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Type 'q()' to quit R. > # Model part -------------------------------------------------------------- > ## check what is loaded > # dllpath <- getLoadedDLLs() > # getDLLRegisteredRoutines(dllpath$WeightSVM[[2]]) > > ## load dataset > require('WeightSVM') Loading required package: WeightSVM > data(iris) > > ## classification mode > # default with factor response: > model1 <- wsvm(Species ~ ., weight = rep(1,150), data = iris) # same weights > model2 <- wsvm(x = iris[,1:4], y = iris[,5], weight = c(rep(0.08, 50),rep(1,100))) # less weights to setosa > # alternatively the traditional interface: > x <- subset(iris, select = -Species) > y <- iris$Species > model3 <- wsvm(x, y, weight = rep(10,150)) # similar to model 1, but larger weights for all subjects > > ## weight length, weight is not null !!! weight range!! number of zeros !! Inf > # These models provide error/warning info > # wsvm(x, y) # no weight > # wsvm(x, y, weight = rep(10,100)) # wrong lengty > # wsvm(x, y, weight = c(Inf, rep(1,149))) # contains inf weight > # wsvm(x, y, weight = rep(0,150)) # all weights are zeros > # wsvm(x, y, weight = c(rep(0,25),rep(-1,25),rep(1,100))) # drop subjects with zero or nagetive weights > > print(model1) Call: wsvm(formula = Species ~ ., weight = rep(1, 150), data = iris) Parameters: SVM-Type: C-classification SVM-Kernel: radial cost: 1 Number of Support Vectors: 51 > summary(model1) Call: wsvm(formula = Species ~ ., weight = rep(1, 150), data = iris) Parameters: SVM-Type: C-classification SVM-Kernel: radial cost: 1 Number of Support Vectors: 51 ( 8 22 21 ) Number of Classes: 3 Levels: setosa versicolor virginica > > # test with train data > pred <- predict(model1, iris[,1:4]) > # (same as:) > pred <- fitted(model1) > > # Check accuracy: > table(pred, y) # model 1, equal weights y pred setosa versicolor virginica setosa 50 0 0 versicolor 0 48 2 virginica 0 2 48 > > # compute decision values and probabilities: > pred <- predict(model1, x, decision.values = TRUE) > attr(pred, "decision.values")[1:4,] setosa/versicolor setosa/virginica versicolor/virginica 1 1.196152 1.091757 0.6708810 2 1.064621 1.056185 0.8483518 3 1.180842 1.074542 0.6439798 4 1.110699 1.053012 0.6782041 > > # visualize (classes by color, SV by crosses): > plot(cmdscale(dist(iris[,-5])), + col = as.integer(iris[,5]), + pch = c("o","+")[1:150 %in% model1$index + 1]) # model 1 > plot(cmdscale(dist(iris[,-5])), + col = as.integer(iris[,5]), + pch = c("o","+")[1:150 %in% model2$index + 1]) # In model 2, less support vectors are based on setosa > > > ## try regression mode on two dimensions > # create data > x <- seq(0.1, 5, by = 0.05) > y <- log(x) + rnorm(x, sd = 0.2) > > # estimate model and predict input values > model1 <- wsvm(x, y, weight = rep(1,99)) > model2 <- wsvm(x, y, weight = seq(99,1,length.out = 99)) # decreasing weights > > # visualize > plot(x, y) > points(x, log(x), col = 2) > points(x, fitted(model1), col = 4) > points(x, fitted(model2), col = 3) # better fit for the first few points > > ## density-estimation > # create 2-dim. normal with rho=0: > X <- data.frame(a = rnorm(1000), b = rnorm(1000)) > attach(X) > > # formula interface: > model <- wsvm(~ a + b, gamma = 0.1, weight = c(seq(5000,1,length.out = 500),1:500)) > > # test: > newdata <- data.frame(a = c(0, 4), b = c(0, 4)) > > # visualize: > plot(X, col = 1:1000 %in% model$index + 1, xlim = c(-5,5), ylim=c(-5,5)) > points(newdata, pch = "+", col = 2, cex = 5) > > ## class weights: > i2 <- iris > levels(i2$Species)[3] <- "versicolor" > summary(i2$Species) setosa versicolor 50 100 > wts <- 100 / table(i2$Species) > wts setosa versicolor 2 1 > m <- wsvm(Species ~ ., data = i2, class.weights = wts, weight=rep(1,150)) > > ## extract