test_that("id() works for character input without implied schema", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Without schema, we expect: # ... no change of no conn is given expect_identical(id("test_mtcars"), DBI::Id(table = "test_mtcars")) # .. the defaults schema if conn is given expect_identical( id("test_mtcars", conn), DBI::Id(catalog = get_catalog(conn), schema = SCDB::get_schema(conn), table = "test_mtcars") ) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("id() works for character input with implied schema", { # With schema we expect the implied schema.table to be resolved: # ... when no conn is given, we naively assume schema.table holds true expect_identical(id("test.mtcars"), DBI::Id(schema = "test", table = "mtcars")) for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # ... when conn is given, we check if implied schema exists. # NOTE: All testing connections should have the schema "test" (except SQLite without attached schemas) # therefore, in almost all cases, we should resolve the schema correctly (except the SQLite case above) if (inherits(conn, "SQLiteConnection") && !schema_exists(conn, "test")) { expect_identical(id("test.mtcars", conn), DBI::Id(schema = "main", table = "test.mtcars")) } else { expect_identical(id("test.mtcars", conn), DBI::Id(catalog = get_catalog(conn), schema = "test", table = "mtcars")) } connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("id() works for character input with implied schema when schema does not exist", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Generate schema that does not exist k <- 0 while (k < 100) { invalid_schema_name <- paste(sample(letters, size = 16, replace = TRUE), collapse = "") k <- k + 1 if (schema_exists(conn, invalid_schema_name)) next break } if (k < 100) { table_name <- paste(invalid_schema_name, "mtcars", sep = ".") # When schema does not exist and allow_table_only is TRUE, the schema should be the default schema expect_identical( id(table_name, conn = conn, allow_table_only = TRUE), DBI::Id(catalog = get_catalog(conn), schema = get_schema(conn), table = table_name) ) # When schema does not exist and allow_table_only is FALSE, the schema should be as implied expect_identical( id(table_name, conn = conn, allow_table_only = FALSE), DBI::Id(catalog = get_catalog(conn), schema = invalid_schema_name, table = "mtcars") ) } else { warning("Non-existing schema could not be generated!", call. = FALSE) } connection_clean_up(conn) # When connection is closed, the existence of the schema cannot be validated and an error should be given expect_error(id(table_name, conn = conn), "DBI::dbIsValid\\(conn\\): FALSE") } }) test_that("id() works for DBI::Id inputs", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # When passing an Id without a schema, id should enrich the Id with the default schema expect_identical( id(DBI::Id(table = "mtcars"), conn), DBI::Id(catalog = get_catalog(conn), schema = get_schema(conn), table = "mtcars") ) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("id() is consistent for tbl_dbi inputs", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { expectation <- id(dplyr::tbl(conn, id("test.mtcars", conn))) expect_identical( expectation, id.tbl_dbi(dplyr::tbl(conn, id("test.mtcars", conn))) ) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("id() is gives informative error for manipulated tbl_dbi inputs", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { expect_error( id(dplyr::mutate(dplyr::tbl(conn, "__mtcars"), a = 2)), "Table identification can only be determined if the lazy query is unmodified" ) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("id() works for data.frame inputs", { for (conn in get_test_conns()) { # Output of get_tables should be parsable by id db_table <- utils::head(get_tables(conn), 1) db_table_id <- expect_no_error(id(db_table)) # And it should have the corresponding fields, which we here check by comparing the string representations expect_identical( as.character(db_table_id), paste(unlist(db_table), collapse = ".") ) connection_clean_up(conn) } }) test_that("as.character.id() works with implicit output", { expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(table = "table")), "table") expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(schema = "schema", table = "table")), "schema.table") expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(catalog = "catalog", schema = "schema", table = "table")), "catalog.schema.table") expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(table = "table", schema = "schema")), "schema.table") expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(table = "table", schema = "schema", catalog = "catalog")), "catalog.schema.table") }) test_that("as.character.id() works with explicit output", { expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(table = "table"), explicit = TRUE), "\"table\"") expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(schema = "schema", table = "table"), explicit = TRUE), "\"schema\".\"table\"") expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(catalog = "catalog", schema = "schema", table = "table"), explicit = TRUE), "\"catalog\".\"schema\".\"table\"") expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(table = "table", schema = "schema"), explicit = TRUE), "\"schema\".\"table\"") expect_identical(as.character(DBI::Id(table = "table", schema = "schema", catalog = "catalog"), explicit = TRUE), "\"catalog\".\"schema\".\"table\"") })