# Tests for ranefDiagnostics ---- # Example data and model for testing set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( SampleID = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("ranefDiagnostics returns the correct structure and classes", { # Run the diagnostics function diagnostics <- ranefDiagnostics(model) # Check that diagnostics is a list expect_type(diagnostics, "list") # Check that the list contains the expected elements expect_named(diagnostics, c("Plots", "Normality", "Levene.test", "Fligner.test")) # Check that the plots component is a list expect_type(diagnostics$Plots, "list") # Check that Normality is a list and contains the correct elements expect_type(diagnostics$Normality, "list") expect_named(diagnostics$Normality, c("Shapiro.test", "DAgostino.test", "Anderson.Darling.test")) # Check that Levene.test is a list expect_type(diagnostics$Levene.test, "list") # Check that Fligner.test is a list expect_type(diagnostics$Fligner.test, "list") }) test_that("Normality tests return the correct classes", { diagnostics <- ranefDiagnostics(model) # Check the class of Shapiro-Wilk test result expect_s4_class(diagnostics$Normality$Shapiro.test, "fHTEST") # Check the class of Anderson-Darling test result expect_s4_class(diagnostics$Normality$Anderson.Darling.test, "fHTEST") # Check if D'Agostino test was skipped due to sample size if (is(diagnostics$Normality$DAgostino.test, "character")) { expect_match(diagnostics$Normality$DAgostino.test, "Sample size must be at least 20") } else { expect_s4_class(diagnostics$Normality$DAgostino.test, "fHTEST") } }) test_that("Levene and Fligner tests return the correct classes", { diagnostics <- ranefDiagnostics(model) # Check the class of Levene's test results expect_s3_class(diagnostics$Levene.test, "anova") # Check the class of Fligner-Killeen test results expect_s3_class(diagnostics$Fligner.test, "htest") }) test_that("ranefDiagnostics handles small sample sizes for D'Agostino test", { # Modify test data to have fewer than 20 samples for ranef small_sample_data <- test_data[test_data$SampleID <= 2, ] small_model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) diagnostics <- ranefDiagnostics(small_model) # Check if D'Agostino test was skipped due to small sample size expect_true(is.character(diagnostics$Normality$DAgostino.test)) expect_match(diagnostics$Normality$DAgostino.test, "Sample size must be at least 20") }) # Tests for residDiagnostics ---- # Data and model for testing: set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( SampleID = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) # Create an outlier observation test_data$TV[nrow(test_data)] <- 1000 # Create model model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("residDiagnostics correctly identifies outliers", { result <- residDiagnostics(model, pvalue = 0.05) # Check that the result contains an "outliers" data frame expect_true("Outliers" %in% names(result)) expect_s3_class(result$Outliers, "data.frame") # Verify that outliers are correctly identified # (You may need to manually verify this based on the mock model) expect_true(nrow(result$Outliers) > 0 || nrow(result$Outliers) == 0) }) test_that("residDiagnostics performs and returns results from normality tests", { result <- residDiagnostics(model, pvalue = 0.05) # Check that the result contains a "Normality" list expect_true("Normality" %in% names(result)) expect_type(result$Normality, "list") # Ensure all three tests are present expect_true(all(c("Shapiro.test", "DAgostino.test", "Anderson.Darling.test") %in% names(result$Normality))) # Check that each test result is a valid object (not NULL) expect_s4_class(result$Normality$Shapiro.test, "fHTEST") expect_s4_class(result$Normality$DAgostino.test, "fHTEST") expect_s4_class(result$Normality$Anderson.Darling.test, "fHTEST") }) test_that("residDiagnostics generates diagnostic plots", { result <- residDiagnostics(model, pvalue = 0.05) # Check that the result contains a "plots" object expect_true("Plots" %in% names(result)) expect_type(result$Plots, "list") # Check that the plot list contains expected plots expect_true(length(result$Plots) >= 1) expect_s3_class(result$Plots[[1]], "trellis") }) test_that("Levene and Fligner tests return the correct classes", { diagnostics <- residDiagnostics(model) # Check the class of Levene's test results expect_s3_class(diagnostics$Levene.test$Time, "anova") expect_s3_class(diagnostics$Levene.test$Treatment, "anova") # Check the class of Fligner-Killeen test results expect_s3_class(diagnostics$Fligner.test$Time, "htest") expect_s3_class(diagnostics$Fligner.test$Treatment, "htest") }) # Tests for ObsvsPred ---- # Data and model for testing: set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( SampleID = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) # Create model model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("ObsvsPred produce model performance results", { expect_s3_class(ObsvsPred(model), "data.frame") }) test_that("ObsvsPred correctly computes and returns model performance metrics", { expect_equal( colnames(ObsvsPred(model)), c("AIC", "AICc", "BIC", "R2_conditional", "R2_marginal", "RMSE", "Sigma") ) }) # Tests for .lmeU ---- # Create test dataset set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( SampleID = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) # Create model model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("Test .lmeU function