# Global ---- library(testthat) library(TreatmentPatterns) library(dplyr) library(stringr) test_that("computePathways DatabaseConnector", { testthat::skip_on_cran() testthat::skip_on_ci() globals <- generateCohortTableCG() expect_message( expect_message( expect_message( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, connectionDetails = globals$connectionDetails, cdmSchema = "main", resultSchema = "main" ), "After maxPathLength: 6675" ), "After combinationWindow: 6682" ), "Original number of rows: 8352" ) }) test_that("computePathways CDMConnector", { skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_message( expect_message( expect_message( computePathways( cdm = globals$cdm, cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName ), "After maxPathLength: 6675" ), "After combinationWindow: 6682" ), "Original number of rows: 8352" ) DBI::dbDisconnect(globals$con, shutdown = TRUE) }) test_that("nrow exitCohorts > 0", { skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() cohorts <- globals$cohorts %>% mutate(type = case_when( .data$cohortName == "Acetaminophen" ~ "exit", .default = .data$type )) expect_message( computePathways( cdm = globals$cdm, cohorts = cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName ), "After maxPathLength: 6919" ) }) # Parameter sweep ---- test_that("includeTreatments", { skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() andromeda_startDate <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, includeTreatments = "startDate" ) andromeda_endDate <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, includeTreatments = "endDate" ) startDate <- andromeda_startDate$treatmentHistory %>% dplyr::collect() endDate <- andromeda_endDate$treatmentHistory %>% dplyr::collect() expect_false(identical( startDate$eventStartDate, endDate$eventStartDate )) expect_false(identical( startDate$durationEra, endDate$durationEra )) expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, includeTreatments = "asdlf" ) ) Andromeda::close(andromeda_startDate) Andromeda::close(andromeda_endDate) }) test_that("periodPriorToIndex", { skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, periodPriorToIndex = "0" ), "Must be of type.+'numeric'" ) }) test_that("minEraDuration", { testthat::skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, minEraDuration = "0" ), "Must be of type.+'numeric'" ) }) test_that("splitEventCohorts", { skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() andromeda_empty <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, splitEventCohorts = NULL ) andromeda_Clavulanate <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, splitEventCohorts = 4, splitTime = 30 ) empty <- andromeda_empty[["treatmentHistory"]] %>% collect() clavulanate <- andromeda_Clavulanate[["treatmentHistory"]] %>% collect() expect_false(identical(empty$eventCohortId, clavulanate$eventCohortId)) expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, splitEventCohorts = "1" ), "Must be of type.+'integerish'" ) Andromeda::close(andromeda_Clavulanate) Andromeda::close(andromeda_empty) }) test_that("splitTime", { testthat::skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, splitTime = "1" ), "Must be of type.+'integerish'" ) }) test_that("eraCollapseSize", { skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() andromeda_0 <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, eraCollapseSize = 0 ) andromeda_10000 <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, eraCollapseSize = 10000 ) expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, eraCollapseSize = "" ), " Must be of type.+'numeric'" ) Andromeda::close(andromeda_0) Andromeda::close(andromeda_10000) }) test_that("combinationWindow", { skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, combinationWindow = "" ), "Must be of type.+'numeric'" ) }) test_that("minPostCombinationDuration", { skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, minPostCombinationDuration = "Stuff" ), "Must be of.+type.+" ) }) test_that("filterTreatments", { skip_on_cran() globals <- generateCohortTableCDMC() expect_error( computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, filterTreatments = "" ), "Must be a subset of" ) first <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, filterTreatments = "First" ) changes <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, filterTreatments = "Changes" ) all <- computePathways( cohorts = globals$cohorts, cohortTableName = globals$cohortTableName, cdm = globals$cdm, filterTreatments = "All" ) expect_true(Andromeda::isAndromeda(first)) expect_true(Andromeda::isAndromeda(changes)) expect_true(Andromeda::isAndromeda(all)) Andromeda::close(first) Andromeda::close(changes) Andromeda::close(all) })