test_that("Delta method based on numerical derivatives works", { # Load fitted copula model. fitted_model = readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "ovarian-dvine-clayton.rds")) # The computation of the ICA is way to inaccurate here to combine it with # numerical differentiation. This test is added to check breaking changes. estimated_variance = delta_method_log_mutinfo( fitted_model = fitted_model, rotation_par_unid = c(0,0,0,0), copula_par_unid = 1:4, copula_family2 = "clayton", n_prec = 1e3, composite = TRUE, seed = 1, eps = 1e-2 ) expect_equal(estimated_variance, matrix(0.309301300833, nrow = 1, ncol = 1)) }) test_that("Resampling method for the ICA based on fitted model summary information works", { # Load fitted copula model. fitted_model = readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "ovarian-dvine-clayton.rds")) # The computation of the ICA is way to inaccurate here to combine it with # numerical differentiation. This test is added to check breaking changes. set.seed(1) estimated_ICAs = summary_level_bootstrap_ICA( fitted_model = fitted_model, rotation_par_unid = c(0,0,0,0), copula_par_unid = 1:4, copula_family2 = "clayton", n_prec = 1e3, composite = TRUE, seed = 1, B = 10L ) mean_ICA = mean(estimated_ICAs) sd_ICA = sd(estimated_ICAs) expect_equal(c(mean_ICA, sd_ICA), c(0.99096747638744, 0.00145160206983)) })