# Global ---- library(testthat) library(TreatmentPatterns) library(dplyr) library(stringr) test_that("computePathways DatabaseConnector", { skip("Eunomia [2.0.0] bug") skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CG) globals <- generateCohortTableCG() expect_message( expect_message( expect_message( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, connectionDetails = globals$connectionDetails, cdmSchema = "main", resultSchema = "main" ), "After maxPathLength: 553" ), "After combinationWindow: 554" ), "Original number of rows: 8366" ) }) test_that("computePathways CDMConnector", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_message( expect_message( expect_message( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cdm = globals$cdm, globals$cohortTableName ), "Records: 553" ), "Records: 554" ), "Records: 8366" ) DBI::dbDisconnect(globals$con, shutdown = TRUE) }) test_that("nrow exitCohorts > 0", { skip("Eunomia [2.0.0] bug") skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CG) globals <- generateCohortTableCG() cohorts <- globals$cohorts %>% mutate(type = case_when( .data$cohortName == "Acetaminophen" ~ "exit", .default = .data$type )) expect_message( computePathways( connectionDetails = globals$connectionDetails, cdmSchema = globals$cdmSchema, resultSchema = globals$resultSchema, cohorts = cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName ), "After maxPathLength: 2117" ) }) # Parameter sweep ---- test_that("includeTreatments", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() andromeda_startDate <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, includeTreatments = "startDate" ) andromeda_endDate <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, includeTreatments = "endDate" ) startDate <- andromeda_startDate$treatmentHistory %>% dplyr::collect() endDate <- andromeda_endDate$treatmentHistory %>% dplyr::collect() expect_false(identical( startDate$eventStartDate, endDate$eventStartDate )) expect_false(identical( startDate$durationEra, endDate$durationEra )) expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, includeTreatments = "asdlf" ) ) Andromeda::close(andromeda_startDate) Andromeda::close(andromeda_endDate) }) test_that("indexDateOffset", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, indexDateOffset = "0" ), "Must be of type.+'numeric'" ) expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, indexDateOffset = Inf ), "Must be finite" ) expect_message( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, indexDateOffset = 0 ), "Records: 8366" ) expect_message( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, indexDateOffset = -30 ), "Records: 8366" ) expect_message( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, indexDateOffset = 30 ), "Records: 6267" ) }) test_that("minEraDuration", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, minEraDuration = "0" ), "Must be of type.+'numeric'" ) }) test_that("splitEventCohorts", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() andromeda_empty <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, splitEventCohorts = NULL ) andromeda_Clavulanate <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, splitEventCohorts = 4, splitTime = 30 ) empty <- andromeda_empty[["treatmentHistory"]] %>% collect() clavulanate <- andromeda_Clavulanate[["treatmentHistory"]] %>% collect() expect_false(identical(empty$eventCohortId, clavulanate$eventCohortId)) expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, splitEventCohorts = "1" ), "Must be of type.+'integerish'" ) Andromeda::close(andromeda_Clavulanate) Andromeda::close(andromeda_empty) }) test_that("splitTime", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, splitTime = "1" ), "Must be of type.+'integerish'" ) }) test_that("eraCollapseSize", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() andromeda_0 <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, eraCollapseSize = 0 ) andromeda_10000 <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, eraCollapseSize = 10000 ) expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, eraCollapseSize = "" ), " Must be of type.+'numeric'" ) Andromeda::close(andromeda_0) Andromeda::close(andromeda_10000) }) test_that("combinationWindow", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( suppressWarnings( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, combinationWindow = "" ) ), "Must be of type.