# Count Layers # set seed to get consistant sample set.seed(1) # This is used for nesting counts mtcars2 <- mtcars mtcars$grp <- paste0("grp.", mtcars$cyl + sample(c(0, 0.5), 32, replace = TRUE)) mtcars$amn <- unclass(as.factor(mtcars$am)) mtcars <- mutate_all(mtcars, as.character) t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t3 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t4 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t5 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t6 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t7 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t8 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t9 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t10 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t11 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t12 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t13 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t14 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t15 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t16 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_total_group() t17 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t18 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t19 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) t20 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) c1 <- group_count(t1, cyl) # Add in by c2 <- group_count(t2, cyl, by = am) # Add in multiple bys c3 <- group_count(t3, cyl, by = vars(am, vs)) # Multiple bys and different f_str c4 <- group_count(t4, cyl, by = vars(am, vs)) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xxx", n)) # Multiple bys and total row c5 <- group_count(t5, cyl, by = vars(am, vs)) %>% add_total_row() %>% set_denoms_by(gear) # Add distinct by c6 <- group_count(t6, cyl) %>% set_distinct_by(cyl) # Multiple target_vars c7 <- group_count(t7, vars(cyl, grp)) # Distinct count and Event count c8 <- group_count(t8, cyl) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x%) [xx]", n, pct, distinct_n)) %>% set_distinct_by(am) # Change indentation c9 <- group_count(t9, vars(cyl, grp)) %>% set_indentation("") # Change row prefix c10 <- group_count(t10, cyl) %>% set_count_row_prefix("abc") # Change ordering cols c11 <- group_count(t11, cyl) %>% set_ordering_cols(5) # Change numeric extraction value c12 <- group_count(t12, cyl) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x%) [xx]", n, pct, distinct_n)) %>% set_result_order_var(distinct_n) %>% set_distinct_by(am) c13 <- group_count(t13, vars(cyl, grp), by = "Test") c14 <- group_count(t14, vars(cyl, grp)) %>% set_outer_sort_position("asc") c15 <- group_count(t15, cyl) %>% set_distinct_by(vars(am, vs)) c16 <- group_count(t16, cyl) %>% set_distinct_by(vars(am,vs)) #Check for warning with by, total row and no denom_by c17 <- group_count(t17, cyl, by = vars(am, vs)) %>% add_total_row() # Warning shouldn't raise here because they are both strings c18 <- group_count(t18, cyl, by = vars("am", "vs")) %>% add_total_row() c19 <- group_count(t19, cyl, by = am) %>% set_denoms_by(am) %>% add_total_row() c20 <- group_count(t20, cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), Missing = "4", denom_ignore = TRUE) %>% add_total_row() t1 <- add_layers(t1, c1) t2 <- add_layers(t2, c2) t3 <- add_layers(t3, c3) t4 <- add_layers(t4, c4) t5 <- add_layers(t5, c5) t6 <- add_layers(t6, c6) t7 <- add_layers(t7, c7) t8 <- add_layers(t8, c8) t9 <- add_layers(t9, c9) t10 <- add_layers(t10, c10) t11 <- add_layers(t11, c11) t12 <- add_layers(t12, c12) t13 <- add_layers(t13, c13) t14 <- add_layers(t14, c14) t15 <- add_layers(t15, c15) t16 <- add_layers(t16, c16) t17 <- add_layers(t17, c17) t18 <- add_layers(t18, c18) t19 <- add_layers(t19, c19) t20 <- add_layers(t20, c20) test_that("Count layers are built as