test_that("plotAbn() works", { #Define distribution list dist <- list(a="gaussian", b="gaussian", c="gaussian", d="gaussian", e="binomial", f="multinomial") #Plot from a formula and markov blanket for multinomial node expect_no_error(plotAbn(dag=~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, markov.blanket.node="b", data.dists =dist)) # Gaussian N <- 1000 mydists <- list(a="gaussian", b="gaussian") a <- rnorm(n = N, mean = 0, sd = 1) b <- 2 + a + rnorm(n = N, mean = 5, sd = 1) mydf <- data.frame("a" = a, "b" = b) mycache.mle <- buildScoreCache(data.df = mydf, data.dists = mydists, method = "mle", max.parents = 1) dag <- mostProbable(score.cache = mycache.mle, verbose = FALSE) expect_silent({ plt_dag <- plotAbn(dag=dag, data.dists = mydists) }) expect_s4_class(plt_dag, class = "graph") expect_s4_class(plt_dag, class = "graphAM") expect_s4_class(plt_dag, class = "graphBase") data.param.adjMat <- matrix(data=c(0, 0, 1, 0), nrow=2L, byrow=TRUE, dimnames = list(NULL, c("a", "b"))) # expect_equal(plt_dag@adjMat, data.param.adjMat) # TODO: For some reason, this does not work on CRAN expect_equal(plt_dag@graphData$edgemode, "directed") # Having an output expect_snapshot_output(plotAbn(dag=dag, plot = TRUE)) }) # construct example dist <- list(a="gaussian", b="gaussian", c="gaussian", d="gaussian", e="binomial", f="binomial") edge.strength <- matrix(c(0,0.5,0.5,0.7,0.1,0, #Define a matrix formulation 0,0,0.3,0.1,0,0.8, 0,0,0,0.35,0.66,0, 0,0,0,0,0.9,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0.8, 0,0,0,0,0,0),nrow = 6L, ncol = 6L, byrow = TRUE) colnames(edge.strength) <- rownames(edge.strength) <- names(dist) #Naming of the matrix test_that("Plot from a formula works", { dag.mat <- formula_abn(f = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, name = letters[1:6]) rownames(dag.mat) <- NULL plt <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dist = dist, node.fillcolor.list= "e") expect_equal(plt@adjMat, dag.mat) expect_equal(plt@renderInfo@nodes$fill[["e"]], "brown3") # fill color plt <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dist = dist, node.fillcolor.list= "e", markov.blanket.node = "b") expect_equal(plt@renderInfo@nodes$fill[["b"]], "brown3") # shapes plt <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dist = dist, node.shape='diamond') expect_equal(unname(plt@renderInfo@nodes$shape), rep("diamond", 6)) plt <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dist = dist, node.shape=c('diamond','box')) shapes_by_dists <- c() for (i in 1:length(unlist(dist))) { if(unlist(dist)[i] == "gaussian"){ shapes_by_dists[i] <- "diamond" } else { shapes_by_dists[i] <- "box" } } expect_equal(unname(plt@renderInfo@nodes$shape), shapes_by_dists) # Markov blanket plt <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, markov.blanket.node = "e") plt_fill <- plt@renderInfo@nodes$fill true_mb <- mb(dag= ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, node = "e") expect_equal(length(unique(plt_fill[true_mb])), 1) # check for one color among those nodes from true_mb idx <- which(plt_fill %in% plt_fill[true_mb]) # get indexes from true_mb nodes expect_false(any(names(plt_fill[-idx]) %in% true_mb)) # None of the other nodes (that are in true_mb) should be in true_mb plt <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, markov.blanket.node = "c") plt_fill <- plt@renderInfo@nodes$fill true_mb <- mb(dag= ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, node = "c") expect_equal(length(unique(plt_fill[true_mb])), 1) # check for one color among those nodes from true_mb idx <- which(plt_fill %in% plt_fill[true_mb]) # get indexes from