test_that("mergeRaster will return a message if tiles are resampled", { rastDF <- needTerraAndRaster() nx <- ny <- 3 for (ii in seq(NROW(rastDF))) { pkg <- rastDF$pkg[ii] cls <- rastDF$class[ii] read <- eval(parse(text = rastDF$read[ii])) withr::local_package(pkg) rastArgs <- list(xmn = -30^2, xmx = 30^2, ymn = -60^2, ymx = 60^2) if (pkg == "terra") { names(rastArgs) <- c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") } rastArgs <- append(rastArgs, list(crs = "+proj=utm +zone=15 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs", resolution = c(30, 30), vals = round(runif(n = 14400, min = 1, max = 10)))) ras <- do.call(read, rastArgs) splitted <- splitRaster(r = ras, nx = nx, ny = ny, buffer = c(3, 3)) expect_type(splitted, "list") expect_length(splitted, nx * ny) splitted <- lapply(X = seq_along(splitted), FUN = function(tiles, pkg, ras) { rastArgs <- list(xmn = xmin(splitted[[tiles]]), xmx = xmax(splitted[[tiles]]), ymn = ymin(splitted[[tiles]]), ymx = ymax(splitted[[tiles]])) if (pkg == "terra") { names(rastArgs) <- c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") } rastArgs <- append(rastArgs, list(resolution = c(250, 250), crs = crs(splitted[[tiles]]))) y <- do.call(read, rastArgs) expect_false(any(res(y) == res(ras))) ## always use `terra`, it's compatible with RasterLayer objects; ## getFromNameSpace("resample", "raster") doesn't work. r <- terra::resample(x = ras, y = y) return(r) }, pkg = pkg, ras = ras) expect_type(splitted, "list") expect_message({ merged <- mergeRaster(x = splitted) }) expect_s4_class(merged, cls) } }) test_that("mergeRaster will produce a raster layer", { rastDF <- needTerraAndRaster() nx <- ny <- 3 for (ii in seq(NROW(rastDF))) { pkg <- rastDF$pkg[ii] cls <- rastDF$class[ii] read <- eval(parse(text = rastDF$read[ii])) withr::local_package(pkg) rastArgs <- list(xmn = -30^2, xmx = 30^2, ymn = -60^2, ymx = 60^2) if (pkg == "terra") { names(rastArgs) <- c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") } rastArgs <- append(rastArgs, list(crs = "+proj=utm +zone=15 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs", resolution = c(30, 30), vals = round(runif(n = 14400, min = 1, max = 10)))) ras <- do.call(read, rastArgs) splitted <- splitRaster(r = ras, nx = nx, ny = ny, buffer = c(5, 5)) expect_type(splitted, "list") expect_length(splitted, nx * ny) merged <- mergeRaster(x = splitted) expect_s4_class(merged, cls) } }) test_that("mergeRaster will produce error if only one raster passed", { rastDF <- needTerraAndRaster() for (ii in seq(NROW(rastDF))) { pkg <- rastDF$pkg[ii] read <- eval(parse(text = rastDF$read[ii])) withr::local_package(pkg) rastArgs <- list(xmn = -30^2, xmx = 30^2, ymn = -60^2, ymx = 60^2) if (pkg == "terra") { names(rastArgs) <- c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") } rastArgs <- append(rastArgs, list(crs = "+proj=utm +zone=15 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs", resolution = c(30, 30), vals = round(runif(n = 14400, min = 1, max = 10)))) ras <- do.call(read, rastArgs) expect_error({ merged <- mergeRaster(x = ras) }) } }) test_that("mergeRaster will use mosaic with default mean if rasters are resampled and fun if passed", { rastDF <- needTerraAndRaster() nx <- ny <- 3 for (ii in seq(NROW(rastDF))) { pkg <- rastDF$pkg[ii] cls <- rastDF$class[ii] read <- eval(parse(text = rastDF$read[ii])) withr::local_package(pkg) rastArgs <- list(xmn = -30^2, xmx = 30^2, ymn = -60^2, ymx = 60^2) if (pkg == "terra") { names(rastArgs) <- c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") } rastArgs <- append(rastArgs, list(crs = "+proj=utm +zone=15 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs", resolution = c(30, 30), vals = round(runif(n = 14400, min = 1, max = 10)))) ras <- do.call(read, rastArgs) splitted <- splitRaster(r = ras, nx = nx, ny = ny, buffer = c(10, 10)) expect_type(splitted, "list") expect_length(splitted, nx * ny) splitted <- lapply(X = seq_along(splitted), FUN = function(tiles, pkg) { rastArgs <- list(xmn = xmin(splitted[[tiles]]), xmx = xmax(splitted[[tiles]]), ymn = ymin(splitted[[tiles]]), ymx = ymax(splitted[[tiles]])) if (pkg == "terra") { names(rastArgs) <- c("xmin", "xmax", "ymin", "ymax") } rastArgs <- append(rastArgs, list(resolution = c(250, 250), crs = terra::crs(splitted[[tiles]]))) y <- do.call(read, rastArgs) expect_false(any(res(y) == res(ras))) r <- terra::resample(x = ras, y = y) ## use terra always. compatible with RasterLayer return(r) }, pkg = pkg) expect_type(splitted, "list") expect_message({ merged <- mergeRaster(x = splitted) }) expect_message({ merged2 <- mergeRaster(x = splitted, fun = max) }) expect_s4_class(merged, cls) expect_s4_class(merged2, cls) } })