expected", { expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c1$by, as_name)), character()) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c2$by, as_name)), "am") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c3$by, as_name)), c("am", "vs")) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c4$by, as_name)), c("am", "vs")) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c5$by, as_name)), c("am", "vs")) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c6$by, as_name)), character()) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c7$by, as_name)), character()) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c8$by, as_name)), character()) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c9$by, as_name)), character()) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c10$by, as_name)), character()) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c1$target_var, as_name)), "cyl") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c2$target_var, as_name)), "cyl") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c3$target_var, as_name)), "cyl") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c4$target_var, as_name)), "cyl") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c5$target_var, as_name)), "cyl") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c6$target_var, as_name)), "cyl") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c7$target_var, as_name)), c("cyl", "grp")) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c8$target_var, as_name)), "cyl") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c9$target_var, as_name)), c("cyl", "grp")) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c10$target_var, as_name)), "cyl") expect_equal(c4$format_strings$n_counts, f_str("xxx", n)) expect_equal(c5$include_total_row, TRUE) expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c6$distinct_by, as_name)), "cyl") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c8$distinct_by, as_name)), "am") expect_equal(c9$indentation, "") expect_equal(c10$count_row_prefix, "abc") expect_equal(unname(map_chr(c15$distinct_by, as_name)), c("am", "vs")) }) test_that("Count layers are summarized without errors and warnings", { expect_silent(build(t1)) expect_silent(build(t2)) expect_silent(build(t3)) expect_silent(build(t4)) expect_silent(build(t5)) expect_silent(build(t6)) # Just building this due to some weird error. It produces no output in an # expect output, but produces output in an expect silent. Any warnings raised # will raise when this is rebuilt for consistancy. build(t7) expect_silent(build(t8)) expect_silent(build(t9)) expect_silent(build(t10)) expect_silent(build(t11)) expect_silent(build(t12)) expect_silent(build(t13)) expect_silent(build(t14)) expect_silent(build(t15)) expect_silent(build(t16)) expect_warning(build(t17), "A total row was added in addition") expect_silent(build(t18)) expect_silent(build(t19)) expect_warning(build(t20), "Your total row is ignoring certain values.") }) test_that("Count layers are processed as expected", { expect_equal(dim(c1$numeric_data), c(9, 6)) expect_equal(dim(c2$numeric_data), c(18, 7)) expect_equal(dim(c3$numeric_data), c(36, 8)) expect_equal(dim(c4$numeric_data), c(36, 8)) expect_equal(dim(c5$numeric_data), c(39, 8)) expect_equal(dim(c6$numeric_data), c(9, 6)) expect_equal(dim(c7$numeric_data), c(27, 7)) expect_equal(dim(c8$numeric_data), c(9, 6)) expect_equal(dim(c9$numeric_data), c(27, 7)) expect_equal(dim(c10$numeric_data), c(9, 6)) expect_type(c1$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_type(c2$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_type(c3$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_type(c4$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_type(c5$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_type(c6$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_type(c7$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_type(c8$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_type(c9$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_type(c10$numeric_data$n, "double") expect_true(all(nchar(unlist(c1$formatted_data[, 