library("SISIR") context("Test that graphics for `SFCB` objects work as expected...") data("truffles") test_that("graphics for 'importance' work as expected.", { out1 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls") p <- plot(out1, plot.type = "importance") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out1, plot.type = "importance", shape.imp = "histogram") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out2 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", selection.method = "relief", = c(5, 12)) p <- plot(out2, plot.type = "importance") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out2, plot.type = "importance", shape.imp = "histogram") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out3 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "cclustofvar", summary.method = "basics") p <- plot(out3, plot.type = "importance") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out3, plot.type = "importance", shape.imp = "histogram") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out4 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "basics", = c(5, 7)) p <- plot(out4, plot.type = "importance") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out4, plot.type = "importance", shape.imp = "histogram") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out5 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "basics", selection.method = "relief", = c(5, 7)) p <- plot(out5, plot.type = "importance") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out5, plot.type = "importance", shape.imp = "histogram") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") }) test_that("graphics for 'selection' work as expected.", { out1 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls") p <- plot(out1, plot.type = "selection") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out1, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection", threshold = 0.00011) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out2 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", selection.method = "relief") p <- plot(out2, plot.type = "selection") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out2, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out3 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", selection.method = "relief", = c(5, 12)) p <- plot(out3, plot.type = "selection") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out3, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out4 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "cclustofvar", summary.method = "basics") p <- plot(out4, plot.type = "selection") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out4, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection", threshold = 0.0015) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out5 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "basics", = c(5, 7)) suppressWarnings({ p <- plot(out5, plot.type = "selection") }) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") p <- plot(out5, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection", threshold = 0.005) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out6 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "basics", selection.method = "relief") p <- plot(out6, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out7 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "basics", selection.method = "relief", = c(5, 7)) p <- plot(out7, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection") expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") out8 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", = c(5, 7)) p <- plot(out8, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection", threshold = 0.02) expect_s3_class(p, "ggplot") expect_error({ p <- plot(out8, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection", threshold = "1") }, "'threshold' must be numeric.", fixed = FALSE) expect_error({ p <- plot(out7, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection", threshold = 1) }, "A selection method has already been used", fixed = FALSE) expect_warning({ p <- plot(out4, plot.type = "selection", threshold = 0.0015) }, "'sel.type' is not 'selection'. Automatically switching", fixed = FALSE) expect_error({ p <- plot(out4, plot.type = "selection", sel.type = "selection") }, "Choose sel.type = 'importance'", fixed = FALSE) }) test_that("graphics for 'dendrogram' work as expected.", { out1 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls") expect_message({ plot(out1) }, "Reversals detected in the dendrogram.") out2 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", selection.method = "relief") expect_message({ plot(out2) }, "Reversals detected in the dendrogram.") out3 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "adjclust", summary.method = "pls", selection.method = "relief", = c(5, 12)) expect_message({ plot(out3) }, "Only the first 3 selections are represented") out4 <- sfcb(rainfall, truffles, group.method = "cclustofvar", summary.method = "basics") expect_message({ plot(out4) }, "Reversals detected in the dendrogram.") })