library("lubridate") context("utilities") test_that("tz_time_diff works correctly for dates and datetimes", { expect_equal(tz_time_diff(ymd("2020-06-01"), "Europe/Helsinki", "Europe/Helsinki"), 0) expect_equal(tz_time_diff(ymd("2020-06-01"), "Europe/Helsinki"), 3) expect_equal(tz_time_diff(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 01:15:00"), "UTC", "Europe/Helsinki"), -tz_time_diff(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 01:15:00"), "Europe/Helsinki", "UTC")) } ) test_that("time of day works correctly for dates and datetimes", { expect_equal(as_tod(ymd("2020-06-01")), 0) expect_equal(as_tod(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 12:30:00")), 12.5) #hours expect_equal(as_tod(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 12:30:00"), unit.out = "hours"), 12.5) expect_equal(as_tod(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 12:30:00"), unit.out = "minutes"), 12.5 * 60) expect_equal(as_tod(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 12:30:00"), unit.out = "seconds"), 12.5 * 60 * 60) expect_error(as_tod(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 12:30:00"), unit.out = "bad_argument")) expect_error(as_tod(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 12:30:00"), unit.out = 123)) expect_equal(capture.output(print(as_tod(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 12:30:00", tz = "UTC"), unit = "tod_time"))), "[1] \"12:30:00\"") expect_equal(capture.output(format(as_tod(ymd_hms("2020-06-01 12:30:00", tz = "UTC"), unit = "tod_time"))), "[1] \"12:30:00\"") } ) test_that("solar time works correctly for dates and datetimes", { expect_equal(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = c(-41, -3, 3, 41)), unit.out = "days"), rep(12.01999 / 24, times = 4), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = c(-41, -3, 3, 41)), unit.out = "hours"), rep(12.01999, times = 4), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = c(-41, -3, 3, 41)), unit.out = "minutes"), rep(12.01999 * 60, times = 4), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = c(-41, -3, 3, 41)), unit.out = "seconds"), rep(12.01999 * 60 * 60, times = 4), tolerance = 1e-5) expect_equal(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = c(30, 15, 0, -15, -30), lat = 60), unit.out = "hours"), 10.01999 + 4:0, tolerance = 1e-5) expect_true(is.solar_time(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = c(30, 15, 0, -15, -30), lat = 60), unit.out = "time"))) expect_true(is.solar_date(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = c(30, 15, 0, -15, -30), lat = 60), unit.out = "datetime"))) expect_true(is.solar_date(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = c(30, 15, 0, -15, -30), lat = 60), unit.out = "date"))) expect_equal(capture.output(print(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = 60), unit.out = "time"))), "[1] \"12:01:11\"") expect_equal(capture.output(print(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = 60), unit.out = "datetime"))), "[1] \"2012-12-22 12:01:11 solar\"") expect_equal(capture.output(print(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = 60), unit.out = "date"))), "[1] \"2012-12-22 12:01:11 solar\"") expect_equal(capture.output(format(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = 60), unit.out = "time"))), "[1] \"12:01:11\"") expect_equal(capture.output(format(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = 60), unit.out = "datetime"))), "[1] \"2012-12-22 12:01:11\"") expect_equal(capture.output(format(solar_time(ymd_hms("2012-12-22 12:00:00", tz = "UTC"), geocode = data.frame(lon = 0, lat = 60), unit.out = "date"))), "[1] \"2012-12-22 12:01:11\"") } ) test_that("geocode validation works correctly for dates and datetimes", { expect_error(validate_geocode(1:2)) expect_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 181, lat = 60))) expect_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = -181, lat = 60))) expect_no_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 180, lat = 60))) expect_no_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = -180, lat = 60))) expect_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 0, lat = 90))) expect_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 0, lat = -90))) expect_no_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 0, lat = 89.99))) expect_no_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 0, lat = -89.99))) # validate_geocode() converts non-character addresses into character expect_no_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 180, lat = 60, address = "my address 1"))) expect_no_error(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 180, lat = 60, address = factor("my address 1")))) expect_equal(validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 180, lat = 60, address = "my address 1")), validate_geocode(data.frame(lon = 180, lat = 60, address = factor("my address 1")))) expect_no_error(validate_geocode(NA)) expect_equal(validate_geocode(NA), na_geocode()) expect_true(is_valid_geocode(na_geocode())) expect_true(is_valid_geocode(data.frame(lon = 10, lat = 60, address = "my address 1"))) expect_warning(is_valid_geocode(data.frame(lon = 10, lat = 60, address = factor("my address 1")))) expect_false(suppressWarnings( is_valid_geocode(data.frame(lon = 10, lat = 60, address = factor("my address 1"))) )) expect_false(is_valid_geocode(NA)) expect_false(is_valid_geocode(data.frame(lon = 700, lat = 60))) expect_false(is_valid_geocode(data.frame(lon = 700, lat = 60, address = "my address 1"))) two.geocodes <- list(data.frame(lon = 10, lat = 60, address = "my address 1"), data.frame(lon = 30, lat = 20, address = "my address 2")) expect_true(is_valid_geocode(two.geocodes)) two.geocodes <- list(data.frame(lon = 10, lat = 60, address = "my address 1"), data.frame(lon = -300, lat = 20, address = "my address 2")) expect_false(is_valid_geocode(two.geocodes)) expect_equal(length_geocode(data.frame(lon = 0, lat = 60)), 1L) expect_equal(length_geocode(data.frame(lon = 0:4 * 10, lat = rep(60, 5))), 5L) expect_true("abc"))) expect_true( expect_equal(length_geocode(na_geocode()), 1L) } )