# Tests for lmmSynergy ---- # Example data and model for testing set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( Mouse = rep(1:10, each = 10), Day = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "Mouse", time = "Day", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with valid input and default parameters (Bliss method)", { # Call the function with default method ("Bliss") result <- lmmSynergy(model, show_plot = FALSE) # Check that the result is a list with two elements expect_type(result, "list") expect_equal(length(result), 2) expect_named(result, c("Contrasts", "Synergy")) # Check that "Contrasts" is a list and "Synergy" is a data frame expect_type(result$Contrasts, "list") expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Check the structure of 'Synergy' dataframe synergy <- result$Synergy expect_true(all(c("Model", "Metric", "Estimate", "lwr", "upr", "pval", "Time") %in% colnames(synergy))) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with HSA method", { # Call the function with method = "HSA" result <- lmmSynergy(model, method = "HSA", show_plot = FALSE) # Check that the result is structured as expected expect_type(result, "list") expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Check the structure of 'Synergy' dataframe synergy <- result$Synergy expect_true(all(c("Model", "Metric", "Estimate", "lwr", "upr", "pval", "Time") %in% colnames(synergy))) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with RA method", { # Call the function with method = "RA" result <- lmmSynergy(model, method = "RA", show_plot = FALSE) # Check that the result is a list with two elements expect_type(result, "list") expect_equal(length(result), 2) expect_named(result, c("Contrasts", "Synergy")) # Check that "Contrasts" is a NULL and "Synergy" is a data frame expect_null(result$Contrasts) expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Check the structure of 'Synergy' dataframe synergy <- result$Synergy expect_true(all(c("Model", "Metric", "Estimate", "lwr", "upr", "pval", "Time") %in% colnames(synergy))) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with robust sandwich estimators (robust = TRUE)", { # Call the function with robust = TRUE and type = "CR1" result <- lmmSynergy(model, robust = TRUE, type = "CR1", show_plot = FALSE) # Check that the result is structured as expected expect_type(result, "list") expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Call the function with robust = TRUE and type = "CR2" result <- lmmSynergy(model, robust = TRUE, type = "CR2", show_plot = FALSE) # Check that the result is structured as expected expect_type(result, "list") expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Check the structure of 'Synergy' dataframe synergy <- result$Synergy expect_true(all(c("Model", "Metric", "Estimate", "lwr", "upr", "pval", "Time") %in% colnames(synergy))) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy method = 'RA' robust = TRUE works correctly", { result <- lmmSynergy(model, method = "RA", min_time = 0, ra_nsim = 1000, robust = TRUE, type = "CR2", show_plot = FALSE) expect_type(result, "list") expect_named(result, c("Contrasts", "Synergy")) # Check that "Contrasts" is a NULL and "Synergy" is a data frame expect_null(result$Contrasts) expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Check the structure of 'Synergy' dataframe synergy <- result$Synergy expect_true(all(c("Model", "Metric", "Estimate", "lwr", "upr", "pval", "Time") %in% colnames(synergy))) # Ensure that robust used clubSandwich to calculate the variance-covariance matrix expect_true(all(synergy$Model == "RA")) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with different values of min_time", { # Call the function with min_time = 5 result <- lmmSynergy(model, min_time = 5) # Check that only times >= 5 are included expect_true(all(result$Synergy$Day >= 5)) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy plotting functionality with show_plot = TRUE", { # Check that no error is thrown and a plot is generated expect_silent(lmmSynergy(model, show_plot = TRUE)) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with incorrect method input", { # Expect an error when an invalid method is provided expect_error(lmmSynergy(model, method = "InvalidMethod"), "Invalid 'method' provided. Choose from 'Bliss', 'HSA', or 'RA'.") }) # Example data and model for testing set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( Mouse = rep(1:10, each = 10), Day = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_Z","Drug_ABZ"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "Mouse", time = "Day", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", drug_c = "Drug_Z", combination = "Drug_ABZ", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with 3 drugs (Bliss method)", { # Call the function with default method ("Bliss") result <- lmmSynergy(model, show_plot = FALSE) # Check that the result is a list with two elements expect_type(result, "list") expect_equal(length(result), 2) expect_named(result, c("Contrasts", "Synergy")) # Check that "Contrasts" is a list and "Synergy" is a data frame expect_type(result$Contrasts, "list") expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Check the structure of 'Synergy' dataframe synergy <- result$Synergy expect_true(all(c("Model", "Metric", "Estimate", "lwr", "upr", "pval", "Time") %in% colnames(synergy))) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with 3 drugs with HSA method", { # Call the function with method = "HSA" result <- lmmSynergy(model, method = "HSA", show_plot = FALSE) # Check that the result is structured as expected expect_type(result, "list") expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Check the structure of 'Synergy' dataframe synergy <- result$Synergy expect_true(all(c("Model", "Metric", "Estimate", "lwr", "upr", "pval", "Time") %in% colnames(synergy))) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with RA method", { # Call the function with method = "RA" result <- lmmSynergy(model, method = "RA", show_plot = FALSE) # Check that the result is a list with two elements expect_type(result, "list") expect_equal(length(result), 2) expect_named(result, c("Contrasts", "Synergy")) # Check that "Contrasts" is a NULL and "Synergy" is a data frame expect_null(result$Contrasts) expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Check the structure of 'Synergy' dataframe synergy <- result$Synergy expect_true(all(c("Model", "Metric", "Estimate", "lwr", "upr", "pval", "Time") %in% colnames(synergy))) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy with RA method and 'robust' = TRUE works correctly", { # Call the function with method = "RA" result <- lmmSynergy(model, method = "RA", robust = TRUE, show_plot = FALSE) # Check that the result is a list with two elements expect_type(result, "list") expect_equal(length(result), 2) expect_named(result, c("Contrasts", "Synergy")) # Check that "Contrasts" is a NULL and "Synergy" is a data frame expect_null(result$Contrasts) expect_s3_class(result$Synergy, "data.frame") # Check the structure of 'Synergy' dataframe synergy <- result$Synergy expect_true(all(c("Model", "Metric", "Estimate", "lwr", "upr", "pval", "Time") %in% colnames(synergy))) }) test_that("Test lmmSynergy prints warning message if p-value = 0", { # Check that the warning message is printed set.seed(245) expect_warning(lmmSynergy(model, method = "RA", robust = TRUE, ra_nsim = 10), "p-values below p<0.1 are approximated to 0. If you used method = 'RA' consider increasing ra_nsim value for more precise p-values.") })