testthat::test_that("test univariate approximation suff stat", { set.seed(222) #### Setup Data #### n <- 128 p <- 10 s <- 100 x <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) beta <- (1:10)/10 y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n) #posterior prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) alpha <- 1 + n/2 beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) sigma_post <- 1/rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) post_mu <- x %*% theta post_diff <- matrix(c(y),nrow=n,ncol=s) + matrix(rnorm(s*n,0,0.01),nrow=n,ncol=s) post_vdiff <- matrix(rnorm(n*s),nrow=n,ncol=s) xtx <- crossprod(x)/n xty <- crossprod(x, post_mu)/n active.idx <- seq(2,10,2) transport_method <- "univariate.approximation.pwr" OTopt <- list(same = TRUE, method = "selection.variable", transport.method = transport_method, epsilon = 0.05, niter = 100) OToptproj <- OTopt OToptproj$method <- "projection" OToptproj$same <- FALSE # check univariate.approximation dat <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) for(i in 1:n) { dat$temp <- t(theta) * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], s,p, byrow = TRUE) dat$mu <- rowSums(dat$temp) dat$idx_mu <- order(dat$mu) dat$sort_y <- sort(post_mu[i,]) dat$xtx = dat$xtx + crossprod(dat$temp) dat$xty = dat$xty + crossprod(dat$temp[dat$idx_mu,,drop=FALSE], dat$sort_y) } dat$xtx = dat$xtx/(n*s) dat$xty = dat$xty/(n*s) out <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) out_no_trans <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = theta, OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtY, dat$xty) testthat::expect_equal(out_no_trans$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out_no_trans$XtY, dat$xty) testthat::expect_equal(out_no_trans$XtY, out$XtY) #check same flag out.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtY, dat$xty) # check subset of data p_act <- length(active.idx) dat.subset <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p_act), xtx = matrix(0,p_act,p_act), xty = rep_len(0, p_act), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) for(i in 1:n) { dat.subset$temp <- t(theta[active.idx,,drop=FALSE]) * matrix(x[i,active.idx,drop=FALSE], s,p_act, byrow = TRUE) dat.subset$mu <- rowSums(dat.subset$temp) dat.subset$idx_mu <- order(dat.subset$mu) dat.subset$sort_y <- sort(post_mu[i,]) dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx + crossprod(dat.subset$temp) dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty + crossprod(dat.subset$temp[dat.subset$idx_mu,,drop=FALSE], dat.subset$sort_y) } dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx/(n*s) dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty/(n*s) otoptfalse <- OTopt otoptfalse$same <- FALSE out.subset <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x[,active.idx], Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta[active.idx,]), otoptfalse) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtX, dat.subset$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtY, dat.subset$xty, tolerance = 1e-2) # check projection is just normal crossprods proj <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OToptproj) OToptproj$same <- TRUE proj.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OToptproj) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtY, xty) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtY, xty) }) testthat::test_that("test hilbert suff stat", { #check hilbert (assumes transport_plan is correct!!!!) set.seed(222) #### Setup Data #### n <- 128 p <- 10 s <- 100 x <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) beta <- (1:10)/10 y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n) #posterior prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) alpha <- 1 + n/2 beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) sigma_post <- 1/rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) post_mu <- x %*% theta # post_diff <- matrix(c(y),nrow=n,ncol=s) + matrix(rnorm(s*n,0,0.01),nrow=n,ncol=s) # post_vdiff <- matrix(rnorm(n*s),nrow=n,ncol=s) xtx <- crossprod(x)/n xty <- crossprod(x, post_mu)/n active.idx <- seq(2,10,2) transport_method <- "hilbert" OTopt <- list(same = FALSE, method = "selection.variable", transport.method = transport_method, epsilon = 0.05, niter = 100) OToptproj <- OTopt OToptproj$method <- "projection" OToptproj$same <- FALSE # same mu's tplan <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = post_mu, ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = TRUE) #cost out of sorts because I'm lying to the program about x being sorted # hilbert_idx <- tplan$tplan$from dat <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) for(i in 1:n) { dat$temp <- t(theta) * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], s,p, byrow = TRUE) dat$mu <- rowSums(dat$temp) dat$idx_mu <- tplan$tplan$from dat$sort_y <- post_mu[i,tplan$tplan$from] dat$xtx = dat$xtx + crossprod(dat$temp) dat$xty = dat$xty + crossprod(dat$temp[dat$idx_mu,,drop=FALSE], dat$sort_y) } dat$xtx = dat$xtx/(n*s) dat$xty = dat$xty/(n*s) out <- WpProj:::sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) out.trans <- WpProj:::sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtY, dat$xty) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtY, dat$xty) #check same flag OTopt$same <- TRUE out.same <- WpProj:::sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) OTopt$same <- FALSE testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtY, dat$xty) # check subset of data p_act <- length(active.idx) dat.subset <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p_act), xtx = matrix(0,p_act,p_act), xty = rep_len(0, p_act), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) tplan.sub <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = x[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] %*% theta[active.idx,,drop=FALSE], Y = post_mu, ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = FALSE) #cost out of sorts because I'm lying to the program about x being sorted # hilbert_idx.sub <- tplan.sub$tplan$to for(i in 1:n) { dat.subset$temp <- t(theta[active.idx,,drop=FALSE]) * matrix(x[i,active.idx,drop=FALSE], s, p_act, byrow = TRUE) # dat.subset$mu <- rowSums(dat.subset$temp) dat.subset$sort_y <- post_mu[i,tplan.sub$tplan$to] # no sorting needed here dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx + crossprod(dat.subset$temp)/(n*s) dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty + crossprod(dat.subset$temp[tplan.sub$tplan$from,], dat.subset$sort_y)/(n*s) } # dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx # dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty/(n*s) out.subset <- WpProj:::sufficientStatistics(X_ = x[,active.idx], Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta[active.idx,]), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtX, dat.subset$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtY, dat.subset$xty) # check projection is just normal crossprods otoptproj <- OTopt otoptproj$method <- "projection" proj <- WpProj:::sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), otoptproj) otoptproj$same <- TRUE proj.same <- WpProj:::sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), otoptproj) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtY, xty) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtY, xty) }) testthat::test_that("test rank suff stat", { #check rank (assumes transport_plan is correct!!!!) set.seed(222) #### Setup Data #### n <- 128 p <- 10 s <- 100 x <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) beta <- (1:10)/10 y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n) #posterior prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) alpha <- 1 + n/2 beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) sigma_post <- 1/rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) post_mu <- x %*% theta # post_diff <- matrix(c(y),nrow=n,ncol=s) + matrix(rnorm(s*n,0,0.01),nrow=n,ncol=s) # post_vdiff <- matrix(rnorm(n*s),nrow=n,ncol=s) xtx <- crossprod(x)/n xty <- crossprod(x, post_mu)/n active.idx <- seq(2,10,2) transport_method <- "rank" OTopt <- list(same = FALSE, method = "selection.variable", transport.method = transport_method, epsilon = 0.05, niter = 100) OToptproj <- OTopt OToptproj$method <- "projection" OToptproj$same <- FALSE # same mu's tplan <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = post_mu, ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = FALSE) # rank_idx <- tplan$tplan$to dat <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) for(i in 1:n) { dat$temp <- t(theta[,tplan$tplan$to]) * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], s,p, byrow = TRUE) dat$mu <- rowSums(dat$temp) dat$sort_y <- post_mu[i,] dat$xtx = dat$xtx + crossprod(dat$temp)/(n*s) dat$xty = dat$xty + crossprod(dat$temp[tplan$tplan$from,], dat$sort_y)/(n*s) } out <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) out.trans <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtY, dat$xty) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtY, dat$xty) #check same flag OTopt$same <- TRUE out.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) OTopt$same <- FALSE testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtY, dat$xty) # check subset of data p_act <- length(active.idx) dat.subset <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p_act), xtx = matrix(0,p_act,p_act), xty = rep_len(0, p_act), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) tplan.sub <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = x[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] %*% theta[active.idx,,drop=FALSE], ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = FALSE) # rank_idx.sub <- tplan.sub$tplan$to for(i in 1:n) { dat.subset$temp <- t(theta[active.idx,tplan.sub$tplan$to,drop=FALSE]) * matrix(x[i,active.idx,drop=FALSE], s, p_act, byrow = TRUE) # dat.subset$mu <- rowSums(dat.subset$temp) dat.subset$sort_y <- post_mu[i,tplan.sub$tplan$from] # no sorting needed here dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx + crossprod(dat.subset$temp)/(n*s) dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty + crossprod(dat.subset$temp, dat.subset$sort_y)/(n*s) } # dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx # dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty/(n*s) out.subset <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x[,active.idx], Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta[active.idx,]), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtX, dat.subset$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtY, dat.subset$xty, tolerance = 1e-5) # check projection is just normal crossprods proj <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OToptproj) OToptproj$same <- TRUE proj.