context("Read10X") # These tests were added to ensure Seurat was forwards and backwards compatible for 3.0 data dname = "../testdata/cr3.0" <- Read10X(dname) test.data2 <- Read10X(c(dname, dname)) test_that("Cell Ranger 3.0 Data Parsing", { expect_is(, "list") expect_equal(ncol($`Gene Expression`), .5 * ncol(test.data2$`Gene Expression`)) expect_equal(ncol($`Antibody Capture`), .5 * ncol(test.data2$`Antibody Capture`)) expect_equal(colnames(test.data2[[1]])[6], "2_AAAGTAGCACAGTCGC-1") expect_equal($`Gene Expression`[2,2], 1000) }) # Tests of Pre-3.0 Data test.data3 <- Read10X("../testdata/") test_that("Read10X creates sparse matrix", { expect_is(test.data3, "dgCMatrix") expect_equal(colnames(test.data3)[1], "ATGCCAGAACGACT-1") expect_equal(rownames(test.data3)[1], "MS4A1") }) test_that("Read10X handles missing files properly", { expect_error(Read10X(".")) expect_error(Read10X("./notadir/")) expect_error(Read10X(dname, gene.column = 10)) }) # Tests for reading in spatial 10x data if (requireNamespace("hdf5r", quietly = TRUE)) { context("Load10X_Spatial") dname <- "../testdata/visium" txsp <- Load10X_Spatial(data.dir = '../testdata/visium') test_that("10x Spatial Data Parsing", { expect_is(txsp, "Seurat") expect_equal(ncol(x = txsp), 2695) expect_equal(nrow(x = txsp), 100) expect_equal(Cells(x = txsp)[1], "AAACAAGTATCTCCCA-1") expect_equal(Assays(object = txsp), "Spatial") expect_equal(GetAssayData(object = txsp[["Spatial"]], slot = "counts")[5, 9], 1) }) test_that("Read10X_Spatial handles missing files properly", { expect_error(Load10X_Spatial(data.dir = ".")) expect_error(Load10X_Spatial(data.dir = "./notadir/")) }) }