#context("Run Examples for t_TOST") # need hush function to run print through examples hush = function(code) { sink("NUL") # use /dev/null in UNIX tmp = code sink() return(tmp) } test_that("Run examples for one sample", { hush = function(code) { sink("NUL") # use /dev/null in UNIX tmp = code sink() return(tmp) } set.seed(3164964) samp1 = rnorm(33) expect_error(t_TOST()) expect_error(t_TOST(x = samp1, eqb = c(-1,1,.5))) expect_error(t_TOST(x = samp1, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, alpha = 1.22)) expect_error(t_TOST(Sepal.Width ~ Species, data = iris)) # Normal one sample ---- test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5) test1_smd = smd_calc(x = samp1, alpha = .1) test1_smd_boot = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, alpha = .1, R = 99) expect_equal(test1_smd$estimate, test1_smd_boot$estimate) expect_equal(test1_smd$estimate, test1$effsize$estimate[2]) expect_equal(test1_smd$lower.ci, test1$effsize$lower.ci[2]) expect_equal(test1_smd$upper.ci, test1$effsize$upper.ci[2]) expect_equal(test1_smd$SE, test1$effsize$SE[2]) test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, eqb = .5) test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, eqb = c(-.5,.5)) test2 = suppressMessages(t_TOST(x = samp1, #low_eqbound = -.5, eqb = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD")) test3 = t_TOST(x = samp1, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET") test4 = suppressMessages( { t_TOST(x = samp1, #low_eqbound = -.5, eqb = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET")}) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[2], test3$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[3], test3$TOST$p.value[3]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[2], test4$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[3], test4$TOST$p.value[3]) # Compare to tsum -------- tsum1 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5) tsum1 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), eqb = .5) tsum1_tg = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), eqb = .5, glass = "glass1") tsum1_tg = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), eqb = .5, glass = "glass2") expect_error(tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), eqb = c(.5,-.5,1))) expect_error(tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m12 = mean(samp1), sd12 = sd(samp1), n12 = length(samp1), eqb = c(.5,-.5), paired = TRUE)) expect_warning(tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp1), sd2 = sd(samp1), r12 = .73, n2 = 999, eqb = c(.5,-.5), paired = TRUE)) expect_error(tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1))) tsum2 = suppressMessages({ tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD") }) tsum3 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET") tsum4 = suppressMessages({tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET") }) # Check internal consistency expect_equal(test1$TOST$p.value, tsum1$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test2$TOST$p.value, tsum2$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test3$TOST$p.value, tsum3$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test4$TOST$p.value, tsum4$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) # Re-run with bias correction not run ----- test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, bias_correction = FALSE) test2 = suppressMessages({ t_TOST(x = samp1, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE) }) test3 = t_TOST(x = samp1, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) test4 = suppressMessages( { t_TOST(x = samp1, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE, smd_ci = "goulet") }) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[2], test3$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[3], test3$TOST$p.value[3]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[2], test4$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[3], test4$TOST$p.value[3]) tsum1 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, bias_correction = FALSE) tsum2 = suppressMessages( tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE) ) tsum3 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) tsum4 = suppressMessages(tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE)) # Check internal consistency expect_equal(test1$TOST$p.value, tsum1$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test2$TOST$p.value, tsum2$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test3$TOST$p.value, tsum3$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test4$TOST$p.value, tsum4$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) prtest = hush(print(test4)) des = hush(describe(test4)) p1 = plot(test4) p2 = plot(test4, type = "c") p3 = plot(test4, type = "tnull") p4 = plot(test4, type = "cd") }) test_that("Run examples for two sample", { hush = function(code) { sink("NUL") # use /dev/null in UNIX tmp = code sink() return(tmp) } tt1 = t_TOST(extra ~ group, data = sleep, eqb = 2) des = describe(tt1) set.seed(651466441) samp1 = rnorm(25) samp2 = rnorm(25) df_samp = data.frame(y = c(samp1,samp2), group = c(rep("g1",25), rep("g2",25))) expect_error(t_TOST()) test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5) test1_smd = smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1) test1_smd_boot_stud = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "stud", R = 99) test1_smd_boot_basic = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "b", R = 