test_that("lock helpers works in default and test schema", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { for (schema in list(NULL, "test")) { # Define the testing tables test_table_id <- id(paste(c(schema, "mtcars"), collapse = "."), conn) lock_table_id <- id(paste(c(schema, "locks"), collapse = "."), conn) ## Check we can add locks expect_true(lock_table(conn, db_table = test_table_id, schema = schema)) db_lock_table <- dplyr::tbl(conn, lock_table_id) expect_identical(colnames(db_lock_table), c("schema", "table", "user", "lock_start", "pid")) expect_identical( dplyr::collect(dplyr::select(db_lock_table, !"lock_start")), tibble::tibble( "schema" = purrr::pluck(test_table_id, "name", "schema"), "table" = purrr::pluck(test_table_id, "name", "table"), "user" = Sys.info()[["user"]], "pid" = as.numeric(Sys.getpid()) ) ) ## Check we can remove locks expect_null(unlock_table(conn, db_table = test_table_id, schema = schema)) expect_identical(nrow(db_lock_table), 0L) # Add an invalid lock that we do not own dplyr::rows_append( db_lock_table, tibble::tibble( "schema" = purrr::pluck(test_table_id, "name", "schema"), "table" = purrr::pluck(test_table_id, "name", "table"), "user" = "some_other_user", "lock_start" = as.numeric(Sys.time()), "pid" = 0.5 ), in_place = TRUE, copy = TRUE ) expect_identical(nrow(db_lock_table), 1L) ## Check invalid lock owners are flagged not_on_cran <- interactive() || identical(Sys.getenv("NOT_CRAN"), "true") || identical(Sys.getenv("CI"), "true") if (not_on_cran) { # Detection of currently valid PID does not work on CRAN machines, therefore no error is thrown expect_error( lock_table(conn, test_table_id, schema = schema), glue::glue( "Active lock \\(user = some_other_user, PID = 0.5\\) on table {test_table_id} is no longer a valid PID! ", "Process likely crashed before completing." ) ) } # Remove the lock unlock_table(conn, db_table = test_table_id, schema = schema, pid = 0.5) expect_identical(nrow(db_lock_table), 0L) ## Check that we cannot steal locks # Get the PID of a background process that will linger for a while bg_process <- callr::r_bg(function() Sys.sleep(10)) expect_false(bg_process$get_pid() == Sys.getpid()) # Add a valid lock that we do not own dplyr::rows_append( db_lock_table, tibble::tibble( "schema" = purrr::pluck(test_table_id, "name", "schema"), "table" = purrr::pluck(test_table_id, "name", "table"), "user" = "some_other_user", "lock_start" = as.numeric(Sys.time()), "pid" = bg_process$get_pid() ), in_place = TRUE, copy = TRUE ) ## Check we cannot achieve table lock expect_false(lock_table(conn, test_table_id, schema = schema)) # Remove the lock unlock_table(conn, db_table = test_table_id, schema = schema, pid = bg_process$get_pid()) expect_identical(nrow(db_lock_table), 0L) # Clean up DBI::dbRemoveTable(conn, lock_table_id) } close_connection(conn) } })