test_that("Pectinate trees are generated", { expect_equal(ape::read.tree(text = "(t1, (t2, (t3, t4)));"), PectinateTree(4L)) expect_equal(ape::read.tree(text = "(a, (b, (c, (d, e))));"), PectinateTree(letters[1:5])) expect_equal(ape::read.tree(text = "(a, (b, (c, (d, e))));"), PectinateTree(ape::read.tree(text = "(a, ((b, c), (d, e)));"))) data("Lobo", package = "TreeTools") expect_equal(ape::read.tree(text = "(Cricocosmia, (Aysheaia, Siberion));"), PectinateTree(.SubsetPhyDat(Lobo.phy, 2:4))) expect_true(is.integer(PectinateTree(8)$edge)) }) test_that("Balanced trees are generated correctly", { expect_equal(BalancedTree(0), ZeroTaxonTree()) # nTip even expect_equal(BalancedTree(8L), Preorder(ape::read.tree( text = "(((t1, t2), (t3, t4)), ((t5, t6), (t7, t8)));") )) # nTip odd expect_equal(BalancedTree(9L), Preorder(ape::read.tree( text = "((((t1, t2), t3), (t4, t5)), ((t6, t7), (t8, t9)));") )) expect_equal(BalancedTree(9L)$edge, Preorder(BalancedTree(9L)$edge)) expect_equal(BalancedTree(as.character(1:9)), BalancedTree(1:9)) escapees <- c("Apostrophe's", 'and quote"s') expect_equal(ignore_attr = TRUE, PectinateTree(escapees), BalancedTree(escapees)) expect_equal(integer(0), .BalancedBit(seq_len(0))) expect_equal("Test", .BalancedBit("Test")) expect_true(is.integer(BalancedTree(8)[["edge"]])) }) test_that("StarTree() works", { expect_equal(ape::read.tree(text = "(t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7, t8);"), StarTree(8L)) expect_true(is.integer(StarTree(8)$edge)) }) test_that("Random trees are generated correctly", { # These two seeds give two different node labellings random3 <- c(4, 4, 5, 5, 1, 5, 2, 3) set.seed(1) expect_equal(random3, RandomTree(3, root = 1)$edge[1:8]) set.seed(4) expect_equal(random3, RandomTree(3, root = "t1")$edge[1:8]) expect_true(all.equal(RandomTree(3, root = "t2"), PectinateTree(c("t2", "t3", "t1")))) expect_equal(c(4, 4, 4), RandomTree(3, root = FALSE)$edge[1:3]) expect_warning(expect_equal(RandomTree(3, root = "t2"), RandomTree(3, root = 2:3))) expect_error(RandomTree(4, root = "not_there"), "No match found for `root`") expect_error(RandomTree(4, root = 999), "exceeds number of nodes") expect_error(RandomTree(4, root = -1), "must be a positive integer") expect_warning(expect_equal({ set.seed(1) RandomTree(8, root = NA_integer_) }, { set.seed(1) RandomTree(8, root = FALSE) }), "Treating `root = NA` as `FALSE`") expect_error(RandomTree(4, nodes = 0), "A tree must contain one .*node") expect_warning(RandomTree(4, nodes = 4), "`nodes` higher than number in binary tree") expect_warning(RandomTree(4, root = FALSE, nodes = 3), "`nodes` higher than number in binary tree") for (nNode in 1:8) { expect_equal(RandomTree(10, nodes = nNode)$Nnode, nNode) } for (nNode in 1:9) { expect_equal(RandomTree(10, root = TRUE, nodes = nNode)$Nnode, nNode) } }) test_that("YuleTree() works", { expect_equal(YuleTree(0), ZeroTaxonTree()) expect_equal(YuleTree("a"), SingleTaxonTree("a")) expect_equal(YuleTree(2, addInTurn = TRUE), BalancedTree(2)) expect_equal(NTip(YuleTree(10)), 10) expect_equal(YuleTree(10)$Nnode, 9) expect_true(all(TipLabels(YuleTree(10)) %in% TipLabels(10))) expect_equal(TipLabels(YuleTree(10, addInTurn = TRUE)), TipLabels(10)) expect_equal( mean(replicate(100, TotalCopheneticIndex(YuleTree(10)))), TCIContext(10)$yule.expected, tolerance = 0.1 ) }) test_that("YuleTree() root parameter", { expect_equal( {set.seed(0); YuleTree(10, root = FALSE)}, {set.seed(0); UnrootTree(YuleTree(10, root = TRUE))} ) expect_warning(expect_equal( {set.seed(0); YuleTree(10, root = NA)}, {set.seed(0); YuleTree(10, root = FALSE)} ), "root = NA") }) test_that("Hamming() works", { dataset <- StringToPhyDat("111100 ???000 ???000 111??? 10??10", letters[1:5], byTaxon = TRUE) expected <- c(1/3, 1/3, 0, 1/2, 0, NaN, 1/2, NaN, 1/2, 1/2) expect_equal(as.double(Hamming(dataset, ambig = "NAN")), expected) ex <- expected ex[is.nan(expected)] <- NA expect_equal(as.double(Hamming(dataset, ambig = c("NA", "mean"))), ex) ex[is.nan(expected)] <- 0 expect_equal(as.double(Hamming(dataset, ambig = 0)), ex) ex[is.nan(expected)] <- 1 expect_equal(as.double(Hamming(dataset, ambig = "1")), ex) ex[is.nan(expected)] <- mean(expected[!is.nan(expected)]) expect_equal(as.double(Hamming(dataset, ambig = "mean")), ex) ex[is.nan(expected)] <- median(expected[!is.nan(expected)]) expect_equal(as.double(Hamming(dataset, ambig = "med")), ex) expect_error(Hamming(dataset, ambig = "ERROR")) }) test_that("Hamming() handles inapplicables", { dataset <- StringToPhyDat("221100 ---000 ---000 211{-0}?? 10-?10", letters[1:5], byTaxon = TRUE) expected <- c(1/3, 1/3, 1/3, 3/4, 0, NaN, 1/2, NaN, 1/2, 1) expect_equal(as.double(Hamming(dataset, ambig = "NaN")), expected) }) test_that("NJTree() works", { a..f <- letters[1:6] bal6 <- StringToPhyDat("111100 111000 111000 110000", letters[1:6], byTaxon = FALSE) expect_true(all.equal( RootTree(NJTree(bal6), a..f[1:3]), BalancedTree(letters[c(1:3, 6:4)]) )) expect_equal(NJTree(bal6, edgeLengths = TRUE), Preorder(NJTree(bal6, edgeLengths = TRUE))) expect_equal(c(0, 1, 2, 1, rep(0, 6)), RootTree(NJTree(bal6, edgeLengths = TRUE), 6)$edge.length * 4L) }) test_that("Constrained NJ trees work", { dataset <- MatrixToPhyDat(matrix( c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1), ncol = 2, dimnames = list(letters[1:6], NULL))) constraint <- MatrixToPhyDat(c(a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0, e = 1, f = 1)) expect_true(all.equal(read.tree(text = "(a, (d, ((c, b), (e, f))));"), ConstrainedNJ(dataset, constraint))) # b == c == f, so these three could be resolved in one of three ways. Drop B. expect_true(all.equal(DropTip(NJTree(dataset), "b"), DropTip(ConstrainedNJ(dataset, dataset), "b"))) expect_true(all.equal( KeepTip(ConstrainedNJ(dataset, constraint[3:6]), letters[3:6]), BalancedTree(letters[3:6]) )) }) test_that("Hamming() fails nicely", { expect_error(Hamming(matrix(1:4, 2, 2))) })