test_that("vcov arg works in vcov(), summary(), and anova() for glm_weightit", { eps <- if (capabilities("long.double")) 1e-5 else 1e-1 test_data <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "test_data.rds")) set.seed(123) test_data$clus <- sample(1:50, nrow(test_data), replace = TRUE) W <- weightit(A ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9, data = test_data, method = "glm", estimand = "ATE", quick = TRUE) fit_none <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "none") fit_asympt <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "asympt") fit_hc0 <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "HC0") set.seed(123) fit_bs <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "BS", R = 25) set.seed(123) fit_fwb <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "FWB", R = 25) fit_asympt_clus <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "asympt", cluster = ~clus) fit_hc0_clus <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus) set.seed(123) fit_bs_clus <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "BS", R = 25, cluster = ~clus) set.seed(123) fit_fwb_clus <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "FWB", R = 25, cluster = ~clus) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "asympt"), vcov(fit_asympt), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "HC0"), vcov(fit_hc0), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "BS", R = 25), vcov(fit_bs), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "FWB", R = 25), vcov(fit_fwb), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "asympt", cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_asympt_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_hc0_clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "BS", R = 25, cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_bs_clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "FWB", R = 25, cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_fwb_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "asympt", cluster = NULL), vcov(fit_asympt), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "asympt"), vcov(fit_asympt_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0", cluster = NULL), vcov(fit_hc0), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0"), vcov(fit_hc0_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt, vcov = "HC0")$coef, summary(fit_hc0)$coef, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus)$coef, summary(fit_hc0_clus)$coef, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0", cluster = NULL)$coef, summary(fit_hc0)$coef, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0")$coef, summary(fit_hc0_clus)$coef, tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "BS", R = 25)$coef, summary(fit_bs_clus)$coef, tolerance = eps) fit_small <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A, data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "none") expect_equal(anova(fit_asympt, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "asympt"), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(anova(fit_hc0, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "HC0"), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(anova(fit_asympt_clus, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "asympt", cluster = ~clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(anova(fit_hc0_clus, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(anova(fit_bs_clus, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "BS", R = 25, cluster = ~clus), tolerance = eps) expect_error(anova(fit_asympt_clus, fit_small, vcov = "none"), "No variance matrix was found") fit_small_hc0 <- glm_weightit(Y_C ~ A, data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "HC0") expect_warning(anova(fit_asympt, fit_small_hc0), "Different `vcov` types detected") expect_no_condition(anova(fit_hc0, fit_small_hc0)) expect_no_condition(anova(fit_asympt, fit_small_hc0, vcov = "asympt")) expect_equal(update(fit_none, vcov = "HC0"), fit_hc0, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_none, vcov = "asympt"), fit_asympt, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_hc0, vcov = "asympt"), fit_asympt, tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(fit_bs, update(fit_none, vcov = "BS", R = 25), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(fit_fwb, update(fit_none, vcov = "FWB", R = 25), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_hc0, cluster = ~clus), fit_hc0_clus, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_asympt, cluster = ~clus), fit_asympt_clus, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_asympt_clus, cluster = NULL), fit_asympt, tolerance = eps) #Note: need to remove call because order of arguments is different .remove_call <- function(x) { x$call <- NULL x } set.seed(123) expect_equal(.remove_call(update(fit_bs, R = 25, cluster = ~clus)), .remove_call(fit_bs_clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(.remove_call(update(fit_fwb, cluster = ~clus, R = 25)), .remove_call(fit_fwb_clus), tolerance = eps) }) test_that("vcov arg works in vcov(), summary(), and anova() for ordinal_weightit", { eps <- if (capabilities("long.double")) 1e-5 else 1e-1 test_data <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "test_data.rds")) set.seed(123) test_data$clus <- sample(1:50, nrow(test_data), replace = TRUE) test_data$Y_O <- with(test_data, factor(findInterval(Y_C, quantile(Y_C, seq(0, 1, length = 5)), all.inside = TRUE), ordered = TRUE)) W <- weightit(A ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9, data = test_data, method = "glm", estimand = "ATE") fit_none <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "none") fit_asympt <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "asympt") fit_hc0 <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "HC0") set.seed(123) fit_bs <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "BS", R = 25) set.seed(123) fit_fwb <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "FWB", R = 25) fit_asympt_clus <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "asympt", cluster = ~clus) fit_hc0_clus <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus) set.seed(123) fit_bs_clus <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "BS", R = 25, cluster = ~clus) set.seed(123) fit_fwb_clus <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "FWB", R = 25, cluster = ~clus) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "asympt"), vcov(fit_asympt), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "HC0"), vcov(fit_hc0), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "BS", R = 25), vcov(fit_bs), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "FWB", R = 25), vcov(fit_fwb), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "asympt", cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_asympt_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_hc0_clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "BS", R = 25, cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_bs_clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "FWB", R = 25, cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_fwb_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "asympt", cluster = NULL), vcov(fit_asympt), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "asympt"), vcov(fit_asympt_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0", cluster = NULL), vcov(fit_hc0), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0"), vcov(fit_hc0_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt, vcov = "HC0")$coef, summary(fit_hc0)$coef, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus)$coef, summary(fit_hc0_clus)$coef, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0", cluster = NULL)$coef, summary(fit_hc0)$coef, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0")$coef, summary(fit_hc0_clus)$coef, tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "BS", R = 25)$coef, summary(fit_bs_clus)$coef, tolerance = eps) fit_small <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A, data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "none") expect_equal(anova(fit_asympt, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "asympt"), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(anova(fit_hc0, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "HC0"), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(anova(fit_asympt_clus, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "asympt", cluster = ~clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(anova(fit_hc0_clus, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(anova(fit_bs_clus, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "BS", R = 25, cluster = ~clus), tolerance = eps) expect_error(anova(fit_asympt_clus, fit_small, vcov = "none"), "No variance matrix was found") fit_small_hc0 <- ordinal_weightit(Y_O ~ A, data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "HC0") expect_warning(anova(fit_asympt, fit_small_hc0), "Different `vcov` types detected") expect_no_condition(anova(fit_hc0, fit_small_hc0)) expect_no_condition(anova(fit_asympt, fit_small_hc0, vcov = "asympt")) expect_equal(summary(update(fit_none, vcov = "HC0")), summary(fit_hc0), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(update(fit_none, vcov = "asympt")), summary(fit_asympt), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_hc0, vcov = "asympt"), fit_asympt, tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(fit_bs, update(fit_none, vcov = "BS", R = 25), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(fit_fwb, update(fit_none, vcov = "FWB", R = 25), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_hc0, cluster = ~clus), fit_hc0_clus, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_asympt, cluster = ~clus), fit_asympt_clus) expect_equal(update(fit_asympt_clus, cluster = NULL), fit_asympt, tolerance = eps) #Note: need to remove call because order of arguments is different .remove_call <- function(x) { x$call <- NULL x } set.seed(123) expect_equal(.remove_call(update(fit_bs, R = 25, cluster = ~clus)), .remove_call(fit_bs_clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(.remove_call(update(fit_fwb, cluster = ~clus, R = 25)), .remove_call(fit_fwb_clus), tolerance = eps) }) test_that("vcov arg works in vcov(), summary(), and anova() for multinom_weightit", { eps <- if (capabilities("long.double")) 1e-5 else 1e-1 test_data <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "test_data.rds")) test_data$Y_M <- with(test_data, factor(findInterval(Y_C, quantile(Y_C, seq(0, 1, length = 5)), all.inside = TRUE))) set.seed(123) test_data$off <- runif(nrow(test_data)) test_data$clus <- sample(1:50, nrow(test_data), replace = TRUE) W <- weightit(A ~ X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 + X5 + X6 + X7 + X8 + X9, data = test_data, method = "glm", estimand = "ATE") fit_none <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "none") fit_asympt <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "asympt") fit_hc0 <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "HC0") set.seed(123) fit_bs <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "BS", R = 25) set.seed(123) fit_fwb <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "FWB", R = 25) fit_asympt_clus <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "asympt", cluster = ~clus) fit_hc0_clus <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus) set.seed(123) fit_bs_clus <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "BS", R = 25, cluster = ~clus) set.seed(123) fit_fwb_clus <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A * (X1), data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "FWB", R = 25, cluster = ~clus) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "asympt"), vcov(fit_asympt), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "HC0"), vcov(fit_hc0), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "BS", R = 25), vcov(fit_bs), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "FWB", R = 25), vcov(fit_fwb), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "asympt", cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_asympt_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_hc0_clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "BS", R = 25, cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_bs_clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(vcov(fit_none, vcov = "FWB", R = 25, cluster = ~clus), vcov(fit_fwb_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "asympt", cluster = NULL), vcov(fit_asympt), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "asympt"), vcov(fit_asympt_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0", cluster = NULL), vcov(fit_hc0), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(vcov(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0"), vcov(fit_hc0_clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt, vcov = "HC0")$coef, summary(fit_hc0)$coef, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus)$coef, summary(fit_hc0_clus)$coef, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0", cluster = NULL)$coef, summary(fit_hc0)$coef, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "HC0")$coef, summary(fit_hc0_clus)$coef, tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(summary(fit_asympt_clus, vcov = "BS", R = 25)$coef, summary(fit_bs_clus)$coef, tolerance = eps) fit_small <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A, data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "none") expect_equal(anova(fit_asympt, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "asympt"), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(anova(fit_hc0, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "HC0"), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(anova(fit_asympt_clus, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "asympt", cluster = ~clus), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(anova(fit_hc0_clus, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "HC0", cluster = ~clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(anova(fit_bs_clus, fit_small), anova(fit_none, fit_small, vcov = "BS", R = 25, cluster = ~clus), tolerance = eps) expect_error(anova(fit_asympt_clus, fit_small, vcov = "none"), "No variance matrix was found") fit_small_hc0 <- multinom_weightit(Y_M ~ A, data = test_data, weightit = W, vcov = "HC0") expect_warning(anova(fit_asympt, fit_small_hc0), "Different `vcov` types detected") expect_no_condition(anova(fit_hc0, fit_small_hc0)) expect_no_condition(anova(fit_asympt, fit_small_hc0, vcov = "asympt")) expect_equal(summary(update(fit_none, vcov = "HC0")), summary(fit_hc0), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(summary(update(fit_none, vcov = "asympt")), summary(fit_asympt), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_hc0, vcov = "asympt"), fit_asympt, tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(fit_bs, update(fit_none, vcov = "BS", R = 25), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(fit_fwb, update(fit_none, vcov = "FWB", R = 25), tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_hc0, cluster = ~clus), fit_hc0_clus, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_asympt, cluster = ~clus), fit_asympt_clus, tolerance = eps) expect_equal(update(fit_asympt_clus, cluster = NULL), fit_asympt, tolerance = eps) #Note: need to remove call because order of arguments is different .remove_call <- function(x) { x$call <- NULL x } set.seed(123) expect_equal(.remove_call(update(fit_bs, R = 25, cluster = ~clus)), .remove_call(fit_bs_clus), tolerance = eps) set.seed(123) expect_equal(.remove_call(update(fit_fwb, cluster = ~clus, R = 25)), .remove_call(fit_fwb_clus), tolerance = eps) })