# library(testthat) library(SuperLearner) if(all(sapply(c("testthat", "speedglm", "MASS"), requireNamespace))){ testthat::context("Wrapper: speedglm") data(Boston, package = "MASS") Y_gaus = Boston$medv Y_bin = as.numeric(Boston$medv > 23) # Remove outcome from covariate dataframe. X = Boston[, -14] # Convert to a matrix. X_mat = model.matrix(~ ., data = X) # Remove intercept. X_mat = X_mat[, -1] set.seed(1) ########## # Try just the wrapper itself, not via SuperLearner model = SuperLearner::SL.speedglm(Y_gaus, X, X, family = gaussian(), obsWeights = rep(1, nrow(X))) print(model$fit$object) print(summary(model$fit$object)) model = SuperLearner::SL.speedglm(Y_bin, X, X, family = binomial(), obsWeights = rep(1, nrow(X))) print(summary(model$fit$object)) # Confirm matrix X also works. model = SuperLearner::SL.speedglm(Y_gaus, X_mat, X, family = gaussian(), obsWeights = rep(1, nrow(X))) print(summary(model$fit$object)) model = SuperLearner::SL.speedglm(Y_bin, X_mat, X, family = binomial(), obsWeights = rep(1, nrow(X))) print(summary(model$fit$object)) ########## # SuperLearner with the wrapper. # Gaussian version. sl = SuperLearner(Y_gaus, X, family = gaussian(), cvControl = list(V = 2), SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.speedglm")) sl pred = predict(sl, X) summary(pred$pred) # Confirm prediction on matrix version of X. pred2 = predict(sl, X_mat) testthat::expect_equal(pred$pred, pred2$pred) # Binomial version. sl = SuperLearner(Y_bin, X, family = binomial(), cvControl = list(V = 2), SL.library = c("SL.mean", "SL.speedglm")) sl pred = predict(sl, X) summary(pred$pred) # Confirm prediction on matrix version of X pred2 = predict(sl, X_mat) testthat::expect_equal(pred$pred, pred2$pred) #################### # TODO: test different argument customizations. #################### # TODO: test hyperparameter optimization. }