2:4])) == 11)) expect_true(all(nchar(unlist(c2$formatted_data[, 3:5])) == 11)) expect_true(all(nchar(unlist(c3$formatted_data[, 4:6])) == 11)) expect_true(all(nchar(unlist(c4$formatted_data[, 5:6])) == 3)) expect_true(all(nchar(unlist(c5$formatted_data[, 4:6])) == 11)) expect_true(all(nchar(unlist(c6$formatted_data[, 3:4])) == 11)) expect_true(all(nchar(unlist(c7$formatted_data[, 3:5])) == 11)) # Check all start with abc expect_true(all(map_chr(unlist(c10$formatted_data[, 1]), str_sub, 1, 3) == "abc")) # Check denoms can be properly formed when there are custom groups and # distinct variables expect_true(all(t16$layers[[1]]$numeric_data$distinct_total != 0)) # Check denoms_by calculates pcts correctly expect_equal(t19$layers[[1]]$numeric_data$total, c(19L, 19L, 19L, 19L, 19L, 19L, 19L, 19L, 19L, 19L, 19L, 19L, 13L, 13L, 13L, 13L, 13L, 13L, 13L, 13L, 13L, 13L, 13L, 13L)) }) test_that("nested count layers can be rebuilt without changes", { tmp1 <- build(t7) tmp2 <- build(t7) expect_equal(tmp1, tmp2) }) test_that("missing counts can be displayed as expected", { mtcars[mtcars$cyl == 6, "cyl"] <- NA t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx ", n), Missing = NA) ) %>% build() expect_equal(t1[3, 1], tibble(row_label1 = "Missing")) expect_equal(t1[3, 2:4], tibble(var1_3 = " 2 ", var1_4 = " 4 ", var1_5 = " 1 ")) mtcars[is.na(mtcars$cyl), "cyl"] <- "Not here" t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx ", n), Missing = "Not here") ) %>% build() expect_equal(t2[3, 1], tibble(row_label1 = "Missing")) expect_equal(t2[3, 2:4], tibble(var1_3 = " 2 ", var1_4 = " 4 ", var1_5 = " 1 ")) mtcars[mtcars$cyl == "Not here", "cyl"] <- "Unknown" t3 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx ", n), UNK = "Unknown") ) %>% build() expect_equal(t3[3, 1], tibble(row_label1 = "UNK")) expect_equal(t3[3, 2:4], tibble(var1_3 = " 2 ", var1_4 = " 4 ", var1_5 = " 1 ")) mtcars[mtcars$cyl == 8, "cyl"] <- NA t4 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx ", n), denom_ignore = TRUE, Missing = NA, Unknown = "Unknown") ) %>% build() %>% arrange(ord_layer_1) expect_equal(t4$row_label1, c("4", "Unknown", "Missing")) expect_equal(t4$var1_3, c(" 1 (100.0%)", " 2 ", "12 ")) expect_equal(t4$var1_4, c(" 8 (100.0%)", " 4 ", " 0 ")) expect_equal(t4$var1_5, c(" 2 (100.0%)", " 1 ", " 2 ")) expect_equal(t4$ord_layer_index, c(1L, 1L, 1L)) # Added unname for compatibility between tibble versions expect_equal(unname(t4$ord_layer_1), c(1, 2, 3)) t5 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% add_total_row(f_str("xx (xx.x%)", n, pct), count_missings = FALSE) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), Missing = c("Unknown", NA)) ) %>% build() expect_equal(t5$var1_3, c(" 1 ( 6.7%)", "14", " 1 ( 6.7%)")) }) test_that("Count layer clauses with invalid syntax give informative error", { t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(am, where = bad == code) ) expect_snapshot_error(build(t)) }) test_that("Nested count layers can be built with text by variables", { expect_equal(c13$formatted_data$ord_layer_2, rep(2, 9)) }) test_that("set_outer_sort_position works as expected", { expect_equal(c14$formatted_data$ord_layer_2, rep(c(-Inf, 1, 2), 3)) }) test_that("Total rows and missing counts are displayed correctly(0.1.5 Updates)", { mtcars2$cyl2 <- mtcars2$cyl + 10 mtcars2[mtcars2$cyl == "4", "cyl"] <- NA mtcars2$grp <- paste0("grp.", mtcars2$cyl + rep(c(0, 0.5), 16)) mtcars2$amN <- unclass(as.factor(mtcars2$am)) mtcars2[mtcars2$am == 1, "am"] <- NA t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), Missing = NA) %>% add_total_row(f_str("xxxxx [xx.x]", n, pct)) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() # Missing Count + Total Row t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), Missing = NA, `Not