library("testthat") # For debugging: force reload of patterns: # rJava::J('org.ohdsi.sql.SqlTranslate')$setReplacementPatterns('inst/csv/replacementPatterns.csv') expect_equal_ignore_spaces <- function(string1, string2) { string1 <- gsub("([;()'+-/|*\n])", " \\1 ", string1) string2 <- gsub("([;()'+-/|*\n])", " \\1 ", string2) string1 <- gsub(" +", " ", string1) string2 <- gsub(" +", " ", string2) expect_equivalent(string1, string2) } expect_match_ignore_spaces <- function(string1, regexp) { string1 <- gsub(" +", " ", string1) expect_match(string1, regexp) } test_that("translate sql server -> synapse CREATE TABLE with CONSTRAINT DEFAULT", { sql <- translate("CREATE TABLE a(c1 DATETIME CONSTRAINT a_c1_def DEFAULT GETDATE());", targetDialect = "synapse" ) expect_equal_ignore_spaces( sql, "CREATE TABLE a(c1 DATETIME);" ) }) test_that("translate sql server -> synapse CREATE TABLE with CONSTRAINT DEFAULT", { sql <- translate("CREATE TABLE a(c1 DATETIME DEFAULT GETDATE());", targetDialect = "synapse") expect_equal_ignore_spaces( sql, "CREATE TABLE a(c1 DATETIME);" ) }) test_that("translate sql server -> synapse CREATE INDEX with WHERE", { sql <- translate("CREATE INDEX idx_a ON a(c1, c2) WHERE c3 <> '';", targetDialect = "synapse") expect_equal_ignore_spaces(sql, "CREATE INDEX idx_a ON a(c1, c2);") }) test_that("translate sql server -> synapse IIF", { sql <- translate("SELECT IIF(a>b, 1, b) AS max_val FROM table;", targetDialect = "synapse") expect_equal_ignore_spaces(sql, "SELECT CASE WHEN a>b THEN 1 ELSE b END AS max_val FROM table ;") }) test_that("translate -> sql server DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp", { sql <- translate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #my_temp;", targetDialect = "synapse") expect_equal_ignore_spaces(sql, "IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#my_temp', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #my_temp;") }) test_that("translate -> sql server DROP TABLE IF EXISTS", { sql <- translate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS cdm.dbo.table;", targetDialect = "synapse") expect_equal_ignore_spaces(sql, "IF OBJECT_ID('cdm.dbo.table', 'U') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE cdm.dbo.table;") }) test_that("translate -> sql server CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS", { sql <- translate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cdm.dbo.table (x INT);", targetDialect = "synapse") expect_equal_ignore_spaces(sql, "IF OBJECT_ID('cdm.dbo.table ', 'U') IS NULL CREATE TABLE cdm.dbo.table (x INT);") })