# Setup ---- apts <- head(getAnalytes(example_data), 3L) adat <- example_data[1:3L, c("SampleId", apts)] # Testing ---- test_that("a mock table of scalars transforms to correct, rounded values", { expect_equal(getSomaScanVersion(adat), "V4") # orig; 5k expect_warning( a <- lift_adat(adat, bridge = "5k_to_7k") ) expect_true(is_lifted(a)) expect_equal(getSomaScanVersion(a), "V4") # not updated; 5k expect_equal(getSignalSpace(a), "v4.1") # updated; 7k expect_equal(attr(a, "Header")$HEADER$SignalSpace, "v4.1") expect_match(attr(a, "Header")$HEADER$ProcessSteps, "Lifting Bridge") expect_equal(a$seq.10000.28, round(adat$seq.10000.28 * 1.053, 1L)) expect_equal(a$seq.10001.7, round(adat$seq.10001.7 * 1.300, 1L)) expect_equal(a$seq.10003.15, round(adat$seq.10003.15 * 1.507, 1L)) }) test_that("passing `anno.tbl=` is deprecated", { withr::local_options(lifecycle_verbosity = "warning") expect_warning( lift_adat(adat, "5k_to_7k", anno.tbl = data.frame(a = 1)), regexp = "The `anno.tbl` argument of `lift_adat()` is deprecated as of SomaDataIO", fixed = TRUE, class = "lifecycle_warning_deprecated" ) |> expect_warning("extra scaling values") # secondary warning from ScaleAnalytes() }) test_that("lifting wrong direction triggers error; .check_direction()", { expect_error( lift_adat(adat, "5k_to_5k"), "'arg' should be one of" ) expect_error( lift_adat(adat, "7k_to_5k"), "You have indicated a bridge from '7k' space" ) attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$AssayVersion <- "v5.0" # 11k expect_error( lift_adat(adat, "5k_to_7k"), "You have indicated a bridge from '5k' space" ) }) test_that("un-supported matrices are trapped", { attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$StudyMatrix <- "Cell Lysate" expect_error( lift_adat(adat, "5k_to_7k"), "Unsupported matrix: .*'Cell Lysate'.*\\.\nCurrent supported matrices:" ) }) test_that("only supported assay versions are allowed", { attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$AssayVersion <- "V3" expect_error( lift_adat(adat), "Unsupported assay version: 'V3'\\. Supported versions:" ) }) test_that("only ANML normalized data can be lifted", { attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$ProcessSteps <- # trim off ANML step strtrim(attr(adat, "Header.Meta")$HEADER$ProcessSteps, 74L) expect_error( lift_adat(adat), "ANML normalized SOMAscan data is required for lifting." ) }) test_that("the lift_master reference object is correctly generated", { expect_s3_class(lift_master, "tbl_df") expect_equal(dim(lift_master), c(11083L, 19L)) expect_named( lift_master, c("SeqId", "plasma_11k_to_5k", "plasma_11k_to_5k_ccc", "plasma_11k_to_7k", "plasma_11k_to_7k_ccc", "plasma_5k_to_11k", "plasma_5k_to_7k", "plasma_7k_to_11k", "plasma_7k_to_5k", "plasma_7k_to_5k_ccc", "serum_11k_to_5k", "serum_11k_to_5k_ccc", "serum_11k_to_7k", "serum_11k_to_7k_ccc", "serum_5k_to_11k", "serum_5k_to_7k", "serum_7k_to_11k", "serum_7k_to_5k", "serum_7k_to_5k_ccc") ) # all are SeqIds expect_true(all(is.apt(lift_master$SeqId))) expect_equal(lift_master$SeqId, getSeqId(lift_master$SeqId)) expect_true(all(vapply(lift_master[, -1L], typeof, "") == "double")) })