Found` = NaN) %>% add_total_row(f_str("xxxxx [xx.x]", n, pct)) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() # Missing Counts + Total Row t3 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(am) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), sort_value = 5689, Missing = NA, `Not Found` = NaN) %>% add_total_row(f_str("xxxxx [xx.x]", n, pct), sort_value = 9999, count_missings = TRUE) %>% set_order_count_method("byvarn") %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() # Missing Counts + Total Row + byvarn t4 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), sort_value = 999, Missing = NA, `Not Found` = NaN) %>% add_total_row(f_str("xxxxx [xx.x]", n, pct), sort_value = 9999) %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() # Missing Counts + Total Row + bycount t5 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), Missing = NA) %>% add_total_row(f_str("xxxxx [xx.x]", n, pct), sort_value = 7862) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() # Missing COunts + Total Row(bottom) t6 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(am) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), Missing = NA) %>% set_order_count_method("byvarn") %>% add_total_row(f_str("xxxxx [xx.x]", n, pct), sort_value = -Inf, count_missings = TRUE) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() # Missing COunts + Total Row(bottom) + byVarn t7 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), Missing = NA) %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") %>% add_total_row(f_str("xxxxx [xx.x]", n, pct), sort_value = -6795, count_missings = TRUE) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% # Suppressing warnring for pct in total build() # Missing COunts + Total Row(bottom) + by count t8 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_distinct_by(am) %>% add_total_row() %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() mtcars3 <- mtcars2 mtcars3$cyl <- factor(mtcars3$cyl, c(2,3,4,6,8)) t9 <- tplyr_table(mtcars3, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xxxx", n), Missing_ = NA) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() expect_snapshot_output(dput(t1)) expect_snapshot_output(dput(t2)) expect_snapshot_output(dput(t3)) expect_snapshot_output(dput(t4)) expect_snapshot_output(dput(t5)) expect_snapshot_output(dput(t6)) expect_snapshot_output(dput(t7)) expect_snapshot_output(dput(t8)) expect_snapshot_output(dput(t9)) }) test_that("set_denom_where works as expected", { # Just make a different object for pop_data. Just used to check for warning pop_mtcars <- mtcars pop_mtcars$grp <- seq_along(mtcars$am) t10 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl, where = cyl != 6) %>% set_denom_where(TRUE) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() expect_snapshot_output(dput(t10)) t11 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl, where = cyl != 6) %>% set_denom_where(cyl != 4) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() expect_snapshot_output(dput(t11)) t12 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% set_pop_data(pop_mtcars) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_denom_where(cyl != 6) %>% set_distinct_by(am) ) expect_snapshot_warning(build(t12)) t13 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl, where = cyl != 6) %>% set_distinct_by(am) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", distinct_n, distinct_pct)) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() expect_snapshot_output(dput(t13)) }) test_that("set_denom_where errors for incompatible object type", { t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) # Modify the object type to make it incompatible class(t1) <- "environment" # Function errors t1 <- set_denom_where(t1, mpg != 21) %>% expect_error("Object type should be") }) test_that("missing counts can be set without a format and it inherits the layer format", { t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(Missing = "4") ) %>% build() expect_equal(t1$row_label1, c("Missing", "6", "8")) expect_equal(t1$var1_3, c(" 1 ( 6.7%)", " 2 ( 13.3%)", "12 ( 80.0%)")) t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(Missing = "4") %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xxx [xx.x%]", n, pct)) ) %>% build() expect_equal(t2$row_label1, c("Missing", "6", "8")) expect_equal(t2$var1_3, c(" 1 [ 6.7%]", " 2 [13.3%]", " 12 [80.0%]")) }) test_that("distinct is changed to distinct_n with a warning", { expect_warning({ t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_distinct_by(am) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx", distinct)) ) }, "The use of 'distinct' in count f_strs is discouraged. It was replaced with 'distinct_n' for consistancy.") expect_equal(t$layers[[1]]$format_strings$n_counts$vars[[1]], "distinct_n") }) test_that("Nested count layers can accept text values in the first variable", { t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars("All Cyl", cyl)) ) expect_silent(build(t)) expect_equal(t$layers[[1]]$formatted_data$row_label1, c("All Cyl", "All Cyl", "All Cyl", "All Cyl")) expect_equal(t$layers[[1]]$formatted_data$row_label2, c("All Cyl", " 4", " 6", " 8")) expect_equal(t$layers[[1]]$formatted_data$var1_3, c("15 (100.0%)", " 1 ( 6.7%)", " 2 ( 13.3%)", "12 ( 80.0%)")) expect_equal(t$layers[[1]]$formatted_data$var1_4, c("12 (100.0%)", " 8 ( 66.7%)", " 4 ( 33.3%)", " 0 ( 0.0%)")) expect_equal(t$layers[[1]]$formatted_data$var1_5, c(" 5 (100.0%)", " 2 ( 40.0%)", " 1 ( 20.0%)", " 2 ( 40.0%)")) t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(cyl, "Txt")) ) expect_snapshot_error(build(t2)) mtcars$cyl <- factor(as.character(mtcars$cyl), c("4", "6", "8", "25")) t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars("all cyl", cyl)) ) %>% build() expect_equal(t2$var1_3, c("15 (100.0%)", " 1 ( 6.7%)", " 2 ( 13.3%)", "12 ( 80.0%)", " 0 ( 0.0%)")) }) test_that("Variable names will be coersed into symbols", { t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count("cyl") ) expect_snapshot_warning(build(t1)) t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars("all cyl", "cyl")) ) expect_snapshot_warning(build(t2)) }) test_that("nested count layers can be built with character value in first position and risk difference", { suppressWarnings({ t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars("all_cyl", cyl)) %>% add_risk_diff( c("4", "5"), c("3", "5") ) ) %>% build() }) expect_equal(t1$rdiff_4_5, c(" 0.000 ( 0.000, 0.000)", " 0.267 (-0.380, 0.914)", " 0.133 (-0.441, 0.707)", "-0.400 (-0.971, 0.171)")) }) test_that("keep_levels works as expeceted", { t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% keep_levels("4", "6") %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xxx (xxx%)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars("all cyl", cyl)) %>% keep_levels("8") %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xxx (xxx%)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() expect_equal(t1$var1_3, c(" 1 ( 7%)", " 2 ( 13%)")) expect_equal(dim(t1), c(2, 6)) expect_equal(t2$var1_3, c(" 12 ( 80%)", " 12 ( 80%)")) expect_equal(dim(t2), c(2, 8)) expect_snapshot_error({ t3 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% keep_levels("10", "20") ) %>% build() }) mtcars$grp <- paste0("grp.", as.numeric(mtcars$cyl) + rep(c(0, 0.5), 16)) t4 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(cyl, grp)) %>% keep_levels("nothere") ) expect_snapshot_error(build(t4)) }) test_that("nested count layers can be built with restrictive where logic", { mtcars <- mtcars2 mtcars$grp <- paste0("grp.", mtcars$cyl + sample(c(0, 0.5), 32, replace = TRUE)) t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(cyl, grp), where = grp == "grp.8.5") %>% set_nest_count(TRUE) %>% set_order_count_method('bycount') %>% set_ordering_cols("3") ) %>% build() expect_equal(dim(t), c(2, 