library(magrittr) library(testthat) library(SVMMaj) n <- 10 k <- 4 beta <- matrix(rnorm(k + 1), ncol = 1) X.base <- matrix(rnorm(n * k), ncol = k) y.base <- scale(X.base %*% beta[-1] + beta[1]) > 0 test_that( desc = "Simple linear SVM & decomposition methods", { X <- cbind(X.base, X.base %*% matrix(runif(4), ncol = 1)) y <- y.base model <- list() for (dec in c("svd", "chol", "none")) { model[[dec]] <- svmmaj(X, y, options = list(decomposition = dec)) } expect_false( any(duplicated(sapply(model, function(x) x$method$type))), info = "test types should all be different" ) for (i in seq_along(model[-1])) { expect_lt( max(abs(model[[i]]$q - model[[i + 1]]$q)), 1e-5, label = "predicted value should be equal for all decompositions" ) expect_lt( max(abs(model[[i]]$beta - model[[i + 1]]$beta)), 1e-5, label = "beta should be equal for all decompositions" ) } } ) test_that( desc = "Simple nonlinear kernels & decomposition methods", { X <- X.base y <- y.base model.svd <- svmmaj( X, y, kernel = rbfdot, options = list(decomposition = "svd") ) model.chol <- svmmaj( X, y, kernel = rbfdot, options = list(decomposition = "chol") ) ## predicted values are equal expect_true(model.chol$method$type != model.svd$method$type) expect_lt(max(abs(model.svd$q - model.chol$q)), 1e-4) } ) test_that( desc = "Spline transformation", { X <- X.base y <- y.base model.svd <- svmmaj(X, y, = 2, spline.knots = 5) expect_is(model.svd, "svmmaj") } ) ## Weird input test_that( desc = "Checks for matching dimensions", { X <- matrix(rnorm(50), ncol = 5) y <- sample(1:10 > 3) X_test <- matrix(rnorm(50), ncol = 5) y_test <- rnorm(9) model <- svmmaj(X, y) expect_error(svmmaj(X_test, y_test), "Number of observations") predict(model, X) } ) test_that( desc = "Can handle classes input of less than one in test set", { X <- matrix(rnorm(50), ncol = 5) y <- sample(1:10 > 4) X_test <- X y_test <- rep(TRUE, 10) model <- svmmaj(X, y) q_pred <- predict(model, X_test, y = y_test) expect_equivalent(q_pred, model$q) } ) test_that( desc = "Can handle constant attribute set", { X <- matrix(1, nrow = 10) %*% matrix(1:5, nrow = 1) X_test <- matrix(1, nrow = 10) %*% matrix(2:6, nrow = 1) # X = cbind(X, rnorm(10)) y <- sample(1:10 > 5) y_test <- rnorm(10) > 0 model <- svmmaj(X, y) q_pred <- predict(model, X_test, y = y_test) expect_equivalent(q_pred, model$q) } ) test_that( desc = "Prediction of the same input should be equal", { X <- X.base y <- y.base model <- svmmaj(X, y, lambda = 0.01) q.train <- model$q q.test <- predict(model, X, factor(y)) expect_equivalent(q.train, q.test) } ) test_that( desc = "Test for case when test set lies outside of training set", { X <- cbind( matrix(runif(40), ncol = 4), b = factor(sample(0:1, 10, .5)) ) y <- sample(1:10 > 3) model <- svmmaj(X, y) X_test <- cbind( matrix(runif(20), ncol = 4), b = factor(sample(0:2, 5, 0.5)) ) y_test <- rnorm(5) > 0.4 q <- predict(model, X_test, y_test) expect_is(q, "q.svmmaj") } ) test_that( desc = "Example returns no majority voting", { model1 <- svmmaj(diabetes$X, diabetes$y, hinge = "quadratic", lambda = 1) library(kernlab) weights.obs <- list(positive = 2, negative = 1) model2 <- svmmaj( diabetes$X, diabetes$y, hinge = "quadratic", lambda = 1, weights.obs = weights.obs, scale = "interval", kernel = rbfdot, kernel.sigma = 1 ) ## I-spline basis library(ggplot2) model3 <- svmmaj( diabetes$X, diabetes$y, weight.obs = weight.obs, spline.knots = 3, = 2 ) is_maj_voting <- function(q, eps = 0.01) { signs <- sign(q) > 0 min_avg <- min(mean(signs), 1 - mean(signs)) return(min_avg < eps) } expect_equal(is_maj_voting(model1$q), FALSE) expect_equal(is_maj_voting(model2$q), FALSE) expect_equal(is_maj_voting(model3$q), FALSE) } )