test_that("WInfL1 lp generates", { set.seed(87897) n <- 32 p <- 10 s <- 21 x <- matrix(stats::rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) beta <- (1:10)/10 y <- x %*% beta + stats::rnorm(n) #posterior prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) alpha <- 1 + n/2 beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) sigma_post <- 1/stats::rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(stats::rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) lambda <- 0 nlambda <- 2 lambda.min.ratio <- 1e-10 gamma <- 1.5 penalty.factor <- 1/rowMeans(theta^2) penalty.factor.null <- rep(1,p) post_mu <- x %*% theta Y <- c(post_mu) X <- x n <- nrow(X) d <- ncol(X) s <- ncol(post_mu) cols <- lapply(1:s, function(ss) Matrix::sparseMatrix(i = n*(ss-1) + rep(1:n,d), j = rep(1:d,each = n), x = c(x), dims = c(n*s, d))) Xmat <- do.call(cbind, cols) temp.deriv <- function(x, lambda, a){lambda} # debugonce(WpProj:::lp_prob_winf) testthat::expect_silent(problem_statement <- WpProj:::lp_prob_winf(Xmat, Y, lambda = rep(100, d), groups = rep(1:d, s))) mod <- WpProj:::lp_prob_to_model(problem_statement, solver = "cone", rep(0, ncol(Xmat)), NULL) testthat::expect_equal(mod$prob$objective$L$v, c(1,rep(100,d))) testthat::expect_silent(problem_statement <- WpProj:::lp_prob_winf(Xmat, Y, lambda = 1:10, groups = rep(1:d, s))) mod <- WpProj:::lp_prob_to_model(problem_statement, solver = "cone", rep(0, ncol(Xmat)), NULL) testthat::expect_equal(mod$prob$objective$L$v, c(1,1:10)) # debugonce(WpProj:::lp_norm) # debugonce(WpProj:::lp_solve) # debugonce(ROI.plugin.ecos:::solve_OP) output.cone <- WpProj:::lp_norm(Xmat, Y, power = Inf, deriv_func = temp.deriv, thresholder = WpProj:::soft_threshold, lambda = 1, groups = rep(1:d,s), solver = "cone", gamma = 1.5, opts = NULL, init = NULL, iter = 100, tol = 1e-7) check_mosek() output.mosek <- WpProj:::lp_norm(Xmat, Y, power = Inf, deriv_func = temp.deriv, thresholder = WpProj:::soft_threshold, lambda = 1, groups = rep(1:d,s), solver = "mosek", gamma = 1.5, init = NULL, iter = 100, tol = 1e-7, opts= list(verbose = 0)) testthat::expect_true(sum((output.cone-output.mosek)^2) < 1e-3) # check_gurobi() # output.gurobi <- WpProj:::lp_norm(Xmat, Y, power = Inf, deriv_func = temp.deriv, # thresholder = soft_threshold, lambda = 0, groups = rep(1:d,s), solver = "gurobi", # gamma = 1.5, opts = NULL, init = NULL, iter = 100, tol = 1e-7) # # function(X, Y, deriv_func, thresholder, lambda, groups, solver, gamma = 1.5, opts = NULL, init = NULL, iter = 100, tol = 1e-7) # # debugonce(WpProj:::lp_norm) # # testthat::expect_true(sum((output.gurobi-output.mosek)^2) < 1e-3) }) testthat::test_that("WInfL1 works", { set.seed(87897) n <- 32 p <- 10 s <- 21 x <- matrix(stats::rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) beta <- (1:10)/10 y <- x %*% beta + stats::rnorm(n) #posterior prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) alpha_s <- 1 + n/2 beta_s <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) sigma_post <- 1/stats::rgamma(s, alpha_s, 1/beta_s) theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(stats::rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) lambda <- 0 nlambda <- 2 lambda.min.ratio <- 1e-10 gamma <- 1.5 penalty.factor <- 1/rowMeans(theta^2) penalty.factor.null <- rep(1,p) post_mu <- x %*% theta # debugonce(WpProj:::lp_solve) # debugonce(WpProj:::lp_prob_to_model) projection_none <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="none", solver = "cone", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, maxit = 1e2, gamma = gamma, lambda=lambda) projection_lasso <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="lasso", solver = "cone", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, maxit = 1e2, gamma = gamma, lambda=lambda) testthat::expect_equivalent(projection_none$beta, projection_lasso$beta) testthat::expect_equal(c(projection_none$beta), c(theta)) #should be pretty close testthat::expect_equal(c(projection_none$beta), c(coef(lm(post_mu ~ x + 0))))#should be pretty close testthat::expect_equal(c(theta), c(coef(lm(post_mu ~ x + 0))))#should be pretty close # debugonce(WInfL1) projection_mcp <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="mcp", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma, lambda=lambda) testthat::expect_equal(c(projection_mcp$beta), c(theta)) #should be pretty close testthat::expect_equal(c(projection_mcp$beta), c(projection_none$beta)) #should be pretty close projection_scad <-WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="scad", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma, lambda=lambda) testthat::expect_equal(c(projection_scad$beta[,1]), c(theta)) #should be pretty close projection_scad <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="scad", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(c(projection_scad$beta[,2]), c(theta)) #should be pretty close projection_lasso <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="lasso", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(c(projection_lasso$beta[,2]), c(theta)) #should be pretty close # compare with Rmosek if(rlang::is_installed("Rmosek")) { WpProj:::check_mosek() projection_none_mosek <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="none", solver = "mosek", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, maxit = 1e2, gamma = gamma, lambda=lambda) projection_lasso_mosek <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="lasso", solver = "mosek", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, maxit = 1e2, gamma = gamma, lambda=lambda) projection_lasso_mosek2 <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="lasso", solver = "mosek", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, maxit = 1e2, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equivalent(projection_none_mosek$beta, projection_lasso_mosek$beta) testthat::expect_equivalent(projection_none_mosek$beta, projection_none$beta) testthat::expect_equivalent(projection_lasso_mosek2$beta[,2], projection_none$beta) } else { check_mosek() } }) testthat::test_that("WInfL1 changes penalty appropriately for net penalties", { set.seed(87897) n <- 32 p <- 10 s <- 21 x <- matrix(stats::rnorm(p*n), nrow=n, ncol=p) beta <- (1:10)/10 y <- x %*% beta + stats::rnorm(n) #posterior prec <- crossprod(x) + diag(1,p,p)*1 mu_post <- solve(prec, crossprod(x,y)) alpha <- 1 + n/2 beta <- 1 + 0.5 * (crossprod(y) + t(mu_post) %*% prec %*% mu_post ) sigma_post <- 1/stats::rgamma(s, alpha, 1/beta) theta <- sapply(sigma_post, function(ss) mu_post + t(chol(ss * solve(prec))) %*% matrix(stats::rnorm(p, 0, 1),p,1)) lambda <- 0 nlambda <- 2 lambda.min.ratio <- 1e-10 gamma <- 2.1 penalty.factor <- 1/rowMeans(theta^2) penalty.factor.null <- rep(1,p) post_mu <- x %*% theta projection_mcp <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="mcp.net", solver = "cone", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_mcp$penalty, "mcp") #should be pretty close # debugonce(WInfL1) projection_mcp <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="group.mcp", solver = "cone", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_mcp$penalty, "mcp") #should be pretty close projection_scad <-WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="scad.net", solver = "cone", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_scad$penalty, "scad") #should be pretty close projection_scad <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="group.scad", solver = "cone", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_scad$penalty, "scad") #should be pretty close # debugonce(WInfL1) projection_lasso <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="elastic.net", solver = "cone", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma,) testthat::expect_equal(projection_lasso$penalty, "lasso") #should be pretty close projection_lasso <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="group.lasso", solver = "cone", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) # if(rlang::is_installed("gurobi")) { # # check_gurobi() # projection_mcp <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="mcp.net", solver = "gurobi", # nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, # gamma = gamma) # testthat::expect_equal(projection_mcp$penalty, "mcp") #should be pretty close # # # debugonce(WInfL1) # projection_mcp <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="group.mcp", solver = "gurobi", # nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, # gamma = gamma) # testthat::expect_equal(projection_mcp$penalty, "mcp") #should be pretty close # # projection_scad <-WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="scad.net", solver = "gurobi", # nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, # gamma = gamma) # testthat::expect_equal(projection_scad$penalty, "scad") #should be pretty close # # projection_scad <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="group.scad", solver = "gurobi", # nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, # gamma = gamma) # testthat::expect_equal(projection_scad$penalty, "scad") #should be pretty close # # # debugonce(WInfL1) # projection_lasso <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="elastic.net", solver = "gurobi", # nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, # gamma = gamma,) # testthat::expect_equal(projection_lasso$penalty, "lasso") #should be pretty close # # projection_lasso <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="group.lasso", solver = "gurobi", # nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, # gamma = gamma) # } if(rlang::is_installed("Rmosek")) { check_mosek() projection_mcp <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="mcp.net", solver = "mosek", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_mcp$penalty, "mcp") #should be pretty close projection_mcp <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="group.mcp",solver = "mosek", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_mcp$penalty, "mcp") #should be pretty close testthat::expect_equal(projection_lasso$penalty, "lasso") #should be pretty close projection_scad <-WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="scad.net", solver = "mosek", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_scad$penalty, "scad") #should be pretty close projection_scad <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="group.scad", solver = "mosek", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_scad$penalty, "scad") #should be pretty close # debugonce(WInfL1) projection_lasso <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="elastic.net", solver = "mosek", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_lasso$penalty, "lasso") #should be pretty close # projection_lasso <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="lasso", # nlambda = 1, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, # gamma = gamma, alg = "ip") projection_lasso <- WInfL1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="group.lasso", solver = "mosek", nlambda = nlambda, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, gamma = gamma) testthat::expect_equal(projection_lasso$penalty, "lasso") #should be pretty close # projection_lasso <- W1L1(X=x, Y=post_mu, penalty="lasso", # nlambda = 1, lambda.min.ratio = lambda.min.ratio, # gamma = gamma, alg = "ip") } check_gurobi() check_mosek() })