context("(Package spelling)") test_that("No misspelled words", { skip_on_cran() skip_on_travis() # In a checking context, one is typically in /TeXCheckR.Rcheck/tests/testthat/ if (file.exists("test-zzz-check-pkgs-spelling.R")) { if (grepl(".Rcheck", getwd(), fixed = TRUE) && dir.exists("../../../TeXCheckR")) { pkg <- "../../../TeXCheckR" } else { pkg <- "../.." } } else { if (file.exists("DESCRIPTION")) { pkg <- "." } } result <- tryCatch({ devtools::spell_check(pkg = pkg, ignore = c("ary", "backtick", "biber", "BibLaTeX", "Grattan", "initialisms", "knitr", "linting", "perl", "protasis", "QXEF", "regex", "Rnw", "RStudio", "tex", "TeX", "th", "Unbreaking", "unescaped", "unreferenced")) }, error = function(e) { if (dir.exists("C:/Users/hughp/Documents/sandbox")) { cat(getwd(), file = "C:/Users/hughp/Documents/sandbox/check-1.txt") } # Do not fail the test due to failure to locate the # package: cat("NO SPELLCHECK") }) if (length(result) > 0) { stop("Spelling error in package.") } expect_equal(length(result), 0) })