+'numeric'" ) }) test_that("minPostCombinationDuration: 30", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir = eunomia_dir()) cohorts <- data.frame( cohortId = c(1, 2, 3), cohortName = c("X", "A", "B"), type = c("target", "event", "event") ) cohort_table <- dplyr::tribble( ~cohort_definition_id, ~subject_id, ~cohort_start_date, ~cohort_end_date, 1, 5, as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2015-01-01"), 2, 5, as.Date("2014-01-01"), as.Date("2014-03-01"), 3, 5, as.Date("2014-01-10"), as.Date("2014-03-15") ) copy_to(con, cohort_table, overwrite = TRUE) cdm <- cdmFromCon(con, cdmSchema = "main", writeSchema = "main", cohortTables = "cohort_table") ## 30 ---- andromeda <- TreatmentPatterns::computePathways( cohorts = cohorts, cohortTableName = "cohort_table", cdm = cdm, includeTreatments = "startDate", indexDateOffset = 0, minEraDuration = 0, eraCollapseSize = 3, combinationWindow = 30, minPostCombinationDuration = 30, filterTreatments = "All", maxPathLength = 5 ) result <- TreatmentPatterns::export(andromeda, minCellCount = 1) treatmentPaths <- result$treatment_pathways pathway <- treatmentPaths %>% dplyr::filter( .data$age == "all", .data$sex == "all", .data$index_year == "all") %>% dplyr::pull(.data$pathway) expect_identical(pathway, "A+B") ## 12 ---- andromeda <- TreatmentPatterns::computePathways( cohorts = cohorts, cohortTableName = "cohort_table", cdm = cdm, includeTreatments = "startDate", indexDateOffset = 0, minEraDuration = 0, eraCollapseSize = 3, combinationWindow = 30, minPostCombinationDuration = 12, filterTreatments = "All", maxPathLength = 5 ) result <- TreatmentPatterns::export(andromeda, minCellCount = 1) treatmentPaths <- result$treatment_pathways pathway <- treatmentPaths %>% dplyr::filter( .data$age == "all", .data$sex == "all", .data$index_year == "all") %>% dplyr::pull(.data$pathway) expect_identical(pathway, "A+B-B") ## 8 ---- andromeda <- TreatmentPatterns::computePathways( cohorts = cohorts, cohortTableName = "cohort_table", cdm = cdm, includeTreatments = "startDate", indexDateOffset = 0, minEraDuration = 0, eraCollapseSize = 3, combinationWindow = 30, minPostCombinationDuration = 8, filterTreatments = "All", maxPathLength = 5 ) result <- TreatmentPatterns::export(andromeda, minCellCount = 1) treatmentPaths <- result$treatment_pathways pathway <- treatmentPaths %>% dplyr::filter( .data$age == "all", .data$sex == "all", .data$index_year == "all") %>% dplyr::pull(.data$pathway) expect_identical(pathway, "A-A+B-B") DBI::dbDisconnect(con) }) test_that("filterTreatments", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, filterTreatments = "" ), "Must be a subset of" ) first <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, filterTreatments = "First" ) changes <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, filterTreatments = "Changes" ) all <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, filterTreatments = "All" ) firstTH <- first$treatmentHistory %>% dplyr::collect() changesTH <- changes$treatmentHistory %>% dplyr::collect() allTH <- all$treatmentHistory %>% dplyr::collect() # Check names expect_identical( sort(names(firstTH)), sort(names(changesTH)), sort(names(allTH)) ) # eventCohortId expect_identical( "character", class(firstTH$eventCohortId), class(changesTH$eventCohortId), class(allTH$eventCohortId) ) expect_contains( expected = c( class(firstTH$personId), class(changesTH$personId), class(allTH$personId) ), object = c("integer", "numeric") ) expect_identical( "numeric", class(firstTH$indexYear), class(changesTH$indexYear), class(allTH$indexYear) ) expect_identical( "integer", class(firstTH$eventStartDate), class(changesTH$eventStartDate), class(allTH$eventStartDate) ) expect_identical( "integer", class(firstTH$eventEndDate), class(changesTH$eventStartDate), class(allTH$eventEndDate) ) expect_identical( "numeric", class(firstTH$age), class(changesTH$age), class(allTH$age) ) expect_identical( "character", class(firstTH$sex), class(changesTH$sex), class(allTH$sex) ) expect_identical( "integer", class(firstTH$durationEra), class(changesTH$durationEra), class(allTH$durationEra) ) expect_identical( "numeric", class(firstTH$sortOrder), class(changesTH$sortOrder), class(allTH$sortOrder) ) expect_identical( "integer", class(firstTH$eventSeq), class(changesTH$eventSeq), class(allTH$eventSeq) ) expect_identical( "character", class(firstTH$eventCohortName), class(changesTH$eventCohortName), class(allTH$eventCohortName) ) expect_false(any(is.na(firstTH))) expect_false(any(is.na(changesTH))) expect_false(any(is.na(allTH))) expect_false(any(is.null(firstTH))) expect_false(any(is.null(changesTH))) expect_false(any(is.null(allTH))) expect_true(nrow(firstTH) == 553) expect_true(nrow(changesTH) == 554) expect_true(nrow(allTH) == 554) expect_true(Andromeda::isAndromeda(first)) expect_true(Andromeda::isAndromeda(changes)) expect_true(Andromeda::isAndromeda(all)) Andromeda::close(first) Andromeda::close(changes) Andromeda::close(all) }) test_that("FRFS