# Setup ---- adat <- mock_adat() meta <- getMeta(adat) # Testing ---- test_that("the `log()` generic generates correct results", { base10 <- log10(adat) base_e <- log(adat) expect_equal(base10, log(adat, base = 10)) expect_equal(base_e, log(adat, base = exp(1))) expect_equal(base10$seq.1234.56, log10(adat$seq.1234.56)) expect_equal(base10$seq.1234.56, c(3.3120715213029, 3.4137020127811, 3.5177104102231, 3.2866360787164, 3.3909174524973, 3.4092905006405)) expect_equal(base_e$seq.1234.56, c(7.6263265118822, 7.8603393665536, 8.0998275520497, 7.5677592409488, 7.8078759776937, 7.8501814844609)) expect_equal(base10[, meta], adat[, meta]) # meta untouched }) test_that("the `exp()` generic generates correct results", { e <- exp(log(adat)) expect_equal(e$seq.1234.56, exp(log(adat$seq.1234.56))) expect_equal(e[, meta], adat[, meta]) # meta untouched }) test_that("the `sqrt()` generic generates correct results", { root <- sqrt(adat) expect_equal(root$seq.1234.56, sqrt(adat$seq.1234.56)) expect_equal(root$seq.1234.56, c(45.293487390573, 50.915616464892, 57.392508221893, 43.986361522636, 49.597378963006, 50.657674640670)) expect_equal(root[, meta], adat[, meta]) # meta untouched }) test_that("the `floor()` and `round()` generics generate correct results", { round <- round(adat) floor <- floor(adat) expect_equal(round$seq.1234.56, round(adat$seq.1234.56)) expect_equal(floor$seq.1234.56, floor(adat$seq.1234.56)) expect_false(all(floor$seq.1234.56 == round$seq.1234.56)) expect_equal(floor$seq.1234.56, c(2051, 2592, 3293, 1934, 2459, 2566)) expect_equal(round$seq.1234.56, c(2052, 2592, 3294, 1935, 2460, 2566)) expect_equal(round[, meta], adat[, meta]) # meta untouched expect_equal(floor[, meta], adat[, meta]) # meta untouched }) test_that("the `tan()` generic generates correct results", { tan <- tan(adat) expect_equal(tan$seq.1234.56, tan(adat$seq.1234.56)) expect_equal(tan$seq.1234.56, c(0.040018548385454, 0.663865445376258, 16.675275912665480, -0.447862083484393, 0.032964171438384, -0.522134474108074)) expect_equal(tan[, meta], adat[, meta]) # meta untouched }) test_that("the `antilog()` generic inverts the log of any base", { expect_equal(adat, antilog(log10(adat))) expect_equal(adat, antilog(log2(adat), 2L)) expect_equal(adat, antilog(log(adat), exp(1))) expect_equal(antilog(1:4), c(10, 100, 1000, 10000)) expect_equal(antilog(1, 2), 2) expect_equal(antilog(1, exp(1)), 2.718281828459) expect_equal(antilog(NA), NA_real_) expect_equal(antilog(TRUE), 10) expect_equal(antilog(1L), 10) expect_equal(antilog(1L), antilog(1)) expect_equal(antilog(1), antilog(1.0)) expect_equal(antilog(data.frame(a = 1)), data.frame(a = 10)) expect_equal(antilog(NULL), numeric()) err_msg <- "non-numeric argument to binary operator" expect_error(antilog(""), err_msg) expect_error(antilog(NA_character_), err_msg) }) test_that("the `Ops()` group generic generates the expected output", { # 'Arith' group expect_type((adat + 5)$seq.1234.56, "double") expect_type((adat - 5)$seq.1234.56, "double") expect_type((adat * 5)$seq.1234.56, "double") expect_type((adat / 5)$seq.1234.56, "double") expect_type((adat * 5)$seq.1234.56, "double") expect_equal((adat + 1)$seq.1234.56, adat$seq.1234.56 + 1) expect_equal((adat - 1)$seq.1234.56, adat$seq.1234.56 - 1) expect_equal((adat * 2)$seq.1234.56, adat$seq.1234.56 * 2) expect_equal((adat / 2)$seq.1234.56, adat$seq.1234.56 / 2) expect_equal((adat ^ 2)$seq.1234.56, adat$seq.1234.56 ^ 2) # 'Compare' group expect_type((adat > 5)$seq.1234.56, "logical") expect_type((adat < 5)$seq.1234.56, "logical") expect_type((adat == 5)$seq.1234.56, "logical") expect_type((adat != 5)$seq.1234.56, "logical") expect_type((adat >= 5)$seq.1234.56, "logical") expect_type((adat <= 5)$seq.1234.56, "logical") expect_equal((adat > 2500)$seq.1234.56, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) expect_equal((adat < 2500)$seq.1234.56, !c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) expect_equal((adat == 2566.2)$seq.1234.56, c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) expect_equal((adat != 2566.2)$seq.1234.56, !c(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) expect_equal((adat >= 2566.2)$seq.1234.56, c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE)) expect_equal((adat <= 2566.2)$seq.1234.56, c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, TRUE)) expect_equal(sum(adat > 3000), 10L) expect_equal(sum(adat < 3000), 8L) # meta ata untouched ops <- adat + 10 expect_s3_class(ops, "soma_adat") expect_equal(ops[, meta], adat[, meta]) # cannot pass `soma_adat` as RHS unless `==` expect_error( adat + adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `+` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( adat - adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `-` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( adat * adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `*` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( adat / adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `/` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( adat^adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `^` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( adat != adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `!=` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( adat > adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `>` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( adat >= adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `>=` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( adat < adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `<` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( adat <= adat, "The RHS ('adat') of `<=` cannot be a `soma_adat` class.", fixed = TRUE ) expect_snapshot( expect_error(adat == adat, NA) # expect error-free; invokes `diffAdats()` ) foo <- adat[, getAnalytes(adat)] bar <- data.frame(1:6, 1:6, 1:6) expect_error( # soma_adat <-> data.frame; error expect_warning(foo + bar, "Incompatible methods"), # soma_adat <-> data.frame; warn "non-numeric argument to binary operator" ) expect_error(data.frame(foo) + bar, NA) # data.frame <-> data.frame; no error }) test_that("the `Summary()` group generic generates the expected output", { expect_equal(range(adat), c(1934.8, 4317.8)) expect_equal(range(adat, 5000), c(1934.8, 5000)) expect_equal(range(adat, 500), c(500, 4317.8)) expect_equal(sum(adat), 54680.9) expect_equal(sum(adat, 1), 54681.9) # `+` 1 expect_equal(sum(adat, -1), 54679.9) # `-` 1 expect_equal(min(adat), 1934.8) expect_equal(min(adat, 100), 100) expect_equal(min(adat, -999), -999) expect_equal(max(adat), 4317.8) expect_equal(max(adat, 4906), 4906) expect_equal(max(adat, Inf), Inf) }) test_that("error conditions generate the expected output for deprecated `soma.adat`", { # old `soma.adat` class adat2 <- structure(adat, class = c("soma.adat", "data.frame")) catfile <- "msg.txt" file.create(catfile) expect_error( capture.output(log10(adat2), file = catfile), paste("`Math.soma.adat()` was deprecated in SomaDataIO (2019-01-31) and", "is now defunct"), fixed = TRUE ) # test the `cat()` message expect_snapshot(readLines(catfile)) unlink(catfile, force = TRUE) }) test_that("error conditions are triggered for non-numerics in RFU block", { tmp <- mock_adat() tmp$seq.1234.56 <- "foo" # Math expect_error( log10(tmp), paste( "Non-numeric variable(s) in `soma_adat` object where RFU values should be:", "'seq.1234.56'"), fixed = TRUE ) # Summary expect_warning( out <- range(tmp), paste( "Non-numeric variable(s) detected in `soma_adat` object where", "RFU values should be. Removing: 'seq.1234.56'" ), fixed = TRUE ) expect_equal(out, c(2423.9, 4317.8)) # with bad non-adat expressions via '...' expect_error( range(adat, "a"), "`range()` is only defined on a `soma_adat` with all numeric-alike variables", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( sum(adat, factor("a")), "`sum()` is only defined on a `soma_adat` with all numeric-alike variables", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( max(adat, NULL), "`max()` is only defined on a `soma_adat` with all numeric-alike variables", fixed = TRUE ) expect_error( min(adat, list(a = 1)), "`min()` is only defined on a `soma_adat` with all numeric-alike variables", fixed = TRUE ) })