context("Training of deconvolution models (deep neural networks): dnnModel.R") skip_if_not(.checkPythonDependencies(alert = "none")) # to make compatible with any computer: disable eager execution tensorflow::tf$compat$v1$disable_eager_execution() ################################################################################ ########################## trainDeconvModel function ########################### ################################################################################ # simulating data set.seed(123) sce <- SingleCellExperiment::SingleCellExperiment( matrix( stats::rpois(100, lambda = 5), nrow = 40, ncol = 30, dimnames = list(paste0("Gene", seq(40)), paste0("RHC", seq(30))) ), colData = data.frame( Cell_ID = paste0("RHC", seq(30)), Cell_Type = sample(x = paste0("CellType", seq(4)), size = 30, replace = TRUE) ), rowData = data.frame( Gene_ID = paste0("Gene", seq(40)) ) ) SDDLS <- createSpatialDDLSobject( = sce, sc.cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", sc.gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", sc.filt.genes.cluster = FALSE ) SDDLS <- genMixedCellProp( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", num.sim.spots = 30, verbose = TRUE ) SDDLS <- estimateZinbwaveParams( object = SDDLS, cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", verbose = FALSE ) SDDLS <- simSCProfiles( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", n.cells = 15, verbose = FALSE ) # simulating spatial data simSpatialExperiment <- function(n = 1) { sim.samples <- function() { ngenes <- sample(5:40, size = 1) ncells <- sample(5:40, size = 1) counts <- matrix( rpois(ngenes * ncells, lambda = 5), ncol = ncells, dimnames = list(paste0("Gene", seq(ngenes)), paste0("Spot", seq(ncells))) ) coordinates <- matrix( rep(c(1, 2), ncells), ncol = 2 ) return( SpatialExperiment::SpatialExperiment( assays = list(counts = as.matrix(counts)), rowData = data.frame(Gene_ID = paste0("Gene", seq(ngenes))), colData = data.frame(Cell_ID = paste0("Spot", seq(ncells))), spatialCoords = coordinates ) ) } return(replicate(n = n, expr = sim.samples())) } # check if object contains all information needed test_that( "Wrong object: lack of specific data", { # object without prob.cell.types slot expect_error( trainDeconvModel(object = SDDLS, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE), regexp = "If `` = mixed is selected, 'mixed.profiles' must be provided" ) SDDLS <- suppressWarnings( genMixedCellProp( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", num.sim.spots = 100, verbose = FALSE ) ) # combine = 'both' without mixed samples expect_error( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, = "both", num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "If `` = both'" ) expect_error( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, = "single-cell", num.epochs = 10, = "both", verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "If `` = both' is selected, 'mixed.profiles' and at least one single cell slot must be provided" ) # combine = 'mixed' without mixed samples expect_error( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, = "mixed", num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "If `` = mixed is selected, 'mixed.profiles' must be provided" ) # combine = 'single-cell' without mixed for test data (evaluation of the model) expect_error( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, = "single-cell", verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "If `` = mixed is selected, 'mixed.profiles' must be provided" ) # combine = 'single-cell' without mixed data for test data when = TRUE expect_message( suppressWarnings( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, = "single-cell", = TRUE, batch.size = 12, num.epochs = 10, view.metrics.plot = FALSE ) ), regexp = "Training and test on the fly was selected" ) SDDLSBad <- SDDLS mixed.profiles(SDDLSBad) <- NULL trained.model(SDDLSBad) <- NULL # = 'mixed' without mixed for test data when = TRUE expect_message( SDDLSBad <- suppressWarnings( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLSBad, = "mixed", = TRUE, num.epochs = 10, batch.size = 12, view.metrics.plot = FALSE ) ), regexp = "Training and test on the fly was selected" ) # check function to generate pseudo-bulk samples expect_error( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, = TRUE, agg.function = "Invalid", num.epochs = 10, batch.size = 12, view.metrics.plot = FALSE ), regexp = "'agg.function' must be one of the