combination", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir = eunomia_dir()) cohorts <- data.frame( cohortId = c(1, 2, 3), cohortName = c("X", "A", "B"), type = c("target", "event", "event") ) cohort_table <- dplyr::tribble( ~cohort_definition_id, ~subject_id, ~cohort_start_date, ~cohort_end_date, 1, 5, as.Date("2017-08-03"), as.Date("2018-08-02"), 3, 5, as.Date("2017-11-26"), as.Date("2018-04-10"), 2, 5, as.Date("2018-02-26"), as.Date("2018-04-24"), 1, 7, as.Date("2015-10-20"), as.Date("2018-06-28"), 2, 7, as.Date("2017-12-04"), as.Date("2018-04-30") ) copy_to(con, cohort_table, overwrite = TRUE) cdm <- cdmFromCon(con, cdmSchema = "main", writeSchema = "main", cohortTables = "cohort_table") andromeda <- computePathways( cohorts = cohorts, cohortTableName = 'cohort_table', cdm = cdm, tempEmulationSchema = NULL, includeTreatments = "startDate", indexDateOffset = 0, minEraDuration = 30, eraCollapseSize = 30, combinationWindow = 30, minPostCombinationDuration = 30, filterTreatments = "All", maxPathLength = 5) nFRFS <- andromeda$addRowsFRFS_1 %>% dplyr::collect() %>% nrow() nLRFS <- andromeda$addRowsLRFS_1 %>% dplyr::collect() %>% nrow() expect_equal(nFRFS, 1) expect_equal(nLRFS, 0) DBI::dbDisconnect(con) }) test_that("LRFS combination", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir = eunomia_dir()) cohorts <- data.frame( cohortId = c(1, 2, 3), cohortName = c("X", "A", "B"), type = c("target", "event", "event") ) cohort_table <- dplyr::tribble( ~cohort_definition_id, ~subject_id, ~cohort_start_date, ~cohort_end_date, 1, 5, as.Date("2017-08-03"), as.Date("2018-08-02"), 3, 5, as.Date("2017-11-26"), as.Date("2018-04-10"), 2, 5, as.Date("2018-01-26"), as.Date("2018-03-24"), 1, 7, as.Date("2015-10-20"), as.Date("2018-06-28"), 2, 7, as.Date("2017-12-04"), as.Date("2018-04-30") ) copy_to(con, cohort_table, overwrite = TRUE) cdm <- cdmFromCon(con, cdmSchema = "main", writeSchema = "main", cohortTables = "cohort_table") andromeda <- computePathways( cohorts = cohorts, cohortTableName = 'cohort_table', cdm = cdm, tempEmulationSchema = NULL, includeTreatments = "startDate", indexDateOffset = 0, minEraDuration = 30, eraCollapseSize = 30, combinationWindow = 30, minPostCombinationDuration = 30, filterTreatments = "All", maxPathLength = 5) nFRFS <- andromeda$addRowsFRFS_1 %>% dplyr::collect() %>% nrow() nLRFS <- andromeda$addRowsLRFS_1 %>% dplyr::collect() %>% nrow() expect_equal(nFRFS, 0) expect_equal(nLRFS, 1) DBI::dbDisconnect(con) }) test_that("No target records", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) params <- suppressWarnings(generateCohortTableCDMC()) params$cohorts$cohortId[8] <- 9 expect_warning({ outputEnv <- computePathways( cohorts = params$cohorts, cohortTableName = params$cohortTableName, cdm = params$cdm ) }) expect_true(nrow(outputEnv$treatmentHistory %>% collect()) == 0) DBI::dbDisconnect(params$con, shutdown = TRUE) }) test_that("Empty cohort table", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) params <- suppressWarnings(generateCohortTableCDMC()) params$cdm$cohort_table <- params$cdm$cohort_table %>% filter(.data$cohort_definition_id <= 0) %>% compute() expect_warning({ outputEnv <- computePathways( cohorts = params$cohorts, cohortTableName = params$cohortTableName, cdm = params$cdm ) }) expect_true(nrow(outputEnv$treatmentHistory %>% collect()) == 0) DBI::dbDisconnect(params$con, shutdown = TRUE) }) test_that("No target defined", { skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) params <- suppressWarnings(generateCohortTableCDMC()) params$cohorts$type <- rep("event", 8) expect_error({ outputEnv <- computePathways( cohorts = params$cohorts, cohortTableName = params$cohortTableName, cdm = params$cdm ) }) DBI::dbDisconnect(params$con, shutdown = TRUE) }) test_that("Attrition", { skip_on_os(os = "linux") skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CDMC) skip_if_not(ableToRun()$CG) params <- suppressWarnings(generateCohortTableCDMC()) outputEnvCDMC <- computePathways( cohorts = params$cohorts, cohortTableName = params$cohortTableName, cdm = params$cdm ) params <- suppressWarnings(generateCohortTableCG()) outputEnvCG <- computePathways( cohorts = params$cohorts, cohortTableName = params$cohortTableName, connectionDetails = params$connectionDetails, cdmSchema = params$cdmSchema, resultSchema = params$resultSchema ) expect_identical( outputEnvCDMC$attrition %>% collect() %>% select(-"time_stamp"), outputEnvCG$attrition %>% collect() %>% select(-"time_stamp") ) Andromeda::close(outputEnvCG) Andromeda::close(outputEnvCDMC) })