99) expect_error(boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "n", R = 99)) test1_smd_boot_perc = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "p", R = 99) expect_equal(rep(test1_smd$estimate,3), c(test1_smd_boot_stud$estimate, test1_smd_boot_basic$estimate, test1_smd_boot_perc$estimate)) expect_error(smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = -.1)) expect_equal(test1_smd$estimate, test1$effsize$estimate[2]) expect_equal(test1_smd$lower.ci, test1$effsize$lower.ci[2]) expect_equal(test1_smd$upper.ci, test1$effsize$upper.ci[2]) expect_equal(test1_smd$SE, test1$effsize$SE[2]) test2 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD") ) test3 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET") test4 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET") ) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[2], test3$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[3], test3$TOST$p.value[3]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[2], test4$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[3], test4$TOST$p.value[3]) # t_sum comparison var.equal = FALSE ---- tsum1 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, bias_correction = FALSE) tsum2 = suppressMessages( { tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE) }) tsum3 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) tsum4 = suppressMessages( { tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE)}) # Check internal consistency expect_equal(test1$TOST$p.value, tsum1$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test2$TOST$p.value, tsum2$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test3$TOST$p.value, tsum3$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test4$TOST$p.value, tsum4$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) # Re-run with bias correction not run and non-Welch ---- test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, bias_correction = FALSE) test2 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE) ) test3 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) test4 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) ) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[2], test3$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[3], test3$TOST$p.value[3]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[2], test4$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[3], test4$TOST$p.value[3]) # t_sum comparison var.equal = TRUE ---- tsum1 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, bias_correction = FALSE) tsum2 = suppressMessages({ tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE) }) tsum3 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) tsum4 = suppressMessages( { tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE)}) # Check internal consistency expect_equal(test1$TOST$p.value, tsum1$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test2$TOST$p.value, tsum2$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test3$TOST$p.value, tsum3$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test4$TOST$p.value, tsum4$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) # Run with formula test1 = t_TOST(formula = y ~ group, data = df_samp, var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, bias_correction = FALSE) test1_smd = smd_calc(formula = y ~ group, data = df_samp, var.equal = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE) test1_smd_boot_stud = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "stud", R = 99, var.equal = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE) test1_smd_boot_basic = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "b", R = 99, var.equal = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE) expect_error(boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "n", R = 99, var.equal = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE)) test1_smd_boot_perc = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "p", R = 99, var.equal = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE) expect_equal(rep(test1_smd$estimate,3), c(test1_smd_boot_stud$estimate, test1_smd_boot_basic$estimate, test1_smd_boot_perc$estimate)) # test htest ash = as_htest(test1) test2 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(formula = y ~ group, data = df_samp, var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE) ) ash = as_htest(test2) test3 = t_TOST(formula = y ~ group, data = df_samp, var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) test4 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(formula = y ~ group, data = df_samp, var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE, smd_ci = "g") ) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[2], test3$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[3], test3$TOST$p.value[3]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[2], test4$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[3], test4$TOST$p.value[3]) # Check internal consistency expect_equal(test1$TOST$p.value, tsum1$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test2$TOST$p.value, tsum2$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test3$TOST$p.value, tsum3$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test4$TOST$p.value, tsum4$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) prtest = hush(print(test4)) prtest2 = hush(describe(test4)) des = hush(describe(test4)) p1 = plot(test4) }) test_that("Run examples for paired samples", { set.seed(789461245) samp1 = rnorm(25) samp2 = rnorm(25) cor12 = stats::cor(samp1,samp2) df_samp = data.frame(y = c(samp1,samp2), group = c(rep("g1",25), rep("g2",25))) expect_error(t_TOST()) test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5) test1_smd = smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, alpha = .1) test1_smd_boot_stud = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, alpha = .1, R = 99) test1_smd_boot_basic = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "b", R = 99) expect_error(boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "n", paired = TRUE, R = 99, var.equal = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE)) test1_smd_boot_perc = boot_smd_calc(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, alpha = .1, boot_ci = "p", R = 99) expect_equal(rep(test1_smd$estimate,3), c(test1_smd_boot_stud$estimate, test1_smd_boot_basic$estimate, test1_smd_boot_perc$estimate)) expect_equal(test1_smd$estimate, test1$effsize$estimate[2]) expect_equal(test1_smd$lower.ci, test1$effsize$lower.ci[2]) expect_equal(test1_smd$upper.ci, test1$effsize$upper.ci[2]) expect_equal(test1_smd$SE, test1$effsize$SE[2]) ash = as_htest(test1) test2 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD") ) ash = as_htest(test2) test3 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET") test4 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET") ) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[2], test3$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[3], test3$TOST$p.value[3]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[2], test4$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[3], test4$TOST$p.value[3]) # t_sum paired ---- tsum1 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), r12 = cor12, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, bias_correction = FALSE) tsum2 = suppressMessages( { tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), r12 = cor12, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE) }) tsum3 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), r12 = cor12, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) expect_equal(cor12, extract_r_paired(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n = length(samp2), tstat = tsum3$TOST$t[1])) expect_error(extract_r_paired(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n = length(samp2), tstat = NULL)) test_ragain = extract_r_paired(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), #sd2 = sd(samp2), n = length(samp2), tstat = tsum3$TOST$t[1]) something = extract_r_paired(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), #sd2 = sd(samp2), n = length(samp2), tstat = tsum3$TOST$t[1]) tsum4 = suppressMessages( { tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), r12 = cor12, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE)}) expect_equal(test1$TOST$p.value, tsum1$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test2$TOST$p.value, tsum2$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test3$TOST$p.value, tsum3$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test4$TOST$p.value, tsum4$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) # Re-run with bias correction not run and rm_correction # rm_correction = TRUE test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, rm_correction = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, bias_correction = FALSE) test2 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, rm_correction = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE) ) test3 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, rm_correction = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) test4 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, rm_correction = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) ) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[2], test3$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[3], test3$TOST$p.value[3]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[2], test4$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[3], test4$TOST$p.value[3]) # t_sum paired ---- tsum1 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), r12 = cor12, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE) tsum2 = suppressMessages( { tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), r12 = cor12, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE) }) tsum3 = tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), r12 = cor12, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE) tsum4 = suppressMessages( { tsum_TOST(m1 = mean(samp1), sd1 = sd(samp1), n1 = length(samp1), m2 = mean(samp2), sd2 = sd(samp2), n2 = length(samp2), r12 = cor12, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = FALSE)}) expect_equal(test1$TOST$p.value, tsum1$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test2$TOST$p.value, tsum2$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test3$TOST$p.value, tsum3$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) expect_equal(test4$TOST$p.value, tsum4$TOST$p.value, ignore_attr = TRUE) # Run with formula test1 = t_TOST(formula = y ~ group, data = df_samp, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, bias_correction = FALSE) test2 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(formula = y ~ group, data = df_samp, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE) ) test3 = t_TOST(formula = y ~ group, data = df_samp, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) test4 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(formula = y ~ group, data = df_samp, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE) ) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[2], test3$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test1$TOST$p.value[3], test3$TOST$p.value[3]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[2], test4$TOST$p.value[2]) expect_equal(1-test2$TOST$p.value[3], test4$TOST$p.value[3]) prtest = hush(print(test4)) des = hush(describe(test4)) p1 = plot(test4) }) test_that("Run examples for plot_smd", { set.seed(1776) samp1 = rnorm(25) samp2 = rnorm(25) df_samp = data.frame(y = c(samp1,samp2), group = c(rep("g1",25), rep("g2",25))) expect_error(t_TOST()) test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5) test2 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD") ) test3 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, hypothesis = "MET") test4 = suppressMessages( t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET") ) p1 = plot_smd(lambda = c(test1$smd$d_lambda), df = c(test1$smd$d_df), d = c(test1$smd$d), type = "cd") p1 = plot_smd(lambda = c(test1$smd$d_lambda), df = c(test1$smd$d_df), d = c(test1$smd$d), type = "c") p2 = plot_smd(lambda = c(test2$smd$d_lambda), df = c(test2$smd$d_df), d = c(test2$smd$d), type = "cd") p2 = plot_smd(lambda = c(test2$smd$d_lambda), df = c(test2$smd$d_df), d = c(test2$smd$d), type = "c") expect_error(plot_smd(df = c(test1$smd$d_df), SE = c(test1$smd$d_sigma))) }) test_that("plot generic function",{ set.seed(1812) samp1 = rnorm(25) samp2 = rnorm(25) df_samp = data.frame(y = c(samp1,samp2), group = c(rep("g1",25), rep("g2",25))) test1 = t_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, smd_ci = "g") expect_error(plot(wilcox_TOST(x = samp1, y = samp2, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5))) p1 = plot(test1, type = "cd", estimates = "raw") p2 = plot(test1, type = "c", estimates = "raw") p3 = plot(test1, type = "cd", estimates = "SMD") p4 = plot(test1, type = "c", estimates = "SMD") p5 = suppressMessages(plot(test1, type = "tnull", estimates = "SMD")) p6 = suppressMessages(plot(test1, type = "tnull")) p7 = plot(test1, type = "tnull", estimates = "raw") }) test_that("Ensure paired output correct", { test1 = tsum_TOST(n1 = 23, n2 = 23, m2 = 14.2, m1 = 13.8, sd1 = 1.23, sd2 = 1.78, r12 = .41, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, paired = T, bias_correction = FALSE, eqbound_type = "raw", rm_correction = T) expect_equal(sign(test1$effsize$estimate[1]),sign(test1$effsize$estimate[2])) test2 = tsum_TOST(n1 = 23, n2 = 23, m1 = 14.2, m2 = 13.8, sd2 = 1.23, sd1 = 1.78, r12 = .41, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, paired = T, bias_correction = FALSE, eqbound_type = "raw", rm_correction = T) expect_equal(sign(test2$effsize$estimate[1]),sign(test2$effsize$estimate[2])) test3 = t_TOST(extra ~ group, data = sleep, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, paired = T, bias_correction = FALSE, eqbound_type = "raw", rm_correction = T) expect_equal(sign(test3$effsize$estimate[1]),sign(test3$effsize$estimate[2])) set.seed(90183560) x1 = rnorm(30) y1 = rnorm(30) test4 = t_TOST(x=x1, y=y1, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, paired = T, bias_correction = FALSE, eqbound_type = "raw", rm_correction = T) test5 = t_TOST(x=x1, y=y1, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, paired = T, bias_correction = FALSE, eqbound_type = "raw", rm_correction = F) expect_equal(test4$effsize$estimate[2], .0952, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test5$effsize$estimate[2], .0694, tolerance = .001) # mean(x1) # sd(x1) # mean(y1) # sd(y1) # x1: .14 (1.16) # x2: .04 (1.02) # r12 = .06 test4 = t_TOST(extra ~ group, data = sleep, low_eqbound = -.5, high_eqbound = .5, paired = T, bias_correction = FALSE, eqbound_type = "raw", rm_correction = T) expect_equal(sign(test4$effsize$estimate[1]),sign(test4$effsize$estimate[2])) }) test_that("Check NCT CIs for paired",{ #effectsize::hedges_g(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra,paired = TRUE, ci = .9) test1 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "nct", bias_correction = T, glass = NULL) expect_equal(test1$effsize$estimate[2], -1.174, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test1$effsize$lower.ci[2], -1.805, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test1$effsize$upper.ci[2], -0.4977, tolerance = .001) #effectsize::cohens_d(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra,paired = TRUE, ci = .9) test2= t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "n", bias_correction = F, glass = NULL) test_plot = plot(test2) expect_equal(test2$effsize$estimate[2], -1.285, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test2$effsize$lower.ci[2], -1.975, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test2$effsize$upper.ci[2], -0.545, tolerance = .001) test3 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "t", bias_correction = F, glass = NULL) p3 = plot(test3) test4 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "z", bias_correction = F, glass = NULL) p4 = plot(test4) test5 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "g", bias_correction = F, glass = "glass1") test5_smd = smd_calc(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra, y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, smd_ci = "g", bias_correction = F, glass = "glass1", alpha = .1) test5_smd = smd_calc(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra, y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, smd_ci = "g", bias_correction = F, glass = "glass2", alpha = .1) test6 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "z", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = F) test7 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "n", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = F) test8 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "t", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = F) }) test_that("Check NCT CIs for ind",{ #effectsize::hedges_g(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra,paired = FALSE, ci = .9, pooled_sd =TRUE) test1 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, var.equal= TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "nct", bias_correction = TRUE) expect_equal(test1$effsize$estimate[2], -0.7969352, tolerance = .01) expect_equal(test1$effsize$lower.ci[2], -1.523594, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test1$effsize$upper.ci[2], -0.04942503, tolerance = .001) #effectsize::cohens_d(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra,paired = FALSE, ci = .9) test2= t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, var.equal=TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "n", bias_correction = FALSE, glass = NULL) test_plot = plot(test2) expect_equal(test2$effsize$estimate[2], -0.8321, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test2$effsize$lower.ci[2], -1.5909, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test2$effsize$upper.ci[2], -0.05161, tolerance = .001) test3 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "t", bias_correction = F, glass = NULL) p3 = plot(test3) test4 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "z", bias_correction = F, glass = NULL) p4 = plot(test4) test5 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "g", bias_correction = F, glass = "glass1") test6 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "z", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = F) test7 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "n", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = F) test8 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "t", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = F) ## Check avg #t1=effectsize::hedges_g(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra,paired = FALSE, ci = .9, pooled_sd =FALSE) test1 = t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, var.equal= TRUE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "nct", bias_correction = TRUE) expect_equal(test1$effsize$estimate[2], -0.7969352, tolerance = .01) expect_equal(test1$effsize$lower.ci[2], -1.523594, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test1$effsize$upper.ci[2], -0.04942503, tolerance = .001) #t2=effectsize::cohens_d(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra,paired = FALSE, ci = .9, pooled_sd = FALSE) test2= t_TOST(x=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra,y=subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra, paired = FALSE, var.equal=FALSE, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "n", bias_correction = FALSE, glass = NULL) test_plot = plot(test2) expect_equal(test2$effsize$estimate[2], -0.83218, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test2$effsize$lower.ci[2], -1.59126, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test2$effsize$upper.ci[2], -0.051069, tolerance = .001) }) test_that("Check NCT CIs for one",{ z1=subset(sleep, group ==1)$extra-subset(sleep, group ==2)$extra #t1=effectsize::hedges_g(x=z1,paired = FALSE, ci = .9, pooled_sd =TRUE) test1 = t_TOST(x=z1, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "nct", bias_correction = TRUE) expect_equal(test1$effsize$estimate[2], -1.173925, tolerance = .01) expect_equal(test1$effsize$lower.ci[2], -1.804551, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test1$effsize$upper.ci[2], -0.4977325, tolerance = .001) #t2 = effectsize::cohens_d(x=z1,paired = FALSE, ci = .9) test2= t_TOST(x=z1, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "nct", bias_correction = FALSE) test_plot = plot(test2) expect_equal(test2$effsize$estimate[2], -1.284558, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test2$effsize$lower.ci[2], -1.974615, tolerance = .001) expect_equal(test2$effsize$upper.ci[2], -0.5446397, tolerance = .001) test3 = t_TOST(x=z1, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "t", bias_correction = F, glass = NULL) p3 = plot(test3) test4 = t_TOST(x=z1, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "z", bias_correction = F, glass = NULL) p4 = plot(test4) test5 = t_TOST(x=z1, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "g", bias_correction = F, glass = "glass1") test6 = t_TOST(x=z1, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "z", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = F) test7 = t_TOST(x=z1, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "n", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = F) test8 = t_TOST(x=z1, eqb = .5, smd_ci = "t", rm_correction = TRUE, bias_correction = F) }) test_that("More tsum_test",{ expect_error(TOSTER:::tsum_test( m1 = 12, sd1 = 1, n1 = 30, m2 = 11, sd2 = 1.5, n2 = 30, r12 = NULL, paired = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided", mu = c(0,1), var.equal = FALSE, conf.level = 0.95 )) expect_error(TOSTER:::tsum_test( m1 = 12, sd1 = 1, n1 = 30, m2 = 11, sd2 = 1.5, n2 = 30, r12 = NULL, paired = FALSE, alternative = "two.sided", mu = 0, var.equal = FALSE, conf.level = 55 )) })