context("Utils (helper functions): utils.R") # simulating data set.seed(123) sce <- SingleCellExperiment( assays = list( counts = matrix( stats::rpois(100, lambda = 5), nrow = 40, ncol = 30, dimnames = list(paste0("Gene", seq(40)), paste0("RHC", seq(30))) ) ), colData = data.frame( Cell_ID = paste0("RHC", seq(30)), Cell_Type = sample(x = paste0("CellType", seq(4)), size = 30, replace = TRUE) ), rowData = data.frame( Gene_ID = paste0("Gene", seq(40)) ) ) simSpatialExperiment <- function(n = 1) { sim.samples <- function() { ngenes <- sample(3:40, size = 1) ncells <- sample(3:40, size = 1) counts <- matrix( rpois(ngenes * ncells, lambda = 5), ncol = ncells, dimnames = list(paste0("Gene", seq(ngenes)), paste0("Spot", seq(ncells))) ) coordinates <- matrix( rep(c(1, 2), ncells), ncol = 2 ) return( SpatialExperiment::SpatialExperiment( assays = list(counts = as.matrix(counts)), rowData = data.frame(Gene_ID = paste0("Gene", seq(ngenes))), colData = data.frame(Cell_ID = paste0("Spot", seq(ncells))), spatialCoords = coordinates ) ) } return(replicate(n = n, expr = sim.samples())) } SDDLS <- createSpatialDDLSobject( = sce, sc.cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", sc.gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", = simSpatialExperiment(n = 10), = "Cell_ID", st.gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", sc.filt.genes.cluster = FALSE ) SDDLS <- estimateZinbwaveParams( object = SDDLS, cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", gene.ID.column = "Gene_ID", verbose = FALSE ) # object completed SDDLS <- simSCProfiles( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", n.cells = 15, verbose = FALSE ) SDDLSComp <- genMixedCellProp( object = SDDLS, cell.ID.column = "Cell_ID", cell.type.column = "Cell_Type", num.sim.spots = 100, verbose = FALSE ) SDDLSComp <- simMixedProfiles(SDDLSComp, verbose = FALSE) SDDLS@prob.cell.types <- NULL # getProbMatrix test_that( desc = "getProbMatrix function", code = { # incorrect object: no prob.cell.types slot expect_error( getProbMatrix(SDDLS, = "train"), regexp = "'prob.cell.types' slot is empty" ) # invalid expect_error( getProbMatrix(SDDLSComp, = "invalid"), regexp = "'' argument must be 'train' or 'test'" ) # no train data SDDLSCompBad <- SDDLSComp prob.cell.types(SDDLSCompBad, "train") <- NULL expect_error( getProbMatrix(SDDLSCompBad, = "train"), regexp = "No train data in 'prob.cell.types' slot" ) } ) # showProbPlot test_that( desc = "showProbPlot function", code = { # incorrect object: no prob.cell.types slot expect_error( showProbPlot(SDDLS, = "train"), regexp = "'prob.cell.types' slot is empty" ) # invalid expect_error( showProbPlot(SDDLSComp, = "invalid"), regexp = "'' argument must be 'train' or 'test'" ) # invalid set expect_error( showProbPlot(SDDLSComp, = "train", set = 7), regexp = "'set' argument must be an integer between 1 and 3" ) # invalid type.plot expect_error( showProbPlot( SDDLSComp, = "train", set = 1, type.plot = "no.type" ), regexp = "'type.plot' argument must be one of the next options: 'violinplot', 'boxplot', 'linesplot' or 'ncelltypes'" ) # no train data SDDLSCompBad <- SDDLSComp prob.cell.types(SDDLSCompBad, "train") <- NULL expect_error( showProbPlot(SDDLSCompBad, = "train", set = 1), regexp = "ProbMatrixCellTypes object does not have plots" ) } ) # preparingToSave: this is mainly for RDA files test_that( desc = "preparingToSave function", code = { skip_if_not(.checkPythonDependencies(alert = "none")) SDDLSComp <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLSComp, batch.size = 20, verbose = FALSE ) # incorrect object: no trained.model slot expect_error( preparingToSave(object = SDDLS), regexp = "Provided object has not a DeconvDLModel object" ) # no train data SDDLSCompBad <- SDDLSComp trained.model(SDDLSCompBad)@model <- list() expect_error( preparingToSave(object = SDDLSCompBad), regexp = "Provided object has not a trained DNN model" ) } ) # to keep this variable fileTMP <- tempfile() # saving/reading models from/as HDF5 files test_that( desc = "saveTrainedModelAsH5 and loadTrainedModelFromH5: saving/reading models as HDF5 files", code = { skip_if_not(.checkPythonDependencies(alert = "none")) SDDLSComp <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLSComp, batch.size = 20, verbose = FALSE ) # saving model # incorrect object: no trained.model slot expect_error( saveTrainedModelAsH5(object = SDDLS, file.path = fileTMP), regexp = "'trained.model' slot is empty" ) # no train data SDDLSCompBad <- SDDLSComp trained.model(SDDLSCompBad)@model <- list() expect_error( saveTrainedModelAsH5(object = SDDLSCompBad, file.path = fileTMP), regexp = "There is no model to save on disk" ) # save a DNN model from JSON-like character object trained.model(SDDLSComp) <- .saveModelToJSON(trained.model(SDDLSComp)) expect_warning( saveTrainedModelAsH5(object = SDDLSComp, file.path = fileTMP), regexp = "Trained model is not a keras object, but a R list with" ) # overwrite a DNN model from JSON-like character object expect_warning( expect_message( saveTrainedModelAsH5( object = SDDLSComp, file.path = fileTMP, overwrite = TRUE ), regexp = "file already exists. Since 'overwrite' argument is TRUE, it will be overwritten" ), regexp = "Trained model is not a keras object" ) # reading model # file does not exists expect_error( loadTrainedModelFromH5( object = SDDLSComp, file.path = "no_existent_path" ), regexp = "no_existent_path file does not exist" ) # reset.slot = FALSE expect_message( SDDLSCompNoRes <- loadTrainedModelFromH5( object = SDDLSComp, file.path = fileTMP ), regexp = "DeconvDLModel object will be overwritten" ) expect_false(is.null(SDDLSCompNoRes@trained.model@training.history)) # reset.slot = TRUE expect_message( SDDLSCompRes <- loadTrainedModelFromH5( object = SDDLSComp, file.path = fileTMP, reset.slot = TRUE ), regexp = "'trained.model' slot is not empty" ) expect_true(is.null(SDDLSCompRes@trained.model@training.history)) } ) # plotTrainingHistory test_that( desc = "plotTrainingHistory", code = { skip_if_not(.checkPythonDependencies(alert = "none")) SDDLSComp <- trainDeconvModel( object = SDDLSComp, batch.size = 20, verbose = FALSE ) # incorrect object: no trained.model slot expect_error( plotTrainingHistory(object = SDDLS), regexp = "'trained.model' slot is empty" ) SDDLSCompRes <- loadTrainedModelFromH5( object = SDDLSComp, file.path = fileTMP, reset.slot = TRUE ) # no training history expect_error( plotTrainingHistory(object = SDDLSCompRes), regexp = "There is no training history in provided object" ) # incorrect metrics # no training history expect_error( plotTrainingHistory(object = SDDLSComp, metrics = "invalid_metric"), regexp = "None of the given metrics are in the provided object" ) } ) print("Check Python dependencies") # reticulate/tensorflow installation test_that( desc = "reticulate and python/tensorflow checks (if dependencies available)", code = { skip_if_not(.checkPythonDependencies(alert = "none")) expect_true(.isConda()) expect_true(.isPython()) expect_true(.isTensorFlow()) } )