# this is to ensure the S3 method is available and dispatched # otherwise the base::transform.data.frame() method will not # transform the analytes inside scaleAnalytes() test_that("the transform S3 method exists in the namespace", { expect_error(getS3method("transform", "soma_adat"), NA) # expect no error }) test_that("the transform S3 method is listed in methods", { methods <- unclass(methods("transform", "soma_adat")) expect_true("transform.soma_adat" %in% methods) }) # dummy ADAT: # double seq1; half seq2 v <- c(2, 0.5) df <- data.frame( sample = paste0("sample_", 1:3), seq.1234.56 = c(1, 2, 3), seq.9999.88 = c(4, 5, 6) * 10 ) |> # `soma_adat` to invoke S3 method dispatch addClass("soma_adat") test_that("`transform()` dispatches the `soma_adat` method and correctly scales (cols)", { trans <- transform(df, v) expect_s3_class(trans, "soma_adat") expect_equal(trans$seq.1234.56, df$seq.1234.56 * 2) expect_equal(trans$seq.9999.88, df$seq.9999.88 * 0.5) expect_named(trans, names(df)) }) test_that("`transform()` dispatches the `soma_adat` method and correctly scales (rows)", { vec <- c(1, 2, 3) trans <- transform(df, vec, 1L) expect_s3_class(trans, "soma_adat") expect_equal(trans$seq.1234.56, df$seq.1234.56 * vec) expect_equal(trans$seq.9999.88, df$seq.9999.88 * vec) })