test_that("Cmat.calc executes with larger gen wavelet", { skip_on_cran() J <- 5 C <- Cmat.calc(J = J, gen.filter.number = 2) expect_equal(class(C), c("matrix", "array")) expect_equal(ncol(C), J) expect_equal(nrow(C), J) }) test_that("Cmat.calc executes with larger an wavelet", { skip_on_cran() J <- 5 C <- Cmat.calc(J = J, an.filter.number = 2) expect_equal(class(C), c("matrix", "array")) expect_equal(ncol(C), J) expect_equal(nrow(C), J) }) test_that("positive J required", { expect_error( Cmat.calc(J = -5), "The parameter J should be a positive integer." ) }) test_that("numeric J required", { expect_error( Cmat.calc(J = "5"), "The parameter J should be a positive integer." ) }) test_that("integer J required", { expect_error( Cmat.calc(J = "5.5"), "The parameter J should be a positive integer." ) })