7)) }) test_that("nested count layers handle `set_denoms_by` as expected", { mtcars <- mtcars2 mtcars$grp <- paste0("grp.", mtcars$cyl + rep(c(0, 0.5), 16)) expect_snapshot_error({ t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(cyl,grp)) %>% set_denoms_by(grp) ) }) t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(cyl,grp)) %>% set_denoms_by(cyl) ) %>% build() expect_equal(t2$var1_3, c(" 1 ( 9.1%)", " 1 ( 9.1%)", " 0 ( 0.0%)", " 2 ( 28.6%)", " 0 ( 0.0%)", " 2 ( 28.6%)", "12 ( 85.7%)", " 7 ( 50.0%)", " 5 ( 35.7%)")) t3 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(cyl,grp)) %>% set_denoms_by(cyl, gear) ) %>% build() expect_equal(t3$var1_3, c(" 1 (100.0%)", " 1 (100.0%)", " 0 ( 0.0%)", " 2 (100.0%)", " 0 ( 0.0%)", " 2 (100.0%)", "12 (100.0%)", " 7 ( 58.3%)", " 5 ( 41.7%)")) # Tests added to capture #136 expect_snapshot( # Results have been manually verified # Denom for cyl == 4 is 11 tplyr_table(mtcars, gear, cols=vs) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(cyl,grp)) %>% set_denoms_by(cyl) ) %>% build() %>% as.data.frame() ) expect_snapshot( # Results have been manually verified # Denom for gear == 3, vs = 0 is 12 tplyr_table(mtcars, gear, cols=vs) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(cyl,grp)) ) %>% build() %>% as.data.frame() ) }) test_that("test IBM rounding option", { row_num <- seq(1:2000) trta = ifelse(row_num <= 1000, "Placebo", "ThisDrg") gender = ifelse(between(row_num, 1, 485), "F", ifelse(between(row_num, 1001, 1525), "F", "M")) adsl <- tibble(trta, gender) tabl <- tplyr_table(adsl, trta) %>% add_total_group(group_name = "Total") %>% add_layer( group_count(gender, by = "Gender") %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xxx (xxx%)", n, pct)) ) %>% build() expect_equal(tabl$var1_Placebo, c("485 ( 48%)", "515 ( 52%)")) options(tplyr.IBMRounding = TRUE) tabl2 <- tplyr_table(adsl, trta) %>% add_total_group(group_name = "Total") %>% add_layer( group_count(gender, by = "Gender") %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xxx (xxx%)", n, pct)) ) expect_warning({tabl2 <- build(tabl2)}, "You have enabled IBM Rounding.") expect_equal(tabl2$var1_Placebo, c("485 ( 49%)", "515 ( 52%)")) options(tplyr.IBMRounding = FALSE) }) test_that("test specific rounding proplem #124", { vec <- c(2.64, -3.20, -2.88, 2.95) mvec <- mean(vec) options(tplyr.IBMRounding = TRUE) rounded <- ut_round(mvec, 3) expect_equal(rounded, -0.123) options(tplyr.IBMRounding = FALSE) }) test_that("nested count can accept data if second variable is bigger than the first", { test_adcm <- data.frame( SUBJID = c("1", "2", "3"), ATC2 = c("Antiemetics and antinauseants", "Psycholeptics", "Psycholeptics"), CMDECOD = c("Promethazine hydrochloride", "Promethazine hydrochloride", "Promethazine hydrochloride"), TRT101A = c("TRT1", "TRT2", "TRT1") ) x <- test_adcm %>% tplyr_table(TRT101A) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(ATC2, CMDECOD)) ) %>% build() %>% as.data.frame() expect_snapshot(x) }) test_that("Posix columns don't cause the build to error out.", { # load(test_path("adae.Rdata")) load(test_path("adsl.Rdata")) adsl <- adsl %>% mutate(fake_dttm = as.POSIXct("2019-01-01 10:10:10"), origin = "1970-01-01") %>% rename(TRTA = TRT01A) tp_obj <- tplyr_table(adae, TRTA) %>% set_pop_data(adsl) %>% add_layer( group_count('Number of subjects with any event') %>% set_distinct_by(USUBJID) %>% set_denoms_by(TRTA) ) expect_silent(build(tp_obj)) }) test_that("set_numeric_threshold works as expected", { t1 <- mtcars %>% tplyr_table(gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_numeric_threshold(10, "n") %>% add_total_row() %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t1))) t2 <- mtcars %>% tplyr_table(gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_numeric_threshold(5.1, "n") %>% add_total_row() %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t2))) t3 <- mtcars %>% tplyr_table(gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_numeric_threshold(13, "n") %>% add_total_row() %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t3))) t4 <- mtcars %>% tplyr_table(gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_numeric_threshold(16, "n") %>% add_total_row() %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t4))) t5 <- mtcars %>% tplyr_table(gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_numeric_threshold(0.5, "pct") %>% add_total_row() %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t5))) t6 <- mtcars %>% tplyr_table(gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_numeric_threshold(4, "n", "3") %>% add_total_row() %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t6))) load(test_path("adae.Rdata")) t7 <- adae %>% tplyr_table(TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(AEBODSYS, AEDECOD)) %>% set_numeric_threshold(3, "n", "Placebo") ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t7))) t8 <- adae %>% tplyr_table(TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(AEBODSYS, AEDECOD)) %>% set_numeric_threshold(3, "n", "Placebo") %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t8))) }) test_that("denom and distinct_denom values work as expected", { t1 <- tplyr_table(mtcars2, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_missing_count(f_str("xx", n), Missing = NA) %>% add_total_row(f_str("xxxxx [xx.x]", n, pct)) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx/xxx (xx.x)", n, total, pct)) %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t1))) t2 <- tplyr_table(mtcars, gear) %>% add_layer( group_count(cyl) %>% set_distinct_by(am) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xxx xxx xxx xxx", distinct_n, distinct_total, n, total)) ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t2))) }) test_that("denoms with distinct population data populates as expected", { load(test_path("adae.Rdata")) load(test_path("adsl.Rdata")) tab <- tplyr_table(adae, TRTA) %>% set_pop_data(adsl) %>% set_pop_treat_var(TRT01A) %>% add_total_group %>% add_treat_grps(Dosed = c("Xanomeline High Dose", "Xanomeline Low Dose")) %>% add_layer( group_count("Any Body System") %>% set_distinct_by(USUBJID) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xx (xx.x%)", distinct_n, distinct_pct)) ) %>% build() expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(tab)) }) test_that("nested count layers error out when you try to add a total row", { # GH issue 92 tab <- tplyr_table(mtcars, am) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(cyl, grp)) %>% add_total_row() ) expect_snapshot_error(build(tab)) # The weird use of mtcars2 makes us have to overwrite this again mtcars <- mtcars2 }) test_that("Tables with pop_data can accept a layer level where", { load(test_path('adsl.Rdata')) load(test_path('adae.Rdata')) t <- tplyr_table(adae, TRTA) %>% set_pop_data(adsl) %>% set_pop_treat_var(TRT01A) %>% set_pop_where(TRUE) %>% add_layer( group_count(AEDECOD, where = AEREL != "NONE") %>% set_distinct_by(USUBJID) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xxx, [xxx] (xxx.x%) [xxx.x%]", distinct_n, n, distinct_pct, pct)) ) expect_snapshot(as.data.frame(build(t))) }) test_that("Regression test to make sure cols produce correct denom", { load(test_path('adsl.Rdata')) load(test_path('adae.Rdata')) t <- tplyr_table(adae,TRTAN, cols=SEX) %>% set_pop_data(adsl) %>% set_pop_treat_var(TRT01AN) %>% add_layer( group_count("Subjects with at least one event") %>% set_distinct_by(USUBJID) %>% set_format_strings(f_str("xxx (xx.x) [xx]", distinct_n, distinct_pct, distinct_total)) ) %>% build() %>% select(-starts_with('ord')) %>% as.data.frame() expect_snapshot(t) }) test_that("Error checking for add_missing_subjects_row()", { expect_snapshot_error( tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_count(AEDECOD) %>% add_missing_subjects_row("blah") ) ) expect_snapshot_error( tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_count(AEDECOD) %>% add_missing_subjects_row(f_str("xx", distinct_n), sort_value = "x") ) ) expect_error({ tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_shift(vars(AEBODSYS, AEDECOD)) %>% add_missing_subjects_row(f_str("xx", distinct_n)) ) }, "`add_missing_subjects_row` for shift layers" ) expect_snapshot_error( tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_desc(RACEN) %>% add_missing_subjects_row(f_str("xx", distinct_n)) ) ) ## ---- expect_snapshot_error( tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_count(AEDECOD) %>% set_missing_subjects_row_label(3) ) ) expect_snapshot_error( tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_count(AEDECOD) %>% set_missing_subjects_row_label(c("x", "y")) ) ) expect_error({ tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_shift(vars(AEBODSYS, AEDECOD)) %>% set_missing_subjects_row_label("x") )}, "`set_missing_subjects_row_label` for shift layers" ) expect_snapshot_error( tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% add_layer( group_desc(RACEN) %>% set_missing_subjects_row_label("x") ) ) }) test_that("Missing subjects row calculates correctly", { x <- tplyr_table(tplyr_adlb, TRTA, cols=SEX) %>% set_pop_data(tplyr_adsl) %>% set_pop_treat_var(TRT01A) %>% add_layer( group_count(ANRIND, by = vars(PARAM, AVISIT)) %>% set_distinct_by(USUBJID) %>% add_missing_subjects_row(f_str("xx", distinct_n)) ) %>% build() # Check 1 in_res1 <- x %>% filter(row_label3 == "Missing", row_label1 == "Blood Urea Nitrogen (mmol/L)", row_label2 == "Week 12") %>% pull(var1_Placebo_F) %>% as.numeric() pop1 <- tplyr_adsl %>% filter(TRT01A == "Placebo", SEX == "F") %>% nrow() dat1 <- tplyr_adlb %>% filter(PARAM == "Blood Urea Nitrogen (mmol/L)", AVISIT == "Week 12", TRTA == "Placebo", SEX == "F") %>% distinct(USUBJID) %>% nrow() expect_equal(pop1-dat1, in_res1) # Check 2 in_res2 <- x %>% filter(row_label3 == "Missing", row_label1 == "Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (U/L)", row_label2 == "Week 24") %>% pull(`var1_Xanomeline Low Dose_M`) %>% as.numeric() pop2 <- tplyr_adsl %>% filter(TRT01A == "Xanomeline Low Dose", SEX == "M") %>% nrow() dat2 <- tplyr_adlb %>% filter(PARAM == "Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (U/L)", AVISIT == "Week 24", TRTA == "Xanomeline Low Dose", SEX == "M") %>% distinct(USUBJID) %>% nrow() expect_equal(pop2-dat2, in_res2) }) test_that("Missing counts on nested count layers function correctly", { x <- tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% set_pop_data(tplyr_adsl) %>% set_pop_treat_var(TRT01A) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(AEBODSYS, AEDECOD)) %>% set_distinct_by(USUBJID) %>% add_missing_subjects_row(f_str("xx (XX.x%)", distinct_n, distinct_pct), sort_value = Inf) ) %>% build() expect_equal(nrow(x %>% filter(row_label2 == " Missing")), 1) expect_equal(tail(x, 1)$ord_layer_2, Inf) # Verify that bycount works for missing values and sort value is assigned correctly x <- tplyr_table(tplyr_adae, TRTA) %>% set_pop_data(tplyr_adsl) %>% set_pop_treat_var(TRT01A) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(AEBODSYS, AEDECOD)) %>% set_distinct_by(USUBJID) %>% set_order_count_method("bycount") %>% set_ordering_cols("Xanomeline High Dose") %>% set_result_order_var(distinct_n) %>% add_missing_subjects_row(f_str("xx (XX.x%)", distinct_n, distinct_pct), sort_value = 99999) ) %>% build() expect_equal(tail(x, 1)$ord_layer_2, 99999) # Also test that label reassignment flows # The warning here is intentional expect_snapshot_warning({ x <- tplyr_table(tplyr_adsl, TRT01A) %>% add_layer( group_count(vars(SEX, RACE)) %>% set_order_count_method(c("byfactor", "byvarn")) %>% add_missing_subjects_row(f_str("xx (XX.x%)", distinct_n, distinct_pct), sort_value = 99999) %>% set_missing_subjects_row_label("New label") ) %>% build() }) expect_equal(filter(x, row_label2 == " New label")$ord_layer_2, c(99999, 99999)) })