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OToptproj) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtY, xty) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtY, xty) }) testthat::test_that("test shortsimplex suff stat", { #check rank (assumes transport_plan is correct!!!!) set.seed(222) #### Setup Data #### n <- 128 p <- 10 s <- 100 x <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) beta <- (1:10)/10 y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n) #posterior prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) alpha <- 1 + n/2 beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) sigma_post <- 1/rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) post_mu <- x %*% theta # post_diff <- matrix(c(y),nrow=n,ncol=s) + matrix(rnorm(s*n,0,0.01),nrow=n,ncol=s) # post_vdiff <- matrix(rnorm(n*s),nrow=n,ncol=s) xtx <- crossprod(x)/n xty <- crossprod(x, post_mu)/n active.idx <- seq(2,10,2) transport_method <- "exact" OTopt <- list(same = FALSE, method = "selection.variable", transport.method = transport_method, epsilon = 0.05, niter = 0) otoptproj <- OTopt otoptproj$method <- "projection" otoptproj$same <- FALSE # same mu's tplan <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = post_mu, ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = FALSE) exact_idx <- tplan$tplan$to dat <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) for(i in 1:n) { dat$temp <- t(theta[,exact_idx]) * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], s,p, byrow = TRUE) dat$mu <- rowSums(dat$temp) dat$sort_y <- post_mu[i,] dat$xtx = dat$xtx + crossprod(dat$temp)/(n*s) dat$xty = dat$xty + crossprod(dat$temp, dat$sort_y)/(n*s) } out <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) out.trans <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtY, dat$xty) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtY, dat$xty) #check same flag OTopt$same <- TRUE out.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) OTopt$same <- FALSE testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtY, dat$xty) # check subset of data p_act <- length(active.idx) dat.subset <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p_act), xtx = matrix(0,p_act,p_act), xty = rep_len(0, p_act), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) tplan.sub <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = x[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] %*% theta[active.idx,,drop=FALSE], ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = FALSE) exact_idx.sub <- tplan.sub$tplan$to for(i in 1:n) { dat.subset$temp <- t(theta[active.idx,exact_idx.sub,drop=FALSE]) * matrix(x[i,active.idx,drop=FALSE], s, p_act, byrow = TRUE) # dat.subset$mu <- rowSums(dat.subset$temp) dat.subset$sort_y <- post_mu[i,] # no sorting needed here dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx + crossprod(dat.subset$temp)/(n*s) dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty + crossprod(dat.subset$temp, dat.subset$sort_y)/(n*s) } # dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx # dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty/(n*s) out.subset <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x[,active.idx], Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta[active.idx,]), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtX, dat.subset$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtY, dat.subset$xty) # check projection is just normal crossprods proj <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), otoptproj) otoptproj$same <- TRUE proj.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), otoptproj) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtY, xty) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtY, xty) }) testthat::test_that("test sinkhorn suff stat", { #check rank (assumes transport_plan is correct!!!!) set.seed(222) #### Setup Data #### n <- 128 p <- 10 s <- 100 x <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) beta <- (1:10)/10 y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n) #posterior prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) alpha <- 1 + n/2 beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) sigma_post <- 1/rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) post_mu <- x %*% theta # post_diff <- matrix(c(y),nrow=n,ncol=s) + matrix(rnorm(s*n,0,0.01),nrow=n,ncol=s) # post_vdiff <- matrix(rnorm(n*s),nrow=n,ncol=s) xtx <- crossprod(x)/n xty <- crossprod(x, post_mu)/n active.idx <- seq(2,10,2) transport_method <- "sinkhorn" OTopt <- list(same = FALSE, method = "selection.variable", transport.method = transport_method, epsilon = 0.05, niter = 100) OToptproj <- OTopt OToptproj$method <- "projection" OToptproj$same <- FALSE # same mu's tplan <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = post_mu, ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = FALSE) dat <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) natoms <- length(tplan$tplan$to) theta_sort <- t(theta[,tplan$tplan$to]) * matrix(sqrt(tplan$tplan$mass * (tplan$tplan$mass>0)),nrow=natoms, ncol=p) mu_sort <- post_mu[,tplan$tplan$from] * matrix(sqrt(tplan$tplan$mass* (tplan$tplan$mass>0)),nrow=n, ncol=natoms, byrow=TRUE) for(i in 1:n) { dat$temp <- theta_sort * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], nrow=natoms, ncol = p, byrow=TRUE) dat$sort_y <- mu_sort[i,] dat$xtx = dat$xtx + crossprod(dat$temp)/(n) dat$xty = dat$xty + crossprod(dat$temp, dat$sort_y) /(n) } out <- WpProj:::sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) out.trans <- WpProj:::sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtY, dat$xty) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtY, dat$xty) #check same flag OTopt$same <- TRUE out.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) OTopt$same <- FALSE dat.same <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) for(i in 1:n) { dat.same$temp <- t(theta) * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], s,p, byrow = TRUE) dat.same$mu <- rowSums(dat$temp) dat.same$sort_y <- post_mu[i,] dat.same$xtx = dat.same$xtx + crossprod(dat.same$temp)/(n*s) dat.same$xty = dat.same$xty + crossprod(dat.same$temp, dat.same$sort_y)/(n*s) } testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtX, dat.same$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(dat$xtx, dat.same$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(dat$xtx, out.same$XtX) testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtY, dat.same$xty) testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY- dat$xty)^2)), 1e-5) testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY - out$XtY)^2)), 1e-5) testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), 1e-5) testthat::expect_equal(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY - out$XtY)^2))) testthat::expect_equal(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY- dat$xty)^2))) # check subset of data p_act <- length(active.idx) dat.subset <- list(temp=matrix(0, s*s, p_act), xtx = matrix(0,p_act,p_act), xty = rep_len(0, p_act), sort_y = rep(0, n)) tplan.sub <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = x[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] %*% theta[active.idx,,drop=FALSE], ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method) natoms.sub <- length(tplan.sub$tplan$to) theta_sort.sub <- t(theta[,tplan.sub$tplan$to]) * sqrt(tplan.sub$tplan$mass) mu_sort.sub <- post_mu[,tplan.sub$tplan$from] * matrix(sqrt(tplan.sub$tplan$mass), nrow = n, ncol=natoms.sub, byrow=TRUE) for(i in 1:n) { dat.subset$temp <- theta_sort.sub[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] * matrix(x[i,active.idx,drop=FALSE], nrow=natoms.sub, ncol=p_act, byrow=TRUE) dat.subset$sort_y <- mu_sort.sub[i,] dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx + crossprod(dat.subset$temp)/n dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty + crossprod(dat.subset$temp, dat.subset$sort_y) /n } # dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx # dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty/(n*s) out.subset <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x[,active.idx], Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta[active.idx,]), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtX, dat.subset$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtY, dat.subset$xty) # check projection is just normal crossprods proj <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OToptproj) OToptproj$same <- TRUE proj.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OToptproj) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtY, xty) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtY, xty) }) testthat::test_that("test greenkhorn suff stat", { #check rank (assumes transport_plan is correct!!!!) set.seed(222) #### Setup Data #### n <- 128 p <- 10 s <- 100 x <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) beta <- (1:10)/10 y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n) #posterior prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) alpha <- 1 + n/2 beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) sigma_post <- 1/rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) post_mu <- x %*% theta # post_diff <- matrix(c(y),nrow=n,ncol=s) + matrix(rnorm(s*n,0,0.01),nrow=n,ncol=s) # post_vdiff <- matrix(rnorm(n*s),nrow=n,ncol=s) xtx <- crossprod(x)/n xty <- crossprod(x, post_mu)/n active.idx <- seq(2,10,2) transport_method <- "greenkhorn" OTopt <- list(same = FALSE, method = "selection.variable", transport.method = transport_method, epsilon = 0.05, niter = 100) OToptproj <- OTopt OToptproj$method <- "projection" OToptproj$same <- FALSE # same mu's tplan <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = post_mu, ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = FALSE) dat <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) natoms <- length(tplan$tplan$to) theta_sort <- t(theta[,tplan$tplan$to]) * matrix(sqrt(tplan$tplan$mass),nrow=natoms, ncol=p) mu_sort <- post_mu[,tplan$tplan$from] * matrix(sqrt(tplan$tplan$mass),nrow=n, ncol=natoms, byrow=TRUE) for(i in 1:n) { dat$temp <- theta_sort * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], nrow=natoms, ncol = p, byrow=TRUE) dat$sort_y <- mu_sort[i,] dat$xtx = dat$xtx + crossprod(dat$temp)/(n) dat$xty = dat$xty + crossprod(dat$temp, dat$sort_y) /(n) } out <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) out.trans <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out$XtY, dat$xty) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtX, dat$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtY, dat$xty) #check same flag OTopt$same <- TRUE out.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OTopt) OTopt$same <- FALSE dat.same <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), sort_y = rep(0, n)) for(i in 1:n) { dat.same$temp <- t(theta) * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], s,p, byrow = TRUE) dat.same$mu <- rowSums(dat$temp) dat.same$sort_y <- post_mu[i,] dat.same$xtx = dat.same$xtx + crossprod(dat.same$temp)/(n*s) dat.same$xty = dat.same$xty + crossprod(dat.same$temp, dat.same$sort_y)/(n*s) } testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtX, dat.same$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(dat$xtx, dat.same$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(dat$xtx, out.same$XtX) testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtY, dat.same$xty) testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY- dat$xty)^2)), 1e-5) testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY - out$XtY)^2)), 1e-5) testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), 1e-5) testthat::expect_equal(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY - out$XtY)^2))) testthat::expect_equal(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY- dat$xty)^2))) # check subset of data p_act <- length(active.idx) dat.subset <- list(temp=matrix(0, s*s, p_act), xtx = matrix(0,p_act,p_act), xty = rep_len(0, p_act), sort_y = rep(0, n)) tplan.sub <- approxOT::transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = x[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] %*% theta[active.idx,,drop=FALSE], ground_p = 2, p = 2, observation.orientation = "colwise", method = transport_method) natoms.sub <- length(tplan.sub$tplan$to) theta_sort.sub <- t(theta[,tplan.sub$tplan$to]) * sqrt(tplan.sub$tplan$mass) mu_sort.sub <- post_mu[,tplan.sub$tplan$from] * matrix(sqrt(tplan.sub$tplan$mass), nrow = n, ncol=natoms.sub, byrow=TRUE) for(i in 1:n) { dat.subset$temp <- theta_sort.sub[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] * matrix(x[i,active.idx,drop=FALSE], nrow=natoms.sub, ncol=p_act, byrow=TRUE) dat.subset$sort_y <- mu_sort.sub[i,] dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx + crossprod(dat.subset$temp)/n dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty + crossprod(dat.subset$temp, dat.subset$sort_y) /n } # dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx # dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty/(n*s) out.subset <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x[,active.idx], Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta[active.idx,]), OTopt) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtX, dat.subset$xtx) testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtY, dat.subset$xty) # check projection is just normal crossprods proj <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OToptproj) OToptproj$same <- TRUE proj.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), OToptproj) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtY, xty) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtX, xtx) testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtY, xty) }) # testthat::test_that("test randkhorn suff stat", { # #check rank (assumes transport_plan is correct!!!!) # set.seed(222) # # #### Setup Data #### # n <- 128 # p <- 10 # s <- 100 # # x <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) # beta <- (1:10)/10 # y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n) # # #posterior # prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 # mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) # alpha <- 1 + n/2 # beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) # sigma_post <- 1/rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) # theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) # # post_mu <- x %*% theta # # post_diff <- matrix(c(y),nrow=n,ncol=s) + matrix(rnorm(s*n,0,0.01),nrow=n,ncol=s) # # post_vdiff <- matrix(rnorm(n*s),nrow=n,ncol=s) # # xtx <- crossprod(x)/n # xty <- crossprod(x, post_mu)/n # # active.idx <- seq(2,10,2) # # transport_method <- "randkhorn" # # OTopt <- list(same = FALSE, # method = "selection.variable", # transport.method = transport_method, # epsilon = 0.05, # niter = 100) # OToptproj <- OTopt # OToptproj$method <- "projection" # OToptproj$same <- FALSE # # # same