# Tests for PostHocPwr ---- # Example data and model for testing set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( Mouse = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "Mouse", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("Test PostHocPwr with valid input and default parameters (Bliss method)", { # Call the function with default method ("Bliss") result <- PostHocPwr(model, nsim = 10) # Use small nsim for quicker testing # Check that the result is numeric expect_type(result, "double") # Check that the result is between 0 and 1 expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) }) test_that("Test PostHocPwr with HSA method", { # Call the function with method = "HSA" result <- PostHocPwr(model, nsim = 10, method = "HSA") # Use small nsim for quicker testing # Check that the result is numeric expect_type(result, "double") # Check that the result is between 0 and 1 expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) }) test_that("Test PostHocPwr with HSA method independently of the order of treatment input", { model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "Mouse", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_B", # Change order of treatments drug_b = "Drug_A", # Change order of treatments combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) # Call the function with method = "HSA" result <- PostHocPwr(model, nsim = 10, method = "HSA") # Use small nsim for quicker testing # Check that the result is numeric expect_type(result, "double") # Check that the result is between 0 and 1 expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) }) test_that("Test PostHocPwr with invalid method input", { # Expect an error when an invalid method is provided expect_error(PostHocPwr(model, method = "InvalidMethod"), "Invalid 'method' provided. Choose from 'Bliss' or 'HSA'.") }) test_that("Test PostHocPwr with different values of nsim", { # Test with nsim = 1 (edge case) result <- PostHocPwr(model, nsim = 1) expect_type(result, "double") expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) # Test with nsim = 100 (larger number of simulations) result <- PostHocPwr(model, nsim = 100) expect_type(result, "double") expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) }) test_that("Test PostHocPwr with different pvalue thresholds", { # Test with pvalue = 0.01 result <- PostHocPwr(model, pvalue = 0.01, nsim = 10) expect_type(result, "double") expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) # Test with pvalue = 0.10 result2 <- PostHocPwr(model, pvalue = 0.50, nsim = 10) expect_type(result2, "double") expect_true(result2 >= 0 && result <= 1) # result with lower p-value threshold should be smaller expect_true(result < result2) }) test_that("Test PostHocPwr setting a value for time", { # Test with time = 5 result <- PostHocPwr(model, nsim = 100, time = 5) expect_type(result, "double") expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) # Test with time = 9 result <- PostHocPwr(model, nsim = 100, time = 9) expect_type(result, "double") expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) }) test_that("Test PostHocPwr passess arguments to simulateY function", { # Passing the same seed to initiate the random number generator result.seed <- PostHocPwr(model, pvalue = 0.5, nsim = 50, seed = 123) result2.seed <- PostHocPwr(model, pvalue = 0.5, nsim = 50, seed = 123) expect_true(result.seed == result2.seed) }) # Example data and model for testing set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( Mouse = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_Z","Drug_ABZ"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "Mouse", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", drug_c = "Drug_Z", combination = "Drug_ABZ", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("Test PostHocPwr with 3 drugs (Bliss method)", { # Call the function with default method ("Bliss") result <- PostHocPwr(model, nsim = 10) # Use small nsim for quicker testing # Check that the result is numeric expect_type(result, "double") # Check that the result is between 0 and 1 expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) }) test_that("Test PostHocPwr with HSA method", { # Call the function with method = "HSA" result <- PostHocPwr(model, nsim = 10, method = "HSA") # Use small nsim for quicker testing # Check that the result is numeric expect_type(result, "double") # Check that the result is between 0 and 1 expect_true(result >= 0 && result <= 1) }) # Tests for APrioriPwr ---- test_that("APrioriPwr throws an error when neither sd_eval