with valid input", { # Remove subject 1 and update model updated_model <- .lmeU(1, model) # Check that the updated model is still an 'lme' object expect_s3_class(updated_model, "lme") # Check that the data in the updated model does not contain subject "M01" expect_false(1 %in% unique(updated_model$data$SampleID)) # Check that the number of subjects has decreased by 1 expect_equal(length(unique(updated_model$data$SampleID)), length(unique(model$data$SampleID)) - 1) }) test_that("Test .lmeU function model structure consistency", { # Remove a subject and get the updated model updated_model <- .lmeU(1, model) # Check that the structure of the updated model is consistent with the original model # except for the 'dt1' element corresponding to the transformed data produced by lmmModel() expect_equal(names(model)[-length(names(model))], names(updated_model)) expect_equal(class(model$modelStruct), class(updated_model$modelStruct)) }) # Tests for .logLik1.varIdent_loo ---- # Data and model for testing: set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( SampleID = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) # Create model model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE, weights = varIdent(form = ~1|SampleID), method = "ML" ) # Recover the data from the fitted model model_data <- model$data # Create leave-one-out model modfit <- .lmeU(1, model) test_that("Test .logLik1.varIdent_loo function with valid input", { # Data frame for one subject dt1 <- model_data[model_data$SampleID == 1, ] # Call the function with valid input result <- .logLik1.varIdent_loo(modfit, dt1, dtInit = model, var_name = "SampleID") # Check that the result is numeric and not NA expect_type(result, "double") expect_false(is.na(result)) }) test_that("Test .logLik1.varIdent_loo function with different var_name values", { # Create model model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE, weights = varIdent(form = ~1|Time), # Different variable for the weights method = "ML" ) # Recover the data from the fitted model model_data <- model$data # Create leave-one-out model modfit <- .lmeU(1, model) # Data frame for one subject dt1 <- model_data[model_data$SampleID == 1, ] # Call the function with a valid var_name result <- .logLik1.varIdent_loo(modfit, dt1, dtInit = model, var_name = "Time") # Check that the result is numeric and not NA expect_type(result, "double") expect_false(is.na(result)) }) # Tests for .lLik ---- # Create test data set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( SampleID = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) # Create model model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE, method = "ML" ) # Create a list of leave-one-out (leave mouse 1 out) model fits using .lmeU function lmeUall_no_varIdent <- list(.lmeU(1, model)) names(lmeUall_no_varIdent) <- 1 test_that("Test .lLik function with valid input without varIdent structure", { # Call the function with valid input and check result is numeric result <- .lLik(1, model, lmeUall_no_varIdent, var_name = NULL) expect_type(result, "double") }) test_that("Test .lLik function with valid input with varIdent structure", { # Update model to include varIdent structure model <- update(model, weights = varIdent(form = ~1|SampleID)) # Create a list of leave-one-out (leave mouse 1 out) model fits using .lmeU function lmeUall_varIdent <- list(.lmeU(1, model)) names(lmeUall_varIdent) <- 1 # Call the function with valid input and correct var_name result <- .lLik(1, model, lmeUall_varIdent, var_name = "SampleID") expect_type(result, "double") }) test_that("Test .lLik function throws an error with missing var_name when needed", { # Update model to include varIdent structure model <- update(model, weights = varIdent(form = ~1|SampleID)) # Create a list of leave-one-out (leave mouse 1 out) model fits using .lmeU function lmeUall_varIdent <- list(.lmeU(1, model)) names(lmeUall_varIdent) <- 1 # Call the function without providing var_name when variance structure is used expect_error(.lLik(1, model, lmeUall_varIdent, var_name = NULL), "`var_name` cannot be NULL if a variance estructure has been specified in the model") }) test_that("Test .lLik function with different variance structures", { # Test with another variance structure (Time) model <- update(model, weights = varIdent(form = ~1|Time)) # Use `Time` as group for variance structure # Create a list of leave-one-out (leave mouse 1 out) model fits using .lmeU function lmeUall_diff_var <- list(.lmeU(1, model)) names(lmeUall_diff_var) <- 1 # Call the function and check the result is numeric result <- .lLik(1, model, lmeUall_diff_var, var_name = "Time") expect_type(result, "double") }) # Tests for logLikSubjectDisplacements ---- # Create test data set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( SampleID = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) # Create model model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("Test logLikSubjectDisplacements with valid input without varIdent structure", { # Call the function with valid input and check that it runs without error result <- logLikSubjectDisplacements(model) # Check that the result is numeric expect_type(result, "double") # Check that all values are finite expect_true(all(is.finite(result))) }) test_that("Test logLikSubjectDisplacements with valid input with varIdent structure", { # Update model to include varStruct model <- update(model, weights = varIdent(form = ~1|SampleID)) # Call the function with valid input and correct var_name result <- logLikSubjectDisplacements(model, var_name = "SampleID") # Check that the result is numeric expect_type(result, "double") # Check that all values are finite expect_true(all(is.finite(result))) }) test_that("Test logLikSubjectDisplacements throws an error with missing var_name when needed", { # Update model to include varStruct model <- update(model, weights = varIdent(form = ~1|SampleID)) # Call the function without providing var_name when variance structure is used expect_error(logLikSubjectDisplacements(model), "`var_name` cannot be NULL if a variance estructure has been specified in the model") }) test_that("Test logLikSubjectDisplacements with different thresholds", { # Test with threshold that is higher than any log-likelihood displacement result <- logLikSubjectDisplacements(model, disp_thrh = 1000) expect_true(all(result <= 1000)) expect_message(logLikSubjectDisplacements(model, disp_thrh = 1000), "No subject with a log-likelihood displacement greater than: 1000") # Test with very low threshold (all displacements should be included in plot) result <- logLikSubjectDisplacements(model, disp_thrh = -1000) expect_true(any(result > -1000)) }) test_that("Test logLikSubjectDisplacements output consistency", { # Run function and capture the output result <- logLikSubjectDisplacements(model) # Check that result is named and length matches number of subjects expect_named(result) expect_equal(length(result), length(unique(test_data$SampleID))) }) # Tests for .CookDfun ---- test_that("Test .CookDfun with basic valid input", { # Define input vectors and matrix betaU <- c(1.1, 2.2, 3.3) beta0 <- c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) vb.inv <- diag(c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) # Inverse variance-covariance matrix (diagonal for simplicity) # Call the function and check the result result <- .CookDfun(betaU, beta0, vb.inv) # Manually calculate expected result dbetaU <- betaU - beta0 expected_result <- t(dbetaU) %*% vb.inv %*% dbetaU # Check that the result matches the expected value expect_equal(as.numeric(result), as.numeric(expected_result)) }) test_that("Test .CookDfun with zero differences in betaU and beta0", { # Define input vectors and matrix betaU <- c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) beta0 <- c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) vb.inv <- diag(c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) # Call the function and check the result result <- .CookDfun(betaU, beta0, vb.inv) # Expect Cook's distance to be zero expect_equal(as.numeric(result), 0) }) test_that("Test .CookDfun with high influence cases", { # Define input vectors and matrix betaU <- c(10, 20, 30) # Significantly different from beta0 beta0 <- c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) vb.inv <- diag(c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) # Call the function and check the result result <- .CookDfun(betaU, beta0, vb.inv) # Expect a high Cook's distance value expect_true(as.numeric(result) > 100) }) test_that("Test .CookDfun with non-conformable inputs", { # Define input vectors and matrix with non-conformable shapes betaU <- c(1.1, 2.2) beta0 <- c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0) # Different length vb.inv <- diag(c(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) # Expect an error due to non-conformable shapes expect_warning(.CookDfun(betaU, beta0, vb.inv)) }) # Tests for CookDistance ---- # Create test data set.seed(123) test_data <- data.frame( SampleID = rep(1:10, each = 10), Time = rep(0:9, times = 10), Treatment = rep(c("Control", "Drug_A", "Drug_B", "Drug_AB"), each = 10, length.out = 100), TV = rnorm(100, mean = 100, sd = 20) ) # Create model model <- lmmModel( data = test_data, sample_id = "SampleID", time = "Time", treatment = "Treatment", tumor_vol = "TV", trt_control = "Control", drug_a = "Drug_A", drug_b = "Drug_B", combination = "Drug_AB", time_start = 0, min_observations = 1, show_plot = FALSE ) test_that("Test CookDistance with valid input without Cook threshold", { # Call the function with a valid input and default cook_thr result <- CookDistance(model) # Check that the result is a numeric vector expect_type(result, "double") # Check that the length of the result matches the number of subjects expect_equal(length(result), length(unique(test_data$SampleID))) # Check that all values are finite expect_true(all(is.finite(result))) }) test_that("Test CookDistance with different thresholds", { # Test with a threshold that is higher than any Cook's distance expect_message(result <- CookDistance(model, cook_thr = 10), "No subject with a Cook's distance greater than: 10") expect_true(all(result <= 10)) # Test with a threshold of zero (all distances should be included in the plot) result <- CookDistance(model, cook_thr = -10) expect_true(any(result > 0)) }) test_that("Test CookDistance output consistency", { # Run the function and capture the output result <- CookDistance(model) # Check that the result is named and length matches number of subjects expect_named(result) expect_equal(length(result), length(unique(test_data$SampleID))) }) test_that("Test CookDistance with invalid model input", { # Create an invalid model input (not an 'lme' object) invalid_model <- list(a = 1, b = 2) # Expect an error due to invalid model input expect_error(CookDistance(invalid_model)) })