R Under development (unstable) (2025-02-15 r87726 ucrt) -- "Unsuffered Consequences" Copyright (C) 2025 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. R is a collaborative project with many contributors. Type 'contributors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > ############################################################################# > # > # XLConnect > # Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Mirai Solutions GmbH > # > # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify > # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by > # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or > # (at your option) any later version. > # > # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, > # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of > # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the > # GNU General Public License for more details. > # > # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License > # along with this program. If not, see . > # > ############################################################################# > > ############################################################################# > # > # RUnit test-runner script > # > # Author: Martin Studer, Mirai Solutions GmbH > # > ############################################################################# > > # Set timezone to UTC > # Sys.setenv("TZ" = "UTC") > > # Option to determine if full test suite should be run > options("FULL.TEST.SUITE" = Sys.getenv("FULL_TEST_SUITE") == "1") > > # Limit number of GC threads; set timezone > j_params <- c("-XX:+UseParallelGC", "-XX:ParallelGCThreads=1", paste0("-Duser.timezone=", Sys.timezone())) > if(!getOption("FULL.TEST.SUITE")) { + j_params = c(j_params, "-XX:ActiveProcessorCount=1") + } > options(java.parameters = j_params) > > # Load library built by R CMD check > library(package = "XLConnect", character.only = TRUE) XLConnect 1.2.0 by Mirai Solutions GmbH [aut], Martin Studer [cre], The Apache Software Foundation [ctb, cph] (Apache POI), Graph Builder [ctb, cph] (Curvesapi Java library), Brett Woolridge [ctb, cph] (SparseBitSet Java library) https://mirai-solutions.ch https://github.com/miraisolutions/xlconnect > require(rJava) Loading required package: rJava > > rsrc <- function(resource) { + file.path(options()$path.unit.tests, resource) + } > > checkNoException <- function(expr) { + res <- try(expr) + checkTrue(!is(res, "try-error")) + } > > runUnitTests <- function() { + + pkg <- "XLConnect" + + if(!getOption("FULL.TEST.SUITE")) { + Sys.setenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT" = 1) + } + options(XLConnect.setCustomAttributes = TRUE) + + # RUnit is required for unit testing + if(require("RUnit", quietly = TRUE)) { + if(Sys.getenv("RCMDCHECK") == "FALSE") { + # Path to unit tests for standalone running under Makefile (not R CMD check) + path <- file.path(getwd(), "..", "inst", "unitTests") + } else { + # Path to unit tests for 'R CMD check' and as part of public API + path <- system.file(package = pkg, "unitTests") + } + cat("\nRunning Unit Tests\n") + print(list(WorkingDir = getwd(), PathToUnitTests = path)) + + # Add path to unit tests as option + # (used by rsrc function in unit tests) + options(path.unit.tests = path) + + # Set up and run test suite + Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_NUMERIC", locale = "C") + jlocale = J("java.util.Locale") + jlocale$setDefault(jlocale$US) + orig.opts <- options(encoding = "UTF-8") + TestSuite <- defineTestSuite(paste(pkg, "Test Suite"), dirs = path) + TestResult <- runTestSuite(TestSuite) + options(orig.opts) + + # Test protocol files + protocol <- file.path(getwd(), paste(pkg, "Unit_Tests", sep = "_")) + txtProtocol <- paste(protocol, ".txt", sep = "") + htmlProtocol <- paste(protocol, ".html", sep = "") + + # Print (summary) test protocol to stdout + printTextProtocol(TestResult, showDetails = FALSE) + # only write results in FULL case, CRAN tries to run with readonly filesystem + if (getOption("FULL.TEST.SUITE")) { + # Write detailed test protocol to text file + printTextProtocol(TestResult, showDetails = TRUE, fileName = txtProtocol) + # Write HTML protocol + printHTMLProtocol(TestResult, fileName = htmlProtocol) + } + + # Show HTML Test Protocol + if (interactive() && getOption("FULL.TEST.SUITE")) { browseURL(url = htmlProtocol) } + + ## Return stop() to cause R CMD check stop in case of + ## - failures i.e. FALSE to unit tests or + ## - errors i.e. R errors + tmp <- getErrors(TestResult) + if(tmp$nFail > 0 | tmp$nErr > 0) { + stop(paste("\n\nUnit Testing failed (#test failures: ", tmp$nFail, + ", #R errors: ", tmp$nErr, ")\n\n", sep="")) + } + } else { + warning("Cannot run unit tests -- Package 'RUnit' is not available!") + } + + invisible() + } > > # Run unit tests > runUnitTests() Running Unit Tests $WorkingDir [1] "d:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/XLConnect.Rcheck/tests" $PathToUnitTests [1] "D:/RCompile/CRANincoming/R-devel/lib/XLConnect/unitTests" Executing test function test.arefidx ... done successfully. Executing test function test.colidx ... done successfully. Executing test function test.crefidx ... done successfully. Executing test function test.dataframeConversion ... Error in as.data.frame.default(df) : cannot coerce class '"function"' to a data.frame In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 3: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 4: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 5: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 6: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 7: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 8: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error in try(eval(expr, envir = parent.frame()), silent = silent) : Invalid object - object of class 'jobjRef' required! Error in try(eval(expr, envir = parent.frame()), silent = silent) : Invalid object - object of class 'jobjRef' required! Error in try(eval(expr, envir = parent.frame()), silent = silent) : Invalid object - object of class 'jobjRef' required! Error in try(eval(expr, envir = parent.frame()), silent = silent) : Invalid object - object of class 'jobjRef' required! done successfully. Executing test function test.dumpAndRestore ... done successfully. Executing test function test.extractSheetName ... done successfully. Executing test function test.loadWorkbook ... Error : FileNotFoundException (Java): File 'fileWhichDoesNotExist.xls' could not be found - you may specify to automatically create the file if not existing. In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 3: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 4: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 5: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 6: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error : FileNotFoundException (Java): File 'fileWhichDoesNotExist.xlsx' could not be found - you may specify to automatically create the file if not existing. Error : EncryptedDocumentException (Java): The supplied spreadsheet is protected, but no password was supplied Error : EncryptedDocumentException (Java): Password incorrect Error : EncryptedDocumentException (Java): The supplied spreadsheet is protected, but no password was supplied Error : EncryptedDocumentException (Java): Password incorrect done successfully. Executing test function test.with.workbook ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.cellstyles ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.createName ... Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid name: ''Test': first character must be underscore or a letter In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 3: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 4: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 5: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 6: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid name: ''Test': first character must be underscore or a letter Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): org.apache.poi.ss.formula.FormulaParseException: Parse error near char 0 '?' in specified formula '??-%&'. Expected cell ref or constant literal Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): org.apache.poi.ss.formula.FormulaParseException: Parse error near char 0 '?' in specified formula '??-%&'. Expected cell ref or constant literal Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Specified name 'ImHere' already exists Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Specified name 'ImHere' already exists Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): org.apache.poi.ss.formula.FormulaParseException: Specified name 'A1A4' for sheet Test not found done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.createSheet ... Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Invalid sheet name ''Invalid Sheet Name'. Sheet names must not begin or end with ('). In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Invalid sheet name ''Invalid Sheet Name'. Sheet names must not begin or end with ('). Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Invalid sheet name 'Invalid Sheet Name''. Sheet names must not begin or end with ('). Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Invalid sheet name 'Invalid Sheet Name''. Sheet names must not begin or end with ('). Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet names are not allowed to contain more than 31 characters! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet names are not allowed to contain more than 31 characters! done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.existsName ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.existsSheet ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.extraction ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.getBoundingBox ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.getDefinedNames ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.getSheetPos ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.getSheets ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.hideSheet ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.onErrorCell ... Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!C10 - Error detected in cell MySheet!C10 - No such name defined In addition: There were 28 warnings (use warnings() to see them) Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!D8 - Error detected in cell MySheet!D8 - Incompatible type Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!E8 - Error detected in cell MySheet!E8 - Incompatible type Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!F11 - Error detected in cell MySheet!F11 - Division by 0 Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!G9 - Could not resolve external workbook name '\home\mstuder\Documents\Projects\R\XLConnect\xlconnect\inst\unitTests\resources\MySheet2'. Workbook environment has not been set up. Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!C10 - Specified named range 'myname' does not exist in the current workbook. Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!D8 - Error detected in cell MySheet!D8 - Incompatible type Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!E8 - Error detected in cell MySheet!E8 - Incompatible type Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!F11 - Error detected in cell MySheet!F11 - Division by 0 Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell MySheet!G9 - Index 0 out of bounds for length 0 done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.readNamedRegion ... Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'Test' was not specified in 'Test'! Found in sheets: global scope; In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'Test' was not specified in 'Test'! Found in sheets: global scope; Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'NameThatDoesNotExist' does not exist! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'NameThatDoesNotExist' does not exist! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Specify either keep OR drop (not both) In addition: Warning messages: 1: Cell Conversion!B8 cannot be converted from String to Numeric - returning NA 2: Cell Conversion!E10 cannot be converted from String to DateTime - returning NA - cause: class java.time.format.DateTimeParseException:Text 'not-a-date' could not be parsed at index 0 3: Cell Conversion!B8 cannot be converted from String to Numeric - returning NA 4: Cell Conversion!E10 cannot be converted from String to DateTime - returning NA - cause: class java.time.format.DateTimeParseException:Text 'not-a-date' could not be parsed at index 0 Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Specify either keep OR drop (not both) Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'ZZZ' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'ZZZ' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'ZZZ' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'ZZZ' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Header=F and keep values NumericColumn, BooleanColumn of type character Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Header=F and keep values NumericColumn, BooleanColumn of type character Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Header=F and drop values StringColumn, DateTimeColumn of type character Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Header=F and drop values StringColumn, DateTimeColumn of type character Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'HeaderRemote' does not exist! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell BodyRemote!A2 - Could not resolve external workbook name '\Documents and Settings\pa022139\My Documents\reboots.xls'. Workbook environment has not been set up. Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'AllRemote' does not exist! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'HeaderRemote' does not exist! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell BodyRemote!A2 - Failed to evaluate cell: BodyRemote!A2, value: '[1]Actual Reboots'!$K$7 Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'AllRemote' does not exist! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'Bla' was not specified in 'Sheet3'! Found in sheets: Sheet1;Sheet2; done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.readWorksheet ... Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (22) is out of range (0..9) In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (-1) is out of range (0..9) Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (22) is out of range (0..9) Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (-1) is out of range (0..9) Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Specify either keep OR drop (not both) In addition: Warning messages: 1: Data frame contains 0 rows and 0 columns! 2: Data frame contains 0 rows and 0 columns! 3: Data frame contains 0 rows and 0 columns! 4: Data frame contains 0 rows and 0 columns! 5: Cell Conversion!A3 cannot be converted from String to Numeric - returning NA 6: Cell Conversion!D5 cannot be converted from String to DateTime - returning NA - cause: class java.time.format.DateTimeParseException:Text 'not-a-date' could not be parsed at index 0 7: Cell Conversion!A3 cannot be converted from String to Numeric - returning NA 8: Cell Conversion!D5 cannot be converted from String to DateTime - returning NA - cause: class java.time.format.DateTimeParseException:Text 'not-a-date' could not be parsed at index 0 Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Specify either keep OR drop (not both) Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'Z' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'Z' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'Z' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'Z' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Header=F and keep values A, C of type character Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Header=F and keep values A, C of type character Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Header=F and drop values B, D of type character Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Header=F and drop values B, D of type character Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Specify either keep OR drop (not both) Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Specify either keep OR drop (not both) Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'Z' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'Z' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'Z' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column name(s) 'Z' not existing or out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error in getColSubset(object, sheet, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol, : Column(s) '5' out of the bounding box! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (-1) is out of range (0..3) Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell BodyRemote!A2 - Could not resolve external workbook name '\Documents and Settings\pa022139\My Documents\reboots.xls'. Workbook environment has not been set up. Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (-1) is out of range (0..3) Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (-1) is out of range (0..3) Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Error when trying to evaluate cell BodyRemote!A2 - Failed to evaluate cell: BodyRemote!A2, value: '[1]Actual Reboots'!$K$7 Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (-1) is out of range (0..3) done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.renameSheet ... Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (-1) is out of range (0..1) In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet index (-1) is out of range (0..1) Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Invalid sheet name ''invalid'. Sheet names must not begin or end with ('). Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Invalid sheet name ''invalid'. Sheet names must not begin or end with ('). done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.saveWorkbook ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.setForceFormulaRecalculation ... Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet with index 11 does not exist! In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 3: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 4: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Sheet with name 'SheetWhichDoesNotExist' does not exist! done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.setMissingValue ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.setSheetPos ... Error : IndexOutOfBoundsException (Java): Index: -2, Size: 3 In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 3: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 4: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error : IndexOutOfBoundsException (Java): Index: 36297, Size: 2 Error : IndexOutOfBoundsException (Java): Index: -2, Size: 3 Error : IndexOutOfBoundsException (Java): Index -1 out of bounds for length 3 Error : IndexOutOfBoundsException (Java): Index -1 out of bounds for length 2 Error : IndexOutOfBoundsException (Java): Index -1 out of bounds for length 3 done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.testBug181 ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.writeNamedRegion ... Error in as.data.frame.default(x) : cannot coerce class '"function"' to a data.frame In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry 3: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 4: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error in as.data.frame.default(x) : cannot coerce class '"function"' to a data.frame Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'nameDoesNotExist' does not exist! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'nameDoesNotExist' does not exist! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'nope' has invalid reference! Error : IllegalArgumentException (Java): Name 'nope' does not refer to a valid sheet! done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.writeWorksheet ... Error in as.data.frame.default(x) : cannot coerce class '"function"' to a data.frame In addition: Warning messages: 1: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: Marsaglia-Multicarry has poor statistical properties 2: In RNGkind(kind = testSuite$rngKind, normal.kind = testSuite$rngNormalKind) : RNGkind: severe deviations from normality for Kinderman-Ramage + Marsaglia-Multicarry Error in as.data.frame.default(x) : cannot coerce class '"function"' to a data.frame Error : NoSuchElementException (Java): Worksheet sheetDoesNotExist was not found! Error : NoSuchElementException (Java): Worksheet sheetDoesNotExist was not found! done successfully. Executing test function test.writeAndReadNamedRegion ... done successfully. Executing test function test.workbook.writeAndReadWorksheet ... done successfully. Executing test function test.writeNamedRegionToFile ... done successfully. Executing test function test.writeWorksheetToFile ... done successfully. RUNIT TEST PROTOCOL -- Tue Feb 18 10:00:36 2025 *********************************************** Number of test functions: 34 Number of errors: 0 Number of failures: 0 1 Test Suite : XLConnect Test Suite - 34 test functions, 0 errors, 0 failures There were 12 warnings (use warnings() to see them) > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 21.75 1.92 18.56