library(VLMC) set.seed(21001) c0 <- proc.time() f1 <- c(1,0,0,0) f2 <- rep(1:0,2) (dt2 <- rep(c(f1,f1,f2,f1,f2,f2,f1),2)) dt3 <- c(unlist(sapply(1:5, function(k) c(rep(0,k),1))), rep(1,6))# patterns NOI in dt2 (vlmc.dt2c15 <- vlmc(dt2, cutoff = 1.5)) draw(vlmc.dt2c15) ## Predict "myself" (in sample) noquote(cbind(fit = predict(vlmc.dt2c15, type = "response"), probs = pr <- predict(vlmc.dt2c15), lev = predict(vlmc.dt2c15, type = "depth"), ID = (pid <- predict(vlmc.dt2c15, type = "id")), flags = {ff <- attr(pr,"flags"); ff[ff == "0"] <- ""; ff}, context= id2ctxt(pid, m=2, alpha=TRUE) )) (vlmc.dt2c.1 <- vlmc(dt2, cutoff = .1)) (vlmc.dt2c0 <- vlmc(dt2, cutoff = 0, thresh = 1))# need thresh=1 for "perfect fit" draw(vlmc.dt2c.1) ## Predict "myself" (in sample) pp.1 <- predict(vlmc.dt2c.1)# pred.prob p.1 <- predict(vlmc.dt2c.1, type="response") pid.1 <- predict(vlmc.dt2c.1, type="id.node") ## now give "-" for initial ones! (pl.1 <- predict(vlmc.dt2c.1, type="depth")) noquote(cbind(pp.1,fit=p.1, "="=c("<>","")[1+(dt2==p.1)], lev= pl.1, id= pid.1, flags = attr(p.1,"flags"), context = id2ctxt(pid.1, m=2, alpha=TRUE) )) ## Almost the same : predict(vlmc.dt2c.1, type = "ALL") draw(vlmc.dt2c0) draw(vlmc.dt2c0, cumulative = FALSE) ## Predict "myself" (in sample) (p0 <- predict(vlmc.dt2c0, type="response")) all(dt2[-1] == abs(p0[-1])) # TRUE ! pp <- predict(vlmc.dt2c0)# pred.prob !any([-1,],0:1)))#> TRUE ## since all pred.probabilties are 0 or 1 ! <- predict(vlmc.dt2c0, type="id.node") p.lev <- predict(vlmc.dt2c0, type="depth") noquote(cbind(pp, flags = attr(,"flags"), ID=, lev = p.lev, ctxt = id2ctxt(,m=2, a=TRUE))) ## or almost the same: predict(vlmc.dt2c0, type="ALL") ## This once gave a seg.fault! p.dt2c0dt3 <- predict(vlmc.dt2c0, dt3) ## quite many NA (but not at end!) ## which([,1])) which([-1,1]))) ## 1 3 6 10 15 ---- SAME as ../VLMC/dt2_c0.dt3.pred !! ## NONE! predict(vlmc.dt2c0, dt3, type = "ALL") ## NA NA's : prm <- cbind(fit = predict(vlmc.dt2c0, dt3, type = "response"), probs = (pr <- predict(vlmc.dt2c0, dt3)), lev = predict(vlmc.dt2c0, dt3, type = "depth"), ID = (pid <- predict(vlmc.dt2c0, dt3, type = "id")), flags = attr(pr,"flags")) noquote(cbind(prm, context = id2ctxt(pid, m=2, alpha=TRUE))) ## Constant data prediction: |alphabet| = 1 (!!) mod <- vlmc(rep(1, 99)) pr <- predict(mod, c(1, 0, 1)) # crash did occur here (in C code) stopifnot(pr[-1] == 1) cat("Time elapsed:", format(proc.time() - c0),"\n")