library(Thresher) # unstructured matrix suppressWarnings( RNGversion("3.5.0") ) set.seed(9948489) dumb <- matrix(rnorm(100*12), ncol=12) colnames(dumb) <- paste("G", 1:12, sep='') thresh <- Thresher(dumb) # test 'failure' version of constructor r <- new("Reaper", thresh, useLoadings=FALSE, keep=FALSE, nGroups=NA, fit=NA, bic=NA, allfits=list(), metric='pearson') r@nGroups # now construct it for real reap <- Reaper(thresh) reap@nGroups screeplot(reap) plot(reap) scatter(reap) heat(reap) # matrices with structure set.seed(250264) load(system.file("Examples/thresh.Rda", package="Thresher")) thresh@nSample # 300 thresh@rho # 0.5 thresh@pcdim # 2 min(thresh@delta) > 0.5 # TRUE round(det(thresh@covariance), 5) # 0.00117 # create Reaper reap <- Reaper(thresh) reap@pcdim # two real components reap@nGroups # and two clusters reap@bic # check the BIC levels screeplot(reap, col='gold', lcol='black') plot(reap) scatter(reap) heat(reap) colsch <- Thresher:::.makeColorScheme(4) bin.hc <- reap@signalSet@binaryClusters <- colsch[cutree(bin.hc, k=4)] con.hc <- reap@signalSet@continuousClusters <- colsch[cutree(con.hc, k=4)] heat(reap, Colv=as.dendrogram(bin.hc),, main=paste(reap@name, "binary signals, cont. colors")) heat(reap, Colv=as.dendrogram(con.hc),, main=paste(reap@name, "cont. signals, binary colors")) if(FALSE) { makeFigures(reap) }