library(testthat) ## Unit tests ### Tests for is blank line test_that("Test checking if a line is blank", { expect_true(is_line_blank(NA)) expect_true(is_line_blank("")) expect_true(is_line_blank(",,")) expect_true(is_line_blank('""')) expect_false(is_line_blank("text")) }) ### Test for vectorize_csv_line test_that("Test vectorizing a CSV line", { expect_equal(vectorize_csv_line("key,value", ","), c("key", "value")) expect_equal(vectorize_csv_line("key,value,", ","), c("key", "value")) }) ### Tests for is_the_end_of_csv_section test_that("Test checking if the line is the end of a CSV section", { expect_false(is_the_end_of_csv_section("key,value", ",")) expect_true(is_the_end_of_csv_section("", ",")) expect_true(is_the_end_of_csv_section(",,", ",")) expect_true(is_the_end_of_csv_section("DataType:", ",")) expect_true(is_the_end_of_csv_section("Samples:", ",")) expect_true(is_the_end_of_csv_section("-- CRC --", ",")) }) ### Tests for skip_blanks_parser test_that("Test skipping lines containing no information", { lines <- c("", ",,,", '""', "text") out <- skip_blanks_parser(1, lines) expect_equal(out[[2]], 4) }) ### Tests for check_key_parser test_that("Test asserting the content of a line and skipping that line", { lines <- c("Samples:", "Sample1") out <- check_key_parser("Samples:", ",")(1, lines) expect_equal(out[[2]], 2) lines <- c("Batch1", "Samples") out <- check_key_parser("Batch\\d+", ",")(1, lines) expect_equal(out[[2]], 2) }) test_that("Test failure in asserting the content of a line", { lines <- c("Samples:,test", "Sample1") expect_error(check_key_parser("Sample:", ",")(1, lines)) }) ### Test for key_value_parser test_that("Test parsing key-value pairs", { lines <- c("key,value", "key2,value2,") parser <- key_value_parser("key\\d*", ",") out1 <- parser(1, lines) expect_equal(out1[[1]], list(key = "value")) expect_equal(out1[[2]], 2) out2 <- parser(2, lines) expect_equal(out2[[1]], list(key2 = "value2")) expect_equal(out2[[2]], 3) }) ### Tests for named_key_value_pairs_parser test_that("Test parsing line with multiple key-value pairs with a name in the front", { lines <- c("KVs,key1,value1,key2,value2,", "") parser <- named_key_value_pairs_parser("KVs", ",") out1 <- parser(1, lines) expect_equal(out1[[1]], list(KVs = list(key1 = "value1", key2 = "value2"))) expect_equal(out1[[2]], 2) }) ### Tests for key_value_pairs_parser test_that("Test parsing multiple key-value pairs", { lines <- c("key1,value1,key2,value2,", "") parser <- key_value_pairs_parser(",") out1 <- parser(1, lines) expect_equal(out1[[1]], list(key1 = "value1", key2 = "value2")) expect_equal(out1[[2]], 2) }) ### Tests for csv_table_parser test_that("Test parsing a CSV section (Simple)", { lines <- c("h1,h2", "r1,r2,", "") out <- csv_table_parser("test", ",", remove_na_rows = TRUE)(1, lines) test_df <- out[[1]]$test expect_true(!is.null(test_df)) expect_length(test_df, 1) expect_equal(out[[2]], 3) }) test_that("Test parsing a CSV section (with row limit)", { lines <- c("h1,h2", "r1,r2,", "h3,h4", "r3,r4") out <- csv_table_parser("test", ",", max_rows = 2)(1, lines) test_df <- out[[1]]$test expect_true(!is.null(test_df)) expect_length(test_df, 1) }) ### Tests for join_parsers test_that("Test joining multiple parsers", { lines <- c("key1,value", "", "key2;value2;", "") parser1 <- key_value_parser("key1", ",") parser2 <- key_value_parser("key2", ";") parser <- join_parsers(parser1, skip_blanks_parser, parser2) out <- parser(1, lines) expect_equal(out[[1]], list(key1 = "value", key2 = "value2")) }) ### Tests for make_optional test_that("Test making a parser optional", { lines <- c("key,value", "key2,value2") parser <- make_optional(key_value_parser("opt", ",")) out <- parser(1, lines) expect_equal(out[[1]], NULL) }) ### Tests for match_any_parser test_that("Test matching any of the parsers", { lines <- c("key,value", "key2,value2") parser1 <- key_value_parser("key1", ",") parser2 <- key_value_parser("key", ",") parser <- match_any_parser(parser1, parser2) out <- parser(1, lines) expect_equal(out[[1]], list(key = "value")) expect_equal(out[[2]], 2) }) ### Tests for repeat_parser test_that("Test repeating a parser", { lines <- c("key1,value2", "key2,value2,", "key3,value3,,,,,") parser <- repeat_parser(key_value_parser("key\\d+", ",")) out <- parser(1, lines) expect_equal(out[[1]], list(key1 = "value2", key2 = "value2", key3 = "value3")) }) ## Functionality tests test_that("Parse the random plate data", { plate_file <- system.file("extdata", "random.csv", package = "SerolyzeR", mustWork = TRUE) expect_error(read_xponent_format(plate_file), NA) }) test_that("Parse the random plate 2 data", { plate_file <- system.file("extdata", "random2.csv", package = "SerolyzeR", mustWork = TRUE) expect_error(read_xponent_format(plate_file), NA) }) file_parse_success <- function(file) { print(paste0("Parsing file", file)) expect_error_free <- TRUE tryCatch( { read_xponent_format(file) }, error = function(e) { print(sprintf("Error on file: %s\n", file)) print(e) expect_error_free <<- FALSE } ) if (expect_error_free) { print("Parsing successful") } expect_error_free } test_that("Parse external plates", { external_data_dir <- system.file("extdata", "external", package = "SerolyzeR", mustWork = TRUE) for (file in list.files(external_data_dir, full.names = TRUE)) { expect_true(file_parse_success(file)) } })