library("SISIR") context("Test that quality computation and plots for `SFCB` objects work as expected...") data("truffles") beta <- c(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) test_that("quality computation works as expected without selection.", { expected_outputs <- c("dendro", "groups", "summaries", "mse", "importances", "computational.times", "call", "truth", "quality", "threshold") out1 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls") expect_named(quality(out1, beta, threshold = 0.001), expected_outputs) out2 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "cclustofvar", summary.method = "basics") expect_named(quality(out2, beta, threshold = 0.001), expected_outputs) out3 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", = c(5, 7)) expect_named(quality(out3, beta, threshold = 0.001), expected_outputs) out4 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "basics", = c(5, 7)) expect_named(quality(out4, beta, threshold = 0.01), expected_outputs) }) test_that("quality computation works as expected with selection.", { expected_outputs <- c("dendro", "groups", "summaries", "selected", "mse", "importances", "computational.times", "call", "truth", "quality") out4 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", selection.method = "relief") expect_named(quality(out4, beta), expected_outputs) out5 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", selection.method = "relief", = c(5, 7)) expect_named(quality(out5, beta), expected_outputs) out6 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "basics", selection.method = "relief") expect_named(quality(out6, beta), expected_outputs) out7 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "basics", selection.method = "relief", = c(5, 7)) expect_named(quality(out7, beta), expected_outputs) out8 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", selection.method = "relief", = c(5, 12)) expect_named(quality(out8, beta), expected_outputs) expect_named(quality(out8, beta, threshold = 0.01), c(expected_outputs, "threshold")) }) test_that("quality graphics works as expected.", { out1 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls") out1b <- quality(out1, beta, threshold = 0.001) p <- plot(out1b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "mse") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out1b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "time") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out1b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "ARI") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out1b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "NMI") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out1b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = c("mse", "NMI")) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out1b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = c("Precision", "Recall")) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out2 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", = c(5, 7)) out2b <- quality(out2, beta, threshold = 0.001) p <- plot(out2b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "mse") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out2b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "time") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out2b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "NMI") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out2b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = c("mse", "ARI")) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out2b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = c("Precision", "Recall")) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out3 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", selection.method = "relief", = c(5, 12)) out3b <- extract_at(out3, c(9, 11:12)) out3c <- quality(out3b, beta, threshold = 0.01) p <- plot(out3c, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "mse") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out3c, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "ARI") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out3c, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = c("mse", "NMI")) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out3c, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = c("Precision", "Recall")) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") }) test_that("quality computation returns errors as expected.", { out1 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls") expect_error({ quality(out1, c(0, 1), threshold = 0.001) }, "'ground_truth' must have a length identical to initial number", fixed = FALSE) expect_error({ quality(out1, beta, threshold = "A") }, "'threshold' must be a positive number or NULL.", fixed = FALSE) expect_error({ quality(out1, beta, threshold = -3) }, "'threshold' must be a positive number or NULL.", fixed = FALSE) expect_error({ quality(out1, beta) }, "No selected interval in this 'SFCB' object and no 'threshold'", fixed = FALSE) }) test_that("quality graphics return errors as expected.", { out1 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls") out1b <- quality(out1, beta, threshold = 0.001) expect_error({ plot(out1b, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = c("mse", "time")) }, "'time' is a valid quality criterion to plot only taken alone.", fixed = FALSE) expect_error({plot(out1, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "Precision")}, "'quality.crit' must be a vector with length at most 2 in", fixed = FALSE) expect_error({plot(out1, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = c("mse", "time", "Precision"))}, "'quality.crit' must be a vector with length at most 2 in", fixed = FALSE) expect_error({ plot(out1, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "AA") }, "'quality.crit' must be a vector with length at most 2 in", fixed = FALSE) out2 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", keep.time = FALSE) expect_error({ plot(out2, plot.type = "quality", quality.crit = "time") }, "'quality.crit' must be a vector with length at most 2 in", fixed = FALSE) })