following options" ) } ) # check expected parameters test_that( desc = "Parameters", code = { SDDLS <- suppressWarnings( genMixedCellProp( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", num.sim.spots = 100, verbose = FALSE ) ) SDDLS <- simMixedProfiles(SDDLS, verbose = FALSE) # change neural network architecture SDDLS <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, num.hidden.layers = 3, num.units = c(200, 200, 100), num.epochs = 10, batch.size = 20, verbose = FALSE ) expect_true( grepl( pattern = "Dense3", as.character(keras::get_config(trained.model(SDDLS)@model)) ) ) trained.model(SDDLS) <- NULL SDDLS <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, num.hidden.layers = 1, num.units = c(100), batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) expect_false( grepl( pattern = "Dense3", as.character(keras::get_config(trained.model(SDDLS)@model)) ) ) expect_false( grepl("200", as.character(keras::get_config(trained.model(SDDLS)@model))) ) expect_true( grepl("100", as.character(keras::get_config(trained.model(SDDLS)@model))) ) # incorrect architecture trained.model(SDDLS) <- NULL expect_error( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, num.hidden.layers = 1, num.units = c(200, 200, 100), batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "The number of hidden layers must be equal" ) # check if works SDDLS <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, num.hidden.layers = 1, num.units = c(100), = "elu", batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) expect_true( grepl("elu", as.character(keras::get_config(trained.model(SDDLS)@model))) ) expect_false( grepl("relu", as.character(keras::get_config(trained.model(SDDLS)@model))) ) # check if dropout.rate works trained.model(SDDLS) <- NULL SDDLS <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, num.hidden.layers = 2, num.units = c(100, 100), dropout.rate = 0.45, batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) expect_true( grepl("0.45", as.character(keras::get_config(trained.model(SDDLS)@model))) ) # check if loss and metrics work trained.model(SDDLS) <- NULL SDDLS <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, num.hidden.layers = 2, num.units = c(100, 100), loss = "mean_squared_error", metrics = c("accuracy", "mean_absolute_error", "cosine_similarity"), batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) expect_true( any(grepl("accuracy", names(trained.model(SDDLS)@test.metrics))) ) expect_true( any(grepl("cosine_similarity", names(trained.model(SDDLS)@test.metrics))) ) # check scaling parameters expect_error( object = trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, batch.size = 20, scaling = "invalid", verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "'scaling' argument must be one of the following options" ) # check behaviour SDDLS@trained.model <- NULL SDDLS.standardize <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, batch.size = 20, scaling = "standardize", num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) SDDLS.rescale <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, batch.size = 20, scaling = "rescale", num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) samp.stand <- as.numeric( gsub( pattern = "test_|Spot_|CellType\\d\\_Simul|RH|C", replacement = "", x = rownames(SDDLS.standardize@trained.model@test.pred) ) ) %>% order() samp.rescale <- as.numeric(gsub( pattern = "test_|Spot_|CellType\\d\\_Simul|RH|C", replacement = "", x = rownames(SDDLS.rescale@trained.model@test.pred) )) %>% order() stand <- SDDLS.standardize@trained.model@test.pred[samp.stand, ] rescale <- SDDLS.rescale@trained.model@test.pred[samp.rescale, ] expect_false(object = all(stand == rescale)) } ) # check custom.model parameter test_that( desc = "custom.model parameter", { SDDLS <- suppressWarnings( genMixedCellProp( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", num.sim.spots = 100, verbose = FALSE ) ) SDDLS <- suppressWarnings(simMixedProfiles(SDDLS, verbose = FALSE)) # 2 hidden layers without dropouts customModel <- keras_model_sequential(name = "CustomModel") %>% layer_dense( units = 250, input_shape = nrow(single.cell.real(SDDLS)), name = "DenseCustom1" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization1") %>% layer_activation(activation = "elu", name = "ActivationELu1") %>% layer_dense( units = 150, name = "DenseCustom2" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization2") %>% layer_activation(activation = "elu", name = "ActivationELu2") %>% layer_dense( units = ncol(prob.cell.types(SDDLS, "train") %>% prob.matrix()), name = "Dense3" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization3") %>% layer_activation(activation = "softmax", name = "ActivationSoftmax") # check is everything works SDDLS <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, custom.model = customModel, batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) expect_s4_class( object = SDDLS, class = "SpatialDDLS" ) expect_true( grepl( pattern = "CustomBatchNormalization2", as.character(keras::get_config(trained.model(SDDLS)@model)) ) ) # incorrect output units (number of cell types) in custom.model customModel <- keras_model_sequential(name = "CustomModel") %>% layer_dense( units = 250, input_shape = nrow(single.cell.real(SDDLS)), name = "DenseCustom1" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization1") %>% layer_activation(activation = "elu", name = "ActivationELu1") %>% layer_dense( units = 150, name = "DenseCustom2" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization2") %>% layer_activation(activation = "elu", name = "ActivationELu2") %>% layer_dense( units = 2, name = "Dense3" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization3") %>% layer_activation(activation = "softmax", name = "ActivationSoftmax") trained.model(SDDLS) <- NULL expect_error( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, custom.model = customModel, batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "The number of neurons of the last layer must be equal" ) # incorrect input units (number of genes) in custom.model customModel <- keras_model_sequential(name = "CustomModel") %>% layer_dense( units = 250, input_shape = 23, name = "DenseCustom1" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization1") %>% layer_activation(activation = "elu", name = "ActivationELu1") %>% layer_dense( units = 150, name = "DenseCustom2" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization2") %>% layer_activation(activation = "elu", name = "ActivationELu2") %>% layer_dense( units = ncol(prob.cell.types(SDDLS, "train") %>% prob.matrix()), name = "Dense3" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization3") %>% layer_activation(activation = "softmax", name = "ActivationSoftmax") trained.model(SDDLS) <- NULL expect_error( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, custom.model = customModel, batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "The number of neurons of the first layer must be equal to the number of genes" ) # the last activation function is not softmax customModel <- keras_model_sequential(name = "CustomModel") %>% layer_dense( units = 250, input_shape = nrow(single.cell.real(SDDLS)), name = "DenseCustom1" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization1") %>% layer_activation(activation = "elu", name = "ActivationELu1") %>% layer_dense( units = 150, name = "DenseCustom2" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization2") %>% layer_activation(activation = "elu", name = "ActivationELu2") %>% layer_dense( units = ncol(prob.cell.types(SDDLS, "train") %>% prob.matrix()), name = "Dense3" ) %>% layer_batch_normalization(name = "CustomBatchNormalization3") %>% layer_activation(activation = "elu", name = "ActivationElu") trained.model(SDDLS) <- NULL expect_error( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, custom.model = customModel, batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "In order to get proportions as output, the activation function of the last hidden layer must be 'softmax'" ) } ) ################################################################################ ######################### deconvSpatialDDLS function ########################### ################################################################################ # deconvolution of new samples test_that( "Deconvolution of new samples", { SDDLS <- suppressWarnings( genMixedCellProp( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", num.sim.spots = 100, verbose = FALSE ) ) SDDLS <- suppressWarnings(simMixedProfiles(SDDLS, verbose = FALSE)) # check is everything works SDDLS <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) ste <- simSpatialExperiment(n = 1) SDDLS <- loadSTProfiles( SDDLS, = ste, = "Cell_ID", st.gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", st.n.slides = 1 ) SDDLS <- deconvSpatialDDLS(object = SDDLS, = 1, = FALSE) # expect_true(names(deconv.spots(SDDLS)) == names(spatial.experiments(SDDLS))) expect_true( nrow(deconv.spots(SDDLS, 