coefficients for linear kernel > > # a. regression > x <- 1:100 > y <- x + rnorm(100) > m <- wsvm(y ~ x, scale = FALSE, kernel = "linear", weight = rep(1,100)) > coef(m) (Intercept) x 0.2647816 0.9980938 > plot(y ~ x) > abline(m, col = "red") > > # b. classification > # transform iris data to binary problem, and scale data > setosa <- as.factor(iris$Species == "setosa") > iris2 = scale(iris[,-5]) > > # fit binary C-classification model > model1 <- wsvm(setosa ~ Petal.Width + Petal.Length, + data = iris2, kernel = "linear", weight = rep(1,150)) > model2 <- wsvm(setosa ~ Petal.Width + Petal.Length, + data = iris2, kernel = "linear", weight = c(rep(0.08, 50),rep(1,100))) # less weights to setosa > > # plot data and separating hyperplane > plot(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width, data = iris2, col = setosa) > (cf <- coef(model1)) (Intercept) Petal.Width Petal.Length -1.658953 -1.172523 -1.358030 > abline(-cf[1]/cf[3], -cf[2]/cf[3], col = "red") > (cf2 <- coef(model2)) (Intercept) Petal.Width Petal.Length -1.5255176 -1.0815128 -0.9354167 > abline(-cf2[1]/cf2[3], -cf2[2]/cf2[3], col = "red", lty = 2) > > # plot margin and mark support vectors > abline(-(cf[1] + 1)/cf[3], -cf[2]/cf[3], col = "blue") > abline(-(cf[1] - 1)/cf[3], -cf[2]/cf[3], col = "blue") > points(model1$SV, pch = 5, cex = 2) > abline(-(cf2[1] + 1)/cf2[3], -cf2[2]/cf2[3], col = "blue", lty = 2) > abline(-(cf2[1] - 1)/cf2[3], -cf2[2]/cf2[3], col = "blue", lty = 2) > points(model2$SV, pch = 6, cex = 2) > > > # Tuning ------------------------------------------------------------------ > data(iris) > > obj <- tune_wsvm(Species~., weight = c(rep(0.8, 50),rep(1,100)), data = iris, ranges = list(gamma = 2^(-1:10), cost = 2^(2:4)), tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling = "fix")) > > # set.seed(11) > # obj <- tune_wsvm(Species~., weight = c(rep(1, 52),rep(0,98)), data = iris, use_zero_weight = TRUE, ranges = list(gamma = 2^(-1:1), cost = 2^(2:4)), tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling = "bootstrap")) > > summary(obj) Parameter tuning of 'wsvm': - sampling method: fixed training/validation set - best parameters: gamma cost 0.5 8 - best performance: 0.05932203 - Detailed performance results: gamma cost error dispersion 1 0.5 4 0.08050847 NA 2 1.0 4 0.08050847 NA 3 2.0 4 0.07627119 NA 4 4.0 4 0.11440678 NA 5 8.0 4 0.11016949 NA 6 16.0 4 0.27966102 NA 7 32.0 4 0.44491525 NA 8 64.0 4 0.52542373 NA 9 128.0 4 0.72033898 NA 10 256.0 4 0.76271186 NA 11 512.0 4 0.76271186 NA 12 1024.0 4 0.76271186 NA 13 0.5 8 0.05932203 NA 14 1.0 8 0.08050847 NA 15 2.0 8 0.07627119 NA 16 4.0 8 0.11440678 NA 17 8.0 8 0.11016949 NA 18 16.0 8 0.27966102 NA 19 32.0 8 0.44491525 NA 20 64.0 8 0.52542373 NA 21 128.0 8 0.72033898 NA 22 256.0 8 0.76271186 NA 23 512.0 8 0.76271186 NA 24 1024.0 8 0.76271186 NA 25 0.5 16 0.05932203 NA 26 1.0 16 0.08050847 NA 27 2.0 16 0.07627119 NA 28 4.0 16 0.11440678 NA 29 8.0 16 0.11016949 NA 30 16.0 16 0.27966102 NA 31 32.0 16 0.44491525 NA 32 64.0 16 0.52542373 NA 33 128.0 16 0.72033898 NA 34 256.0 16 0.76271186 NA 35 512.0 16 0.76271186 NA 36 1024.0 16 0.76271186 NA > plot(obj, transform.x = log2, transform.y = log2) > plot(obj, type = "perspective", theta = 120, phi = 45) > > > best.tune_wsvm(Species~.,weight = c(rep(0.08, 50),rep(1,100)), data = iris, ranges = list(gamma = 2^(-1:1), cost = 2^(2:4)), tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling = "fix")) Call: best.tune_wsvm(Species ~ ., weight = c(rep(0.08, 50), rep(1, 100)), data = iris, ranges = list(gamma = 2^(-1:1), cost = 2^(2:4)), tunecontrol = tune.control(sampling = "fix")) Parameters: SVM-Type: C-classification SVM-Kernel: radial cost: 4 Number of Support Vectors: 54 > > > proc.time() user system elapsed 0.67 0.10 0.76