# skip if during devtools::check() or rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck() skip_on_check <- function() { on_check <- !identical(Sys.getenv("_R_CHECK_PACKAGE_NAME_"), "") testthat::skip_if(on_check, "On devtools::check() / rcmdcheck::rcmdcheck()") } # mock up dummy data.frame -> soma_adat # minimal set of attributes to trick `is_intact_attr()` to be TRUE mock_adat <- function() { data <- data.frame( PlateId = rep_len("Set A", 6), SlideId = (12345 + 0:5), Subarray = rep(1:3, 2), SampleId = sprintf("%03i", 1:6), SampleGroup = rep(c("A", "B"), 3), TimePoint = rep(c("before", "after"), each = 3), NormScale = round(withr::with_seed(1, runif(6, 0, 2)), 1L), seq.1234.56 = round(withr::with_seed(2, rnorm(6, 2500, 500)), 1L), seq.3333.33 = round(withr::with_seed(3, rnorm(6, 3000, 500)), 1L), seq.9898.99 = round(withr::with_seed(4, rnorm(6, 3500, 500)), 1L) ) rownames(data) <- genRowNames(data) structure( data, class = c("soma_adat", "data.frame"), Header.Meta = list(HEADER = list(Version = "1.2", AssayVersion = "V4", AssayRobot = "Fluent 1", AssayType = "PharmaServices", StudyMatrix = "EDTA Plasma", Title = "SL-99-999"), COL_DATA = list(Name = c("SeqId", "UniProt", "EntrezGeneSymbol", "Target", "Organism","Units", "Type", "Dilution", "CalReference"), Type = rep_len("String", 9) ), ROW_DATA = list(Name = getMeta(data), Type = rep_len("String", getMeta(data, n = TRUE)) ) ), Col.Meta = tibble::tibble( SeqId = c("1234-56", "3333-33", "9898-99"), UniProt = paste0("P0", 4321:4323), EntrezGeneSymbol = c("MMP1", "MMP2", "MMP3"), Target = c("MMP-1", "MMP-2", "MMP-3"), Organism = rep_len("Human", 3L), Units = rep_len("RFU", 3L), Type = rep_len("Protein", 3L), Dilution = c("0.005", "1", "40"), CalReference = seq(0.4, 0.8, length.out = 3L)), file_specs = list(empty_adat = FALSE, table_begin = 20, col_meta_start = 21, col_meta_shift = 15, data_begin = 21 + 9, old_adat = FALSE), row_meta = getMeta(data) ) } # temporarily mask the base::interactive function # with new value: lgl with_interactive <- function(lgl, code) { old <- base::interactive # save the old function new <- function() return(lgl) # set new hard-coded return value unlockBinding("interactive", as.environment("package:base")) # unlock # hack base::interactive with 'new' assign("interactive", new, envir = as.environment('package:base')) on.exit({ # undo cleanup when closes unlockBinding("interactive", as.environment("package:base")) assign("interactive", old, envir = as.environment('package:base')) }) force(code) # execute code in new state } # temporarily modify internal pkg object # for testing edge cases with_pkg_object <- function(new, code, obj = "ver_dict") { old <- getFromNamespace(obj, ns = "SomaDataIO") # save the old obj assignInNamespace(obj, new, ns = "SomaDataIO") on.exit(assignInNamespace(obj, old, ns = "SomaDataIO")) force(code) }