided timestamp if it is not recognized",{ expect_no_error(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-12-31",country = "Argentina", timestamp = "muchachos", prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE)) }) }) ## When asking for monadics, it returns monadics ---- test_that("The call actually returns monadics.", { expect_equal(min(received_data_monadic$event_date), min(received_data$event_date)) expect_equal(max(received_data_monadic$event_date), max(received_data$event_date)) expect_equal(unique(received_data_monadic$country), unique(received_data$country)) expect_gte(nrow(received_data_monadic), nrow(received_data)) }) # Testing that population columns are returned when requested\ test_that("Population columns are being received", { population_cols <- c("population_1km","population_2km","population_5km","population_best") received_data_pops <- acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), country="Argentina", start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-01-04", population='full', prompt = F, acled_access = F, inter_numeric = TRUE) received_data_best <- acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), country="Argentina", start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-01-04", population='best',prompt = F, acled_access = F, inter_numeric = TRUE) expect_true(all(population_cols %in% colnames(received_data_pops))) expect_true("population_best" %in% colnames(received_data_best)) }) # Errors ---- ## Error when someone requests a region that does not exist---- test_that("Error prompted when region does not exist", { expect_error(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"),regions = "Narnia", start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-12-31",prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "One or more requested region names not in the ACLED country list.") }) test_that("Error when region number does not exist", { expect_error(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"),regions = 420, start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-12-31",prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "One or more requested region numbers not in the ACLED country list") }) ## Errors when a country requested doesnt exists ---- test_that("Error when one of two countries are wrong",{ expect_error(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"),country = c("Argentia","Bolivia"), start_date="2022-01-01",end_date = "2022-12-31",prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "One or more of the requested *")}) ## Test what happens when someone inputs acled_access as TRUE but it includes email and key. ---- test_that("Acled_access is ignored",{ expect_true(grepl("acledrexamples", log_received_data_check_credential$email[1])) }) # Test errors from incorrectly input arguments. ---- test_that("acled_api() throws an error when called with invalid arguments", { expect_error(acled_api(Country = "Argentina", start_date="2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-12-31", prompt = F, acled_access = T, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp= "Country is not a valid option. Please utilize \"country\", without capitalizing") expect_error(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), Region = "North America", start_date="2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-12-31", prompt = F, acled_access = T, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp= "Region is not a valid option. Please utilize \"regions\"") expect_error(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), Regions = "North America", start_date="2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-12-31", prompt = F, acled_access = T, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp= "Regions is not a valid option. Please utilize \"regions\", without capitalizing") expect_error(acled_api(Event_type = "Argentina", start_date="2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-12-31", prompt = F, acled_access = T, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp= "Event type is not a valid option. Please utilize \"event_types\", without capitalizing") expect_error(acled_api(country = "Argentina", Start_date="2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-12-31", prompt = F, acled_access = T, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp= "Start_date is not a valid option. Please utilize \"start_date\", without capitalizing") expect_error(acled_api(country = "Argentina", start_date="2022-01-01", End_date = "2022-12-31", prompt = F, acled_access = T, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp= "End_date is not a valid option. Please utilize \"end_date\", without capitalizing") }) # Test errors from badly utilized acled_access and key/email combination---- test_that("If access is TRUE and credentials are null, credentials are ignored, but an error appears if Keys are empty in the enviornemt", { expect_error( Sys.setenv("acled_key" = "") %>% acled_api(Country = "Argentina", start_date="2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-12-31", prompt = F, acled_access = T, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "acled_access is TRUE, but email and/or key are not stored in the enviornment. Please rerun acled_access or include key and email in function") }) test_that("Users gets an error when acled_access is False, but no key or email are provided.", { expect_error(acled_api(country = "Argentina", start_date="2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-12-31", prompt = F, acled_access = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "Email address required") expect_error(acled_api(email = "stuff",country = "Argentina", start_date="2022-01-01", end_date = "2022-12-31", prompt = F, acled_access = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "Key required") }) # Test error if start_date is after end_date ---- test_that("start_date is after end_date", { expect_error( acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), country = "Argentina", start_date="2022-01-01", end_date = "2021-01-01", prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "Requested \'start_date\'")}) # Error when timestamp is from a date later than today ---- test_that("timestamp is from a latter date than today." ,{ expect_error(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), country = "Argentina", start_date="2021-01-01", end_date = "2022-01-01", prompt = F, acled_access = F, timestamp = paste0(year(now())+1, "01-01"), # Way to make it always in the future log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "The timestamp cannot be" ) }) # Error when requesting non-existent event types ---- test_that("Error when non existent event types",{ expect_error(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), country = "Argentina", start_date="2021-01-01", end_date = "2022-01-01", event_types = c("Protests","Superhero fight"), prompt = F, acled_access = F, log = F, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "One or more requested event types are not in the ACLED data.") }) # A message appears that acled_access is being ignored, and the proper credentials are being used.---- test_that("A warning appears that acled_access is being ignored, and the proper credentials are being used.",{ alog <- acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), acled_access = T, log = T, inter_numeric = TRUE) expect_message(acled_api(email = Sys.getenv("EMAIL_ADDRESS_EXAMPLES"), key = Sys.getenv("EXAMPLES_KEY"), acled_access = T, log = T, inter_numeric = TRUE), regexp = "acled_access is TRUE, but email and key are included in the function. Ignoring acled_access.") expect_true(grepl("acledrexamples", alog$email[1])) }) # Weird cases ---- # Ensure tables do not display blanks, and display NAs instead test_that("Tables display NAs instead of blanks", { expect_equal(nrow(filter(received_data, if_any(everything(), ~ sjmisc::is_empty(.x, all.na.empty = F)))), 0) })