#library(testthat) test_that("dataTOSTtwo: internal consistency",{ data(sleep) t1 = t_TOST(formula = extra ~ group, data = sleep, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet") t2 = dataTOSTtwo(data = sleep, deps = "extra", group = "group", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, c(t2$tost$asDF$`p[0]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[1]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[2]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, c(t2$effsize$asDF$`est[raw]`, t2$effsize$asDF$`est[cohen]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) # var.eqaul = TRUE t1 = t_TOST(formula = extra ~ group, data = sleep, var.equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet") t2 = dataTOSTtwo(data = sleep, deps = "extra", group = "group", var_equal = TRUE, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, c(t2$tost$asDF$`p[0]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[1]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[2]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, c(t2$effsize$asDF$`est[raw]`, t2$effsize$asDF$`est[cohen]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) # bound type to SMD t1 = suppressMessages(t_TOST(formula = extra ~ group, data = sleep, var.equal = TRUE, #hypothesis = "MET", eqbound_type = "SMD", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet")) t2 = suppressMessages(dataTOSTtwo(data = sleep, deps = "extra", group = "group", var_equal = TRUE, eqbound_type = "SMD", #hypothesis = "MET", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2)) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, c(t2$tost$asDF$`p[0]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[1]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[2]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, c(t2$effsize$asDF$`est[raw]`, t2$effsize$asDF$`est[cohen]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) # hypothesis test to MET # bound type to SMD t1 = suppressMessages(t_TOST(formula = extra ~ group, data = sleep, var.equal = TRUE, hypothesis = "MET", eqbound_type = "SMD", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet")) t2 = suppressMessages(dataTOSTtwo(data = sleep, deps = "extra", group = "group", var_equal = TRUE, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2)) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, c(t2$tost$asDF$`p[0]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[1]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[2]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, c(t2$effsize$asDF$`est[raw]`, t2$effsize$asDF$`est[cohen]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) # bound type to SMD t1 = t_TOST(formula = extra ~ group, data = sleep, var.equal = TRUE, hypothesis = "MET", eqbound_type = "raw", bias_correction = FALSE, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet") t2 = dataTOSTtwo(data = sleep, deps = "extra", group = "group", var_equal = TRUE, eqbound_type = "raw", hypothesis = "MET", smd_type = "d", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, c(t2$tost$asDF$`p[0]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[1]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[2]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, c(t2$effsize$asDF$`est[raw]`, t2$effsize$asDF$`est[cohen]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("dataTOSTpaired: internal consistency",{ data(sleep) pair1 = subset(sleep, group == 2)$extra pair2 = subset(sleep, group == 1)$extra sleep2 = data.frame(pair1 = pair1, pair2 = pair2) t1 = t_TOST(formula = extra ~ group, data = sleep, paired = TRUE, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet") t2 = dataTOSTpaired(data = sleep2, pair1 = "pair1", pair2 = "pair2", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, t2$tost$asDF$p, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, t2$effsize$asDF$est, ignore_attr = TRUE ) # bound type to SMD t1 = suppressMessages(t_TOST(formula = extra ~ group, data = sleep, paired = TRUE, #hypothesis = "MET", eqbound_type = "SMD", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet")) t2 = suppressMessages(dataTOSTpaired(data = sleep2, pair1 = "pair1", pair2 = "pair2", eqbound_type = "SMD", #hypothesis = "MET", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2)) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, t2$tost$asDF$p, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, t2$effsize$asDF$est, ignore_attr = TRUE ) # Test MET # bound type to SMD t1 = t_TOST(formula = extra ~ group, data = sleep, paired = TRUE, hypothesis = "MET", #eqbound_type = "SMD", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet") t2 = dataTOSTpaired(data = sleep2, pair1 = "pair1", pair2 = "pair2", #eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, t2$tost$asDF$p, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, t2$effsize$asDF$est, ignore_attr = TRUE ) # bound type to SMD t1 = suppressMessages(t_TOST(formula = extra ~ group, data = sleep, paired = TRUE, #hypothesis = "MET", eqbound_type = "SMD", bias_correction = FALSE, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet")) t2 = suppressMessages(dataTOSTpaired(data = sleep2, pair1 = "pair1", pair2 = "pair2", eqbound_type = "SMD", smd_type = "d", #hypothesis = "MET", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2)) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, t2$tost$asDF$p, ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, t2$effsize$asDF$est, ignore_attr = TRUE ) t2 = suppressMessages(dataTOSTpaired(data = sleep2, pair1 = "pair1", pair2 = "pair2", eqbound_type = "SMD", smd_type = "d", #hypothesis = "MET", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, desc = TRUE, plots = TRUE, indplot = TRUE, diffplot = TRUE)) }) test_that("dataTOSTone: internal consistency",{ data(sleep) t1 = t_TOST(x = sleep$extra, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_ci = "goulet") t2 = dataTOSTone(data = sleep, vars = "extra", eqbound_type = "raw", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, c(t2$tost$asDF$`p[0]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[1]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[2]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, c(t2$effsize$asDF$`est[raw]`, t2$effsize$asDF$`est[cohen]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) # bound type to SMD t1 = suppressMessages(t_TOST(x = sleep$extra, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, eqbound_type = "SMD", smd_ci = "goulet")) t2 = suppressMessages(dataTOSTone(data = sleep, vars = "extra", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, eqbound_type = "SMD")) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, c(t2$tost$asDF$`p[0]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[1]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[2]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, c(t2$effsize$asDF$`est[raw]`, t2$effsize$asDF$`est[cohen]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) # hypothesis MET t1 = suppressMessages(t_TOST(x = sleep$extra, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", smd_ci = "goulet")) t2 = suppressMessages(dataTOSTone(data = sleep, vars = extra, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2)) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, c(t2$tost$asDF$`p[0]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[1]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[2]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, c(t2$effsize$asDF$`est[raw]`, t2$effsize$asDF$`est[cohen]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) # No bias correction t1 = suppressMessages(t_TOST(x = sleep$extra, low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", bias_correction = FALSE, smd_ci = "goulet")) t2 = suppressMessages(dataTOSTone(data = sleep, vars = extra, eqbound_type = "SMD", hypothesis = "MET", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, smd_type = "d")) expect_equal(t1$TOST$p.value, c(t2$tost$asDF$`p[0]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[1]`, t2$tost$asDF$`p[2]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) expect_equal(t1$effsize$estimate, c(t2$effsize$asDF$`est[raw]`, t2$effsize$asDF$`est[cohen]`), ignore_attr = TRUE ) }) test_that("dataTOSTr",{ data('iris') t1 = dataTOSTr( data = iris, pairs = list( list( i1="Sepal.Length", i2="Sepal.Width")), plot = TRUE ) t2 = cor(iris$Sepal.Length,iris$Sepal.Width) expect_equal(t1$tost$asDF$r, t2) t1 = dataTOSTr( data = iris, pairs = list( list( i1="Sepal.Length", i2="Sepal.Width")), cor_type = "spearman", plot = TRUE ) t2 = cor(iris$Sepal.Length,iris$Sepal.Width, method = "spearman") expect_equal(t1$tost$asDF$r, t2) t1 = dataTOSTr( data = iris, pairs = list( list( i1="Sepal.Length", i2="Sepal.Width")), cor_type = "kendall" ) t2 = cor(iris$Sepal.Length,iris$Sepal.Width, method = "kendall") expect_equal(t1$tost$asDF$r, t2) t1_MET = dataTOSTr( data = iris, pairs = list( list( i1="Sepal.Length", i2="Sepal.Width")), hypothesis = "MET", cor_type = "kendall", plot = TRUE ) t2_MET = cor(iris$Sepal.Length,iris$Sepal.Width, method = "kendall") expect_equal(t1_MET$tost$asDF$r, t2_MET) expect_equal(t1_MET$tost$asDF$p, t1$tost$asDF$p) }) test_that("datatosttwoprop tests",{ set.seed(8020) d1 = rbinom(100,1,.5) d2 = rbinom(100,1,.25) df1 = data.frame( d1 = d1, d2 = d2 ) t1 = datatosttwoprop( data = df1, var = d1, level = "0", group = d2) t2 = datatosttwoprop( data = df1, var = d1, level = "0", group = d2, plot = TRUE) expect_equal(t1$tost$asDF$p, t2$tost$asDF$p) t1 = datatosttwoprop( data = df1, var = d1, level = "0", hypothesis = "MET", group = d2) t2 = datatosttwoprop( data = df1, var = d1, hypothesis = "MET", level = "0", group = d2, plot = TRUE) expect_equal(t1$tost$asDF$p, t2$tost$asDF$p) # Run plot function # Both t1 = plot_cor(r = .3, n =22, method = "pearson") t2 = plot_cor(r = .43, n =32, method = "spearman") t3 = plot_cor(r = .21, n =100, method = "kendall") # density t1 = plot_cor(r = .3, n =22, method = "pearson", type = "cd") t2 = plot_cor(r = .43, n =32, method = "spearman", type = "cd") t3 = plot_cor(r = .21, n =100, method = "kendall", type = "cd") # consonance t1 = plot_cor(r = .3, n =22, method = "pearson", type = "c") t2 = plot_cor(r = .43, n =32, method = "spearman", type = "c") t3 = plot_cor(r = .21, n =100, method = "kendall", type = "c") }) test_that("plot functions for jamovi work",{ #skip_on_cran() set.seed(8020) d1 = rbinom(100,1,.5) d2 = rbinom(100,1,.25) df1 = data.frame( d1 = d1, d2 = d2 ) #proportions t1 = datatosttwoprop( data = df1, var = d1, level = "0", hypothesis = "MET", group = d2) t2 = datatosttwoprop( data = df1, var = d1, level = "0", group = d2, plot = TRUE) expect_equal(t1$tost$asDF$p, t2$tost$asDF$p) test = t2$plot test$plot #TOSTpaired data(sleep) pair1 = subset(sleep, group == 2)$extra pair2 = subset(sleep, group == 1)$extra sleep2 = data.frame(pair1 = pair1, pair2 = pair2) t2 = dataTOSTpaired(data = sleep2, pair1 = "pair1", pair2 = "pair2", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, desc = TRUE, plots = TRUE, indplot = TRUE, diffplot = TRUE) t2$plots t2$indplot t2$diffplot t2$desc # Correlation plot data('iris') t1 = dataTOSTr( data = iris, pairs = list( list( i1="Sepal.Length", i2="Sepal.Width")), plot = TRUE ) t1$plots # one sample t2 = dataTOSTone(data = sleep, vars = "extra", eqbound_type = "raw", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, desc =TRUE, plots = TRUE) t2$plots t2$desc # two sample t2 = dataTOSTtwo(data = sleep, deps = "extra", group = "group", low_eqbound = -2, high_eqbound = 2, desc = TRUE, plots = TRUE, descplots = TRUE) t2$plots t2$descplots })