true_mb nodes expect_false(any(names(plt_fill[-idx]) %in% true_mb)) # None of the other nodes (that are in true_mb) should be in true_mb plt <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, markov.blanket.node = c("d")) plt_fill <- plt@renderInfo@nodes$fill true_mb <- mb(dag= ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, node = "d") expect_equal(length(unique(plt_fill[true_mb])), 1) # check for one color among those nodes from true_mb idx <- which(plt_fill %in% plt_fill[true_mb]) # get indexes from true_mb nodes expect_false(any(names(plt_fill[-idx]) %in% true_mb)) # None of the other nodes (that are in true_mb) should be in true_mb plt <- plotAbn(dag = ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, markov.blanket.node = c("d","f")) plt_fill <- plt@renderInfo@nodes$fill true_mb <- mb(dag= ~a|b:c:e+b|c:d:f+e|f, data.dists = dist, node = c("d","f")) expect_equal(length(unique(plt_fill[true_mb])), 2) # check for one color among those nodes from true_mb idx <- which(plt_fill %in% plt_fill[true_mb]) # get indexes from true_mb nodes expect_false(any(names(plt_fill[-idx]) %in% true_mb)) # None of the other nodes (that are in true_mb) should be in true_mb # edge.strength expect_no_error({ plt <- plotAbn(edge.strength, edge.strength=edge.strength, data.dist = dist) # TODO: think about a better test for edgestrength }) vals <- c(t(edge.strength)) expect_error(plotAbn(edge.strength, edge.strength=edge.strength, data.dist = dist, fitted.values=vals[vals>0]), "argument is of length zero") # TODO: consider to make this error more meaningful. tmp <- edge.strength tmp[1,6] <- 1 expect_error(plotAbn(tmp, edge.strength=-edge.strength-4, data.dist = dist), "'edge.strength' should be positive") expect_no_error(plotAbn(tmp, edge.strength=edge.strength, data.dist = dist)) # zeros allowd expect_error(plotAbn(edge.strength, edge.strength=tmp, data.dist = dist),"'edge.strength' does not match dag") # classic view skip("Plot classic view is deprecated.") tmp <- plotAbn(dag = edge.strength, edge.strength=edge.strength, data.dist = dist) slot(tmp, "renderInfo", check=FALSE) <- NULL plot(tmp) # renderGraph(tmp) }) test_that("Plot from fitAbn() works", { mydat <- ex0.dag.data[,c("b1","b2","b3","g1","b4","p2","p4")] mydists <- list(b1="binomial", b2="binomial", b3="binomial", g1="gaussian", b4="binomial", p2="poisson", p4="poisson") mydag.empty <- matrix(0, nrow=7, ncol=7) colnames(mydag.empty) <- rownames(mydag.empty) <- names(mydat) myres <- fitAbn(dag = ~b1|b2+b2|p4+g1+g1|p2+b3|g1+b4|b1+p4|g1, data.df = mydat, data.dists = mydists) expect_no_error({ g <- plotAbn(myres$abnDag$dag, fitted.values = myres$modes, data.dists = mydists, edge.direction = 'pc') }) # check if all edges have labels expect_false(any(unique(g@renderInfo@edges$label) %in% c(" "))) # TODO: consider to relax to only some edges have labels. myres <- fitAbn(dag = ~b1|b2+b2|p4+g1+g1|p2+b3|g1+b4|b1:g1+p4|g1:b3:p2, data.df = mydat, data.dists = mydists) expect_no_error({ g <- plotAbn(myres$abnDag$dag, fitted.values = myres$modes, data.dists = mydists, edge.direction = 'pc') # TODO: Think about more specific test }) # check multinomial with "mle" mydat <- ex0.dag.data[,c("b1","b2","b3","g1","b4","p2","p4")] mydat1 <- cbind(m1=as.factor(as.numeric(mydat[,1])*2-as.numeric(mydat[,2])), mydat[3:7]) mydists1 <- list(m1="multinomial", b3="binomial", g1="gaussian", b4="binomial", p2="poisson", p4="poisson") myres1 <- fitAbn(dag = ~m1|b3:g1:b4+b3|p2:p4+p2|p4, data.df = mydat1, data.dists = mydists1, method='mle') expect_no_error(plotAbn(dag = ~m1|b3:g1:b4+b3|p2:p4+p2|p4, data.dist=mydists1, node.shape=rep('box',4))) })