library(testthat) library(VecDep) # Tests for the function betakernelestimator.R test_that("betakernelestimator() returns a number", { q = 3 n = 100 sample = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n,rep(0,q),diag(3),method = "chol") # Sample from multivariate normal distribution with identity covariance matrix pseudos = matrix(0,n,q) for(j in 1:q){pseudos[,j] = (n/(n+1)) * ecdf(sample[,j])(sample[,j])} # Copula pseudo-observations input = rep(0.5,q) # Argument at which to estimate the density h = hamse(input,pseudos = pseudos,n = n,estimator = "beta",bw_method = 1) output <- betakernelestimator(input = input, h = h, pseudos = pseudos) expect_type(output, "double") })