1)[["Regularized"]]) == ncol(spatial.experiments(SDDLS, 1)) ) expect_true( all(rownames(deconv.spots(SDDLS, 1)[["Regularized"]]) == colnames(spatial.experiments(SDDLS, 1))) ) # does not exist expect_error( deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = "not_exists", = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "spatial.experiment slot does not contain names, so `` must be an integer" ) # simplify.set: generate a new class from two or more cell types deconv.spots(SDDLS) <- NULL expect_error( deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = 1, = FALSE, simplify.set = list(c("Mc", "M")), verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "Each element in the list must contain the corresponding new class as name" ) deconv.spots(SDDLS) <- NULL SDDLS <- deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = 1, = FALSE, simplify.set = list(CellTypesNew = c("CellType2", "CellType4")), verbose = FALSE ) expect_type(deconv.spots(SDDLS, 1), type = "list") expect_identical(names(deconv.spots(SDDLS, 1)), c("raw", "simpli.set")) expect_true( any(colnames(deconv.spots(SDDLS, = 1)[["simpli.set"]]) == "CellTypesNew") ) expect_false( any(colnames(deconv.spots(SDDLS, = 1)[["raw"]][["Regularized"]]) == "CellTypesNew") ) deconv.spots(SDDLS) <- NULL SDDLS <- deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = 1, = FALSE, simplify.set = list( CellTypesNew = c("CellType2", "CellType4"), CellTypesNew2 = c("CellType3", "CellType1") ), verbose = FALSE ) expect_true(ncol(deconv.spots(SDDLS, = 1)$simpli.set) == 2) expect_true(all( c("CellTypesNew", "CellTypesNew2") %in% colnames(deconv.spots(SDDLS, = 1)$simpli.set) )) # simplify.majority: add up proportions to the most abundant cell type deconv.spots(SDDLS) <- NULL SDDLS <- deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = 1, = FALSE, simplify.majority = list(c("CellType2", "CellType4"), c("CellType3", "CellType1")), verbose = FALSE ) expect_true( all(colnames(deconv.spots(SDDLS, = 1)$simpli.maj) == colnames(deconv.spots(SDDLS, = 1)[["raw"]][["Regularized"]])) ) expect_true( all( names(which(apply( X = deconv.spots(SDDLS, = 1)$simpli.maj != deconv.spots(SDDLS, = 1)[["raw"]][["Regularized"]], MARGIN = 2, FUN = sum) > 0) ) %in% c("CellType2", "CellType4", "CellType3", "CellType1") ) ) # check if both types of simplify can be stored deconv.spots(SDDLS) <- NULL SDDLS <- deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = 1, = FALSE, simplify.majority = list(c("CellType2", "CellType4"), c("CellType3", "CellType1")), simplify.set = list( CellTypesNew = c("CellType2", "CellType4"), CellTypesNew2 = c("CellType3", "CellType1") ), verbose = FALSE ) expect_true( all(names(deconv.spots(SDDLS, 1)) %in% c("raw", "simpli.set", "simpli.majority")) ) barPlotCellTypes( data = SDDLS, = 1, colors = default.colors(), set = "simpli.majority" ) barPlotCellTypes( data = SDDLS, = 1, colors = default.colors(), set = NULL ) ## deconvolution of more than 1 SpatialExperiment object ste <- simSpatialExperiment(n = 6) %>% setNames(paste0("ST", 1:6)) SDDLS <- loadSTProfiles( SDDLS, = ste, = "Cell_ID", st.gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", st.n.slides = 1 ) ## == FALSE because sometimes var is only explained by 1 PC in fake data SDDLS <- deconvSpatialDDLS(object = SDDLS, = FALSE) expect_true( all(names(deconv.spots(SDDLS)) == names(spatial.experiments(SDDLS))) ) expect_true( nrow(deconv.spots(SDDLS, 4)[["Regularized"]]) == ncol(spatial.experiments(SDDLS, 4)) ) expect_true( all(rownames(deconv.spots(SDDLS, 1)[["Regularized"]]) == colnames(spatial.experiments(SDDLS, 1))) ) # does not exist expect_error( deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = FALSE, = "no", verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "`` contains elements not present in spatial.experiments slot" ) # simplify.set: generate a new class from two or more cell types deconv.spots(SDDLS) <- NULL expect_error( deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = 1, = FALSE, simplify.set = list(c("Mc", "M")), verbose = FALSE ), regexp = "Each element in the list must contain the corresponding new class as name" ) } ) # check if saving trained models as JSON-like character objects works test_that( desc = "deconvSpatialDDLS: deconvolution of new samples (JSON objects from disk)", { SDDLS <- suppressWarnings( genMixedCellProp( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", num.sim.spots = 100, verbose = FALSE ) ) SDDLS <- suppressWarnings(simMixedProfiles(SDDLS, verbose = FALSE)) SDDLS <- suppressWarnings( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) ) # save SDDLS object as RDS object: transform Python object into a JSON-like character object fileTMP <- tempfile() saveRDS(object = SDDLS, file = fileTMP) # read and check it out SDDLSNew <- readRDS(file = fileTMP) expect_type(trained.model(SDDLSNew)@model, type = "list") expect_type(trained.model(SDDLS)@model, type = "closure") expect_s3_class( trained.model(SDDLS)@model, class = "keras.engine.sequential.Sequential" ) # recompile and use it to deconvolve new samples se <- SummarizedExperiment::SummarizedExperiment( matrix( stats::rpois(100, lambda = sample(seq(4, 10), size = 100, replace = TRUE)), nrow = 40, ncol = 15, dimnames = list(paste0("Gene", seq(40)), paste0("Bulk", seq(15))) ) ) SDDLS <- loadSTProfiles( object = SDDLS, = simSpatialExperiment(n = 1), = "Cell_ID", st.gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", st.n.slides = 1 ) SDDLS <- deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = 1, verbose = FALSE, = FALSE ) SDDLSNew <- loadSTProfiles( object = SDDLSNew, = simSpatialExperiment(n = 1), = "Cell_ID", st.gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", st.n.slides = 1 ) SDDLSNew <- deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLSNew, = 1, = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) expect_true( all(colnames(deconv.spots(SDDLSNew, 1)) == colnames(deconv.spots(SDDLS, 1))) ) # save DigitalDLSorterDNN object independently of DigitalDLSorter fileTMP <- tempfile() trainedModelSDDLS <- trained.model(SDDLS) saveRDS(object = trainedModelSDDLS, file = fileTMP) trainedModelSDDLSNew <- readRDS(file = fileTMP) expect_type(model(trainedModelSDDLSNew), type = "list") expect_type(model(trainedModelSDDLS), type = "closure") expect_s3_class( model(trainedModelSDDLS), class = "keras.engine.sequential.Sequential" ) } ) ################################################################################ ########################## barPlotCellTypes function ########################### ################################################################################ # visualization of results using barPlotCellTypes function with DigitalDLSorter objects test_that( desc = "barPlotCellTypes: visualization of results using a DigitalDLSorter object", code = { SDDLS <- suppressWarnings( genMixedCellProp( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", num.sim.spots = 100, verbose = FALSE ) ) SDDLS <- suppressWarnings(simMixedProfiles(SDDLS, verbose = FALSE)) # check is everything works SDDLS <- suppressWarnings( trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLS, batch.size = 20, num.epochs = 10, verbose = FALSE ) ) SDDLS <- loadSTProfiles( SDDLS, = simSpatialExperiment(n = 1), = "Cell_ID", st.gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", st.n.slides = 1 ) SDDLS <- deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = 1, = FALSE, verbose = FALSE ) # not provided expect_message( barPlotCellTypes(data = SDDLS), regexp = "'' not provided. Setting <- 1" ) # No results available expect_error( barPlotCellTypes(data = SDDLS, set = "no_res", = 1), regexp = "No simplified results available" ) # invalid simplify argument SDDLS <- deconvSpatialDDLS( object = SDDLS, = 1, = FALSE, simplify.set = list( CellTypesNew = c("CellType2", "CellType4"), CellTypesNew2 = c("CellType3", "CellType1") ), simplify.majority = list(c("CellType2", "CellType4"), c("CellType3", "CellType1")) ) expect_error( barPlotCellTypes(data = SDDLS, set = "no_res", = 1), regexp = "set argument must be one of the following options: 'simpli.set' or 'simpli.majority'" ) # not enough colors expect_error( barPlotCellTypes(data = SDDLS, colors = c("blue", "red"), = 1), regexp = "Number of provided colors is not enough for the number of cell types" ) # incorrect expect_error( barPlotCellTypes(data = SDDLS, = "no_res"), regexp = "Provided '' does not exist" ) # object without results SDDLSBad <- SDDLS deconv.spots(SDDLSBad) <- NULL expect_error( barPlotCellTypes(data = SDDLSBad), regexp = "There are no results in SpatialDDLS object." ) # simplify.set and simplify majority work fine --> gg objects expect_s3_class( barPlotCellTypes(data = SDDLS, = 1), class = "gg" ) expect_s3_class( barPlotCellTypes(data = SDDLS, set = "simpli.set", = 1), class = "gg" ) expect_s3_class( barPlotCellTypes(data = SDDLS, set = "simpli.majority", = 1), class = "gg" ) } )