m <- SDMtune:::bm_maxent test <- SDMtune:::t test_that("The output is correct when test argument is not given", { th <- thresholds(m, type = "cloglog") expect_named(th, c("Threshold", "Cloglog value", "Fractional predicted area", "Training omission rate")) expect_equal(th$Threshold, c("Minimum training presence", "Equal training sensitivity and specificity", "Maximum training sensitivity plus specificity")) expect_equal(class(th), "data.frame") }) test_that("The output is correct when test argument is given", { th <- thresholds(m, type = "cloglog", test = test) expect_named(th, c("Threshold", "Cloglog value", "Fractional predicted area", "Training omission rate", "Test omission rate", "P-values")) expect_equal(th$Threshold, c("Minimum training presence", "Equal training sensitivity and specificity", "Maximum training sensitivity plus specificity", "Equal test sensitivity and specificity", "Maximum test sensitivity plus specificity")) expect_equal(class(th), "data.frame") })