library(testthat) library(xts) library(zoo) # Create a sample data set for testing set.seed(123) dates <- seq(as.POSIXct("2023-01-01"), as.POSIXct("2023-01-10"), by = "day") values <- rnorm(length(dates)) sample <- xts(values, = dates) # Let's get the standardized values (only for test purposes) std_index <- function(x, timescale) { return((x - mean(x)) / sd(x)) } sample_std <- std_index(sample, timescale = "days") test_that("get_drought works correctly with xts input", { drought_df <- get_drought(sample_std, thresholds = c(-1, -1.5, -2), exceed = FALSE) expect_equal(ncol(drought_df), 6) # "Index" "x" "ins" "occ" "dur" "mag" expect_equal(colnames(drought_df), c("Index", "x", "ins", "occ", "dur", "mag")) expect_true(all(drought_df$occ %in% c(0, 1))) })