test_that("slice_time() works", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # SQLite does not work with dates. But since we use ISO 8601 for dates, we can compare lexicographically xx <- get_table(conn, "__mtcars") %>% dplyr::mutate(checksum = dplyr::row_number(), from_ts = dplyr::if_else(checksum <= 20, "2022-06-01", "2022-06-15"), until_ts = NA_character_) expect_identical(nrow(slice_time(xx, "2022-05-01")), 0L) expect_identical(nrow(slice_time(xx, "2022-06-01")), 20L) expect_identical(nrow(slice_time(xx, "2022-06-15")), nrow(mtcars)) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("slice_time() works with non-standard columns", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # SQLite does not work with dates. But since we use ISO 8601 for dates, we can compare lexicographically xx <- get_table(conn, "__mtcars") %>% dplyr::mutate(checksum = dplyr::row_number(), valid_from = dplyr::if_else(checksum <= 20, "2022-06-01", "2022-06-15"), valid_until = NA_character_) expect_identical(nrow(slice_time(xx, "2022-05-01", from_ts = "valid_from", until_ts = "valid_until")), 0L) expect_identical(nrow(slice_time(xx, "2022-06-01", from_ts = "valid_from", until_ts = "valid_until")), 20L) expect_identical(nrow(slice_time(xx, "2022-06-15", from_ts = "valid_from", until_ts = "valid_until")), nrow(mtcars)) connection_clean_up(conn) } })