Sys.setenv(R_TESTS="") test_that("test_stepwise.R failed", { linear_model1 <- mpg ~ . + 1 linear_model2 <- cbind(mpg, drat) ~ . + 0 logit_model1 <- remiss ~ . cox_model1 <- Surv(time, status) ~ . ## the object should be located in inst/extdata instead of tests/data, since When you run devtools::check(), the package is installed in a temporary directory, tests/data is not in this temporary dir. ## If you have data files that need to be accessed during package checks, it's a good practice to place them in the inst/extdata directory of your package. Files in this directory are installed with the package and can be accessed using system.file(). ## When you run devtools::check(), the package is installed in a temporary directory, and the working directory may not be set to the package directory itself. The system.file() function in R looks for files relative to the package installation directory, and if the working directory is not set correctly during the check process, it may lead to issues. res_v1_5_0 <- readRDS(system.file("extdata","res_v1_5_0.rds", package = "StepReg")) for (mod in names(res_v1_5_0)){ type <- unlist(stringr::str_split(mod,"_"))[1] if(mod=="cox_model1"){ lung <- survival::lung %>% na.omit() mydata <- lung }else if(mod %in% c("linear_model1","linear_model2")){ data(mtcars) mtcars$yes <- mtcars$wt mydata <- mtcars }else if(mod %in% "logit_model1"){ data(remission) mydata <- remission } #strategy="forward" for (strategy in names(res_v1_5_0[[mod]])){ if(strategy=="subset"){ index_n <- 2 select_col1 <- c(1,2,3) }else{ index_n <- 3 select_col1 <- c(2,3,7) } #metric="SL" for(metric in names(res_v1_5_0[[mod]][[strategy]])){ message(mod,"\t",strategy,"\t",metric) output_new <- NA output_old <- res_v1_5_0[[mod]][[strategy]][[metric]][,select_col1] try(output_new <- stepwise(type = type, formula=get(mod), data=mydata, strategy="backward", metric="SL", sle=0.05, sls=0.05)[[3]],silent = TRUE) output_new res <- try(expect_equal(output_new,output_old),silent = TRUE) if(inherits(res, "try-error")){ message("Error\t",mod,"\t",strategy,"\t",metric) } } #metric } #strategy } #mod })