mu's # # tplan <- transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = post_mu, ground_p = 2, p = 2, # observation.orientation = "colwise", # method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = FALSE) # # dat <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), # mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), # sort_y = rep(0, n)) # # natoms <- length(tplan$tplan$to) # theta_sort <- t(theta[,tplan$tplan$to]) * matrix(sqrt(tplan$tplan$mass),nrow=natoms, ncol=p) # mu_sort <- post_mu[,tplan$tplan$from] * matrix(sqrt(tplan$tplan$mass),nrow=n, ncol=natoms, byrow=TRUE) # # for(i in 1:n) { # dat$temp <- theta_sort * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], nrow=natoms, ncol = p, byrow=TRUE) # dat$sort_y <- mu_sort[i,] # dat$xtx = dat$xtx + crossprod(dat$temp)/(n) # dat$xty = dat$xty + crossprod(dat$temp, dat$sort_y) /(n) # } # out <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OTopt) # out.trans <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OTopt) # # testthat::expect_equal(out$XtX, dat$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(out$XtY, dat$xty) # testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtX, dat$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtY, dat$xty) # # #check same flag # OTopt$same <- TRUE # out.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OTopt) # OTopt$same <- FALSE # # dat.same <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), # mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), # sort_y = rep(0, n)) # # for(i in 1:n) { # dat.same$temp <- t(theta) * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], s,p, byrow = TRUE) # dat.same$mu <- rowSums(dat$temp) # dat.same$sort_y <- post_mu[i,] # dat.same$xtx = dat.same$xtx + crossprod(dat.same$temp)/(n*s) # dat.same$xty = dat.same$xty + crossprod(dat.same$temp, dat.same$sort_y)/(n*s) # } # # testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtX, dat.same$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(dat$xtx, dat.same$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(dat$xtx, out.same$XtX) # testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtY, dat.same$xty) # testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY- dat$xty)^2)), 1e-5) # testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY - out$XtY)^2)), 1e-5) # testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), 1e-5) # testthat::expect_equal(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY - out$XtY)^2))) # testthat::expect_equal(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY- dat$xty)^2))) # # # check subset of data # p_act <- length(active.idx) # dat.subset <- list(temp=matrix(0, s*s, p_act), xtx = matrix(0,p_act,p_act), xty = rep_len(0, p_act), # sort_y = rep(0, n)) # # tplan.sub <- transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = x[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] %*% theta[active.idx,,drop=FALSE], ground_p = 2, p = 2, # observation.orientation = "colwise", # method = transport_method) # natoms.sub <- length(tplan.sub$tplan$to) # theta_sort.sub <- t(theta[,tplan.sub$tplan$to]) * sqrt(tplan.sub$tplan$mass) # mu_sort.sub <- post_mu[,tplan.sub$tplan$from] * matrix(sqrt(tplan.sub$tplan$mass), # nrow = n, ncol=natoms.sub, byrow=TRUE) # for(i in 1:n) { # dat.subset$temp <- theta_sort.sub[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] * matrix(x[i,active.idx,drop=FALSE], nrow=natoms.sub, ncol=p_act, byrow=TRUE) # dat.subset$sort_y <- mu_sort.sub[i,] # dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx + crossprod(dat.subset$temp)/n # dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty + crossprod(dat.subset$temp, dat.subset$sort_y) /n # } # # dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx # # dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty/(n*s) # # out.subset <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x[,active.idx], Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta[active.idx,]), # OTopt) # # testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtX, dat.subset$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtY, dat.subset$xty) # # # check projection is just normal crossprods # proj <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OToptproj) # OToptproj$same <- TRUE # proj.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OToptproj) # testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtX, xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtY, xty) # testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtX, xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtY, xty) # # }) # # testthat::test_that("test gandkhorn suff stat", { # #check rank (assumes transport_plan is correct!!!!) # set.seed(222) # # #### Setup Data #### # n <- 128 # p <- 10 # s <- 100 # # x <- matrix(rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) # beta <- (1:10)/10 # y <- x %*% beta + rnorm(n) # # #posterior # prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 # mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) # alpha <- 1 + n/2 # beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) # sigma_post <- 1/rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) # theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) # # post_mu <- x %*% theta # # post_diff <- matrix(c(y),nrow=n,ncol=s) + matrix(rnorm(s*n,0,0.01),nrow=n,ncol=s) # # post_vdiff <- matrix(rnorm(n*s),nrow=n,ncol=s) # # xtx <- crossprod(x)/n # xty <- crossprod(x, post_mu)/n # # active.idx <- seq(2,10,2) # # transport_method <- "gandkhorn" # # OTopt <- list(same = FALSE, # method = "selection.variable", # transport.method = transport_method, # epsilon = 0.05, # niter = 100) # OToptproj <- OTopt # OToptproj$method <- "projection" # OToptproj$same <- FALSE # # # same mu's # # tplan <- transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = post_mu, ground_p = 2, p = 2, # observation.orientation = "colwise", # method = transport_method, is.X.sorted = FALSE) # # dat <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), # mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), # sort_y = rep(0, n)) # # natoms <- length(tplan$tplan$to) # theta_sort <- t(theta[,tplan$tplan$to]) * matrix(sqrt(tplan$tplan$mass),nrow=natoms, ncol=p) # mu_sort <- post_mu[,tplan$tplan$from] * matrix(sqrt(tplan$tplan$mass),nrow=n, ncol=natoms, byrow=TRUE) # # for(i in 1:n) { # dat$temp <- theta_sort * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], nrow=natoms, ncol = p, byrow=TRUE) # dat$sort_y <- mu_sort[i,] # dat$xtx = dat$xtx + crossprod(dat$temp)/(n) # dat$xty = dat$xty + crossprod(dat$temp, dat$sort_y) /(n) # } # out <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OTopt) # out.trans <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OTopt) # # testthat::expect_equal(out$XtX, dat$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(out$XtY, dat$xty) # testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtX, dat$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(out.trans$XtY, dat$xty) # # #check same flag # OTopt$same <- TRUE # out.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OTopt) # OTopt$same <- FALSE # # dat.same <- list(temp=matrix(0, n, p), xtx = matrix(0,p,p), xty = rep_len(0, p), # mu = rep(0, n), idx_mu = rep(0, n), # sort_y = rep(0, n)) # # for(i in 1:n) { # dat.same$temp <- t(theta) * matrix(x[i,,drop=FALSE], s,p, byrow = TRUE) # dat.same$mu <- rowSums(dat$temp) # dat.same$sort_y <- post_mu[i,] # dat.same$xtx = dat.same$xtx + crossprod(dat.same$temp)/(n*s) # dat.same$xty = dat.same$xty + crossprod(dat.same$temp, dat.same$sort_y)/(n*s) # } # # testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtX, dat.same$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(dat$xtx, dat.same$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(dat$xtx, out.same$XtX) # testthat::expect_equal(out.same$XtY, dat.same$xty) # testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY- dat$xty)^2)), 1e-5) # testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY - out$XtY)^2)), 1e-5) # testthat::expect_lt(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), 1e-5) # testthat::expect_equal(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY - out$XtY)^2))) # testthat::expect_equal(sqrt(sum((dat$xty - dat.same$xty)^2)), sqrt(sum((out.same$XtY- dat$xty)^2))) # # # check subset of data # p_act <- length(active.idx) # dat.subset <- list(temp=matrix(0, s*s, p_act), xtx = matrix(0,p_act,p_act), xty = rep_len(0, p_act), # sort_y = rep(0, n)) # # tplan.sub <- transport_plan(X = post_mu, Y = x[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] %*% theta[active.idx,,drop=FALSE], ground_p = 2, p = 2, # observation.orientation = "colwise", # method = transport_method) # natoms.sub <- length(tplan.sub$tplan$to) # theta_sort.sub <- t(theta[,tplan.sub$tplan$to]) * sqrt(tplan.sub$tplan$mass) # mu_sort.sub <- post_mu[,tplan.sub$tplan$from] * matrix(sqrt(tplan.sub$tplan$mass), # nrow = n, ncol=natoms.sub, byrow=TRUE) # for(i in 1:n) { # dat.subset$temp <- theta_sort.sub[,active.idx,drop=FALSE] * matrix(x[i,active.idx,drop=FALSE], nrow=natoms.sub, ncol=p_act, byrow=TRUE) # dat.subset$sort_y <- mu_sort.sub[i,] # dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx + crossprod(dat.subset$temp)/n # dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty + crossprod(dat.subset$temp, dat.subset$sort_y) /n # } # # dat.subset$xtx = dat.subset$xtx # # dat.subset$xty = dat.subset$xty/(n*s) # # out.subset <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x[,active.idx], Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta[active.idx,]), # OTopt) # # testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtX, dat.subset$xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(out.subset$XtY, dat.subset$xty) # # # check projection is just normal crossprods # proj <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OToptproj) # OToptproj$same <- TRUE # proj.same <- sufficientStatistics(X_ = x, Y_ = post_mu, theta_ = t(theta), # OToptproj) # testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtX, xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(proj$XtY, xty) # testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtX, xtx) # testthat::expect_equal(proj.same$XtY, xty) # # })