test_that("table_exists() works for default schema", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Generate table in default schema that does not exist k <- 0 while (k < 100) { invalid_table_name <- paste(sample(letters, size = 16, replace = TRUE), collapse = "") k <- k + 1 if (DBI::dbExistsTable(conn, id(invalid_table_name, conn))) next break } if (k < 100) { # Without explicit schema, table_exists assumes default schema expect_true(table_exists(conn, "__mtcars")) expect_false(table_exists(conn, invalid_table_name)) expect_true(table_exists(conn, DBI::Id(table = "__mtcars"))) expect_false(table_exists(conn, DBI::Id(table = invalid_table_name))) # Using the default schema should therefore yield the same results expect_true(table_exists(conn, paste(get_schema(conn), "__mtcars", sep = "."))) expect_false(table_exists(conn, paste(get_schema(conn), invalid_table_name, sep = "."))) expect_true(table_exists(conn, DBI::Id(schema = get_schema(conn), table = "__mtcars"))) expect_false(table_exists(conn, DBI::Id(schema = get_schema(conn), table = invalid_table_name))) } else { warning("Non-existing table in default schema could not be generated!", call. = FALSE) } connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("table_exists() works for non-default schema", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Generate schema that does not exist k <- 0 while (k < 100) { invalid_schema_name <- paste(sample(letters, size = 16, replace = TRUE), collapse = "") k <- k + 1 if (schema_exists(conn, invalid_schema_name)) next break } if (k < 100) { # With an implied schema, table_exists should still determine existence correctly # Character inputs expect_true(table_exists(conn, "test.mtcars")) expect_false(table_exists(conn, paste(invalid_schema_name, "mtcars", sep = "."))) # DBI::Id inputs if (schema_exists(conn, "test")) { expect_true(table_exists(conn, DBI::Id(schema = "test", table = "mtcars"))) } else { expect_false(table_exists(conn, DBI::Id(schema = "test", table = "mtcars"))) } expect_false(table_exists(conn, DBI::Id(schema = invalid_schema_name, table = "mtcars"))) } else { warning("Non-existing schema could not be generated!", call. = FALSE) } connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("table_exists() fails when multiple matches are found", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Not all data bases support schemas. # Here we filter out the data bases that do not support schema # NOTE: SQLite does support schema, but we test both with and without attaching schemas if (schema_exists(conn, "test") && schema_exists(conn, "test.one")) { DBI::dbExecute(conn, 'CREATE TABLE "test"."one.two"(a TEXT)') DBI::dbExecute(conn, 'CREATE TABLE "test.one"."two"(b TEXT)') expect_error( table_exists(conn, "test.one.two"), regex = "More than one table matching 'test.one.two' was found!" ) } connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("table_exists() works when starting from empty", { skip_if_not_installed("RSQLite") conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:") expect_false(table_exists(conn, "mtcars")) dplyr::copy_to(conn, mtcars, "mtcars", temporary = FALSE) expect_true(table_exists(conn, "mtcars")) connection_clean_up(conn) })