and sgma_eval nor grwrComb_eval are provided", { expect_error( APrioriPwr(grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5), "One of the following, 'sd_eval' and 'sgma_eval', or 'grwrComb_eval', arguments must be specified" ) }) test_that("APrioriPwr throws an error when only one of sd_eval or sgma_eval is provided", { expect_error( APrioriPwr(grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, sd_eval = c(0.2, 0.3)), "Both, 'sd_eval' and 'sgma_eval', must be specified" ) expect_error( APrioriPwr(grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, sgma_eval = c(0.2, 0.3)), "Both, 'sd_eval' and 'sgma_eval', must be specified" ) }) test_that("APrioriPwr handles incorrect method input gracefully", { expect_error( APrioriPwr( grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, sd_eval = c(0.2, 0.3), sgma_eval = c(0.2, 0.3), method = "RA" ), "Invalid 'method' provided. Choose from 'Bliss' or 'HSA'." ) }) test_that("APrioriPwr provides correct output structure when sd_eval and sgma_eval are provided", { result <- APrioriPwr( grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, sd_eval = c(0.2, 0.3), sgma_eval = c(0.2, 0.3) ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_true(all(c("numDF", "denDF", "F-value", "nc", "Power") %in% colnames(result))) }) test_that("APrioriPwr provides correct output structure when grwrComb_eval is provided", { result <- APrioriPwr( grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, grwrComb_eval = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3) ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_true(all(c("numDF", "denDF", "F-value", "nc", "Power") %in% colnames(result))) }) test_that("APrioriPwr plots are generated correctly for different methods", { result_bliss <- APrioriPwr( grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, sd_eval = c(0.2, 0.3), sgma_eval = c(0.2, 0.3), method = "Bliss" ) expect_s3_class(result_bliss, "data.frame") expect_true(all(c("numDF", "denDF", "F-value", "nc", "Power") %in% colnames(result_bliss))) result_hsa <- APrioriPwr( grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, sd_eval = c(0.2, 0.3), sgma_eval = c(0.2, 0.3), method = "HSA" ) expect_s3_class(result_hsa, "data.frame") expect_true(all(c("numDF", "denDF", "F-value", "nc", "Power") %in% colnames(result_hsa))) }) test_that("APrioriPwr handles correctly HSA method independently of the order of drug definition in the input", { expc_output <- data.frame(1, 56, 3.266493, 3.2664928, 0.42724591) colnames(expc_output) <- c("numDF", "denDF", "F-value", "nc", "Power") result <- APrioriPwr( grwrControl = 0.5, grwrA = 0.4, grwrB = 0.3, grwrComb = 0.01, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, grwrComb_eval = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), method = "HSA" ) expect_equal(result$numDF, expc_output$numDF) expect_equal(result$denDF, expc_output$denDF) expect_equal(round(result$`F-value`,5), round(expc_output$`F-value`, 5)) expect_equal(result$nc, expc_output$nc) expect_equal(result$Power, expc_output$Power) result <- APrioriPwr( grwrControl = 0.5, grwrA = 0.3, grwrB = 0.4, grwrComb = 0.01, # Change order of drugs growth rates sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, grwrComb_eval = c(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), method = "HSA" ) expect_equal(result$numDF, expc_output$numDF) expect_equal(result$denDF, expc_output$denDF) expect_equal(round(result$`F-value`,5), round(expc_output$`F-value`, 5)) expect_equal(result$nc, expc_output$nc) expect_equal(result$Power, expc_output$Power) }) test_that("APrioriPwr works with edge cases with single values in evaluation vectors", { result <- APrioriPwr( grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, sd_eval = c(0.3), sgma_eval = c(0.3) ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_true(all(c("numDF", "denDF", "F-value", "nc", "Power") %in% colnames(result))) }) test_that("APrioriPwr behaves correctly when all evaluation parameters are provided", { result <- APrioriPwr( grwrControl = 0.1, grwrA = 0.1, grwrB = 0.1, grwrComb = 0.1, sd_ranef = 0.5, sgma = 0.5, sd_eval = c(0.2, 0.3), sgma_eval = c(0.2, 0.3), grwrComb_eval = c(0.1, 0.2) ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_true(all(c("numDF", "denDF", "F-value", "nc", "Power") %in% colnames(result))) }) # Tests for PwrSampleSize ---- test_that("PwrSampleSize handles different sample sizes correctly and returns a data frame", { result <- PwrSampleSize( npg = c(5, 8, 10), time = c(0, 3, 5, 10), grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "Bliss" ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(result), 2) # N and Power expect_equal(colnames(result), c("N", "Power")) expect_equal(nrow(result), length(c(5, 8, 10))) }) test_that("PwrSampleSize handles a single value for npg correctly", { result <- PwrSampleSize( npg = c(5), time = c(0, 3, 5, 10), grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "Bliss" ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(result), 2) expect_equal(nrow(result), 1) expect_equal(result$N, 5) }) test_that("PwrSampleSize handles the 'HSA' method correctly", { result <- PwrSampleSize( npg = c(5, 8), time = c(0, 3, 5, 10), grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "HSA" ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(result), 2) expect_equal(nrow(result), length(c(5, 8))) }) test_that("PwrSampleSize generates the correct plots without errors for 'Bliss' method", { expect_silent( PwrSampleSize( npg = c(5, 8, 10), time = c(0, 3, 5, 10), grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "Bliss" ) ) }) test_that("PwrSampleSize generates the correct plots without errors for 'HSA' method", { expect_silent( PwrSampleSize( npg = c(5, 8, 10), time = c(0, 3, 5, 10), grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "HSA" ) ) }) test_that("PwrSampleSize handles different numbers of times correctly", { result <- PwrSampleSize( npg = c(5, 8, 10), time = c(0, 5, 10), grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "Bliss" ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_equal(nrow(result), length(c(5, 8, 10))) }) test_that("PwrSampleSize handles incorrect method input gracefully", { expect_error( PwrSampleSize( npg = c(5, 8, 10), time = c(0, 3, 5, 10), grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "RA" ), "Invalid 'method' provided. Choose from 'Bliss' or 'HSA'." ) }) # Tests for PwrTime ---- test_that("PwrTime returns a data frame with correct columns for 'max' type", { result <- PwrTime( npg = 5, time = list(seq(0, 9, 3), seq(0, 21, 3), seq(0, 30, 3)), type = "max", grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "Bliss" ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(result), 2) # Time and Power expect_equal(colnames(result), c("Time", "Power")) expect_equal(nrow(result), 3) # 3 different max follow-up times }) test_that("PwrTime returns a data frame with correct columns for 'freq' type", { result <- PwrTime( npg = 5, time = list(seq(0, 30, 10), seq(0, 30, 5), seq(0, 30, 3)), type = "freq", grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "Bliss" ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(result), 2) # Time and Power expect_equal(colnames(result), c("Time", "Power")) expect_equal(nrow(result), 3) # 3 different frequencies }) test_that("Warning is thrown when 'type' is 'max' and times have the same maximum", { expect_warning( PwrTime( npg = 5, time = list(seq(0, 21, 3), seq(0, 21, 5), seq(0, 21, 7)), type = "max", grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "Bliss" ), "Your list 'time' has several vectors with the same maximum time of follow-up." ) }) test_that("PwrTime handles the 'HSA' method correctly", { result <- PwrTime( npg = 5, time = list(seq(0, 9, 3), seq(0, 21, 3)), type = "max", grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "HSA" ) expect_s3_class(result, "data.frame") expect_equal(ncol(result), 2) expect_equal(nrow(result), 2) }) test_that("PwrTime handles incorrect method input gracefully", { expect_error( PwrTime( npg = 5, time = list(seq(0, 30, 10), seq(0, 30, 5), seq(0, 30, 3)), type = "freq", grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "RA" ), "Invalid 'method' provided. Choose from 'Bliss' or 'HSA'." ) }) test_that("PwrTime generates the correct plots without errors for 'Bliss' method", { expect_silent(PwrTime( npg = 5, time = list(seq(0, 9, 3), seq(0, 21, 3), seq(0, 30, 3)), type = "max", grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "Bliss" )) }) test_that("PwrTime generates the correct plots without errors for 'HSA' method", { expect_silent(PwrTime( npg = 5, time = list(seq(0, 9, 3), seq(0, 21, 3), seq(0, 30, 3)), type = "freq", grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "HSA" )) }) test_that("PwrTime handles incorrect 'type' input gracefully", { expect_error( PwrTime( npg = 5, time = list(seq(0, 9, 3), seq(0, 21, 3), seq(0, 30, 3)), type = "invalidType", grwrControl = 0.08, grwrA = 0.07, grwrB = 0.06, grwrComb = 0.03, sd_ranef = 0.01, sgma = 0.1, method = "Bliss" ), "invalidType: Invalid 'type' provided. Choose